Category Archives: reaction

Response and reaction

M. Marshall 2.28

For the reaction post I chose this post from Tini Time:

I actually imagine that this sort of propaganda would be how my character recognizes the brain-washing going on from the government. This idea that, eventually, this animal-cyborg-robot-army thing would just be another thing the government did to an innocent group of people (now animals). I think this realization could start some sort of an uprising and eventual downfall of the tyrannic government.


After a long day DK comes home and sees a news paper on his doorstep, he instantly becomes curious and picks it up to read and on the front page it is a police station shootout. He instantly question who would open fire on a police station and he does further research into trying to figure out why and if there are any patterns that could lead to another shooting

Runa Reacts

Ever imagined how Runa Starr would react to propaganda posters? Well your dream has just come true! Here is Runa’s reaction if she had a Twitter account.

Poster from Liv it up with Liv

Poster from DK’s DS106 blog

Poster from Flower Bed

Bumper Sticker from Rebecca’s Radiant Realm


Since Runa Starr is a young adult I tried to think of what would she most likely use to comment on other people’s propaganda posters. Social media made the most sense so I used TweetGen which is a fake tweet generator that allowed me to write out her reactions as if it was a real account. I made sure to apply her personality to each post with emojis, big reactions, and using all caps to emphasize certain words.

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphria Mae Edition.

Sapphria Mae would have like this post about the Propaganda rather than the actual propaganda itself. I’m not exactly sure where on the political ideological spectrum she would be but as a femme fatale I don’t believe she would like the current President very much. Which may or may not be personal, I don’t believe she admires or likes many men. Trump would have probably become one of her next victims and lost a lot more than the skin off of his ear.

Battle of The Birds – Sincerely, Kristen; Sapphria Mae would love this propaganda. I don’t believe she’s the biggest sports fan, but she loves competition and rivalry. What’s better than watching men beat each other up? Less work for her to have to do.

Sapphria would probably agree with this Propaganda. She doesn’t use a cell phone a lot and she see’s others overindulging themselves into their screens on the daily and not paying attention to what is going on in the world. Although, she enjoys it because that means less people are paying attention to any scandals that she may be getting into.

Krissy’s Faves

It was interesting to look at these posts through the eyes of Krissy. It took me a minute to gather the posts that I wanted Krissy to react to, but eventually I was able to put together a few that Krissy would have a lot to say about.

Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

I think Krissy would like this post because Sapphira is an empowering femme fatale. I think Krissy would look up to her in a lot of ways, especially as she progresses into her mission. A lot of people view powerful women as rule breakers and society is made to believe they are villains. However, Krissy would know better than this and even relate to it as she views herself as powerfull. Although Krissy’s archetype is not Femme Fatale, like Sapphira, they are both independent women and I think they would be friends.

Live it Up With Liv

I think Krissy would be horrified and appalled by this newspaper. She would understand being frusterated with people online but to actively wish death on people is terrible. Additionally, she’d be even more terrified of the twist that the people who used the #deathto hashtag would die. Krissy would be terrified of this concept and it would remind her of how scary and powerful technology has become. She would use this as a reminder while she goes off to fight her mission.

Rylie’s Riveting Region

Krissy would be terrified if she heard this on her radio. She doesn’t own any smart home devices because her family thinks they make you lazy. However, just because she doesn’t have these devices, doesn’t mean she doesn’t empathize with the people who do. Krissy would also be terrified for what this means for the future of technology, will people find a fix for this problem or will they just become more sneaky to avoid getting caught. Maybe this is what ultimately leads to the demise of the future.

Vee’s Favorite Digital Creations From the Week

When scrolling through everyone’s creations and work throughout the week, I was able to pick out a few of her favorites! Whether they are entertaining or if they convey an important message, here are a couple of Vee’s favorite digital creations.


I think Vee would really appreciate Flower Bed’s propaganda poster! The messaging behind it is very important, as nowadays a lot of people are stuck to their screens. Technology was made in order to make our lives easier, but has it created an addiction among some individuals that can’t be reversed? This is something Vee would acknowledge, as she prefers old-fashioned methods when it comes to her missions.


Another favorite of hers is a PSA that Rylie made! It replicates the emergency broadcasts that we hear today, but added a fun narrative of the several voice assistants such as Siri or Alexa going rogue. It goes along with our theme for the class very well. Vee would appreciate the story of the voice assistants taking over because again, she likes relying on herself instead of technology. The idea of technology taking over isn’t a stretch for her.


Lastly, she would love Coni’s newspaper clipping from The Terminator! The design of it, as well as how it describes the event makes it sound like it actually happened! Vee likes the Terminator movies, and would love the thought process and creativity behind the clipping itself.

Character Reaction

by Andrew Johnson

After looking through a few of my fellow students’ propaganda submissions, one that Jonathan could react to is “Mustafa’s Thoughts.” My character would like the aspects shown through the poster. The simple color does construct that Aggressive Technologies will go through any measure to achieve what they must to be at full capacity.

Chuckles Reacts

Chuckles isn’t quite sure as to where he stands with AI and Aggressive Technologies. However, he has stated that he is not pleased with the takeover from Aggressive Technologies on his architect job. Chuckles has a lot more to say and more thoughts on Aggressive Technologies which can be found here. For now here is the next assignment of his reactions to a few designs and PSAs others produced.

First up is the propaganda picture by Marie. First thing I have to say is that Chuckles would have a great laugh seeing this post. He would also really get along with Marie. They share the same sense of humor and pretty much the same values. Overall, Chuckles enjoyed the incorporation of humor with this serious matter.

Next up is a Public Service Announcement by cat on a moped and Dr. Ravioli. Chuckles is not chuckling after hearing this PSA… A fully AI operated moped?! He has so many thoughts and concerns with this concept. This was not the news he wanted to hear this morning. He fears that the helmet could be useful but harmful at the same time. There’s always issues and risks with having something fully dependent on technology, and there’s not always a positive outcome from it.

Lastly, we have another propaganda poster, this one is by Sydney. Chuckles would not react well to this either. The first line is “We’ll think for you” and Chuckles says that first they will think for you, and next thing you know they are doing everything for you and trying to be you. The word trust is mentioned on their twice and Chuckles would be quick to inform you that you can never fully trust AI.

Propaganda Reactions

I chose three pieces of propaganda for Isaiah Beacon to react to, one that’s anti-AI and two that’s pro-AI. Starting with the anti-AI propaganda, Xander’s poster is particularly critical of Aggressive Technologies due to being fired from them in the past. Isaiah would say that Xander was likely a lazy employee who didn’t know how to be efficient enough. With the growing power of AI, it is essential for employees like Xander to be able to compete and cooperate with AI.

Isaiah appreciated Josh’s sticker as it shows the full power of Aggressive Technologies and their forward thinking innovations. Isaiah is impressed with Josh’s hardworking ethic and incredible intelligence, and he is eagerly waiting for the flying cars.

Finally, Isaiah really loved Lady Alice’s poster as it portrays a future that Isaiah wishes to see. Isaiah believes that the intermixing of AI and humans are the best thing for the survival of the human race. Isaiah has some more traditional values as well so he loves the Normal Rockwell inspiration. I believe that Isaiah would have this hanging above his dining room table.