Category Archives: propagandadesign

aggressive tech: propaganda poster

For this assignment, we had to design some propaganda of our choosing which was a very open-ended prompt I wasn’t sure what to do with. Especially since last week, I had unknowingly already done a propaganda theme of my own I had felt like all my good ideas were used already.

So to find some inspiration I looked up some propaganda posters and after looking for a while I found I design I liked that was actually inspired by the game Fallout 76. So with this concept in mind, I chose to make one for Aggressive Technologies because it’s a nice blank slate that can go in any direction. Since Andrea works for them it would make sense that she might have to do some PR work for the company like the propaganda video I made last week.

I used Stable Diffusion Online to create the image of the poster in a cyberpunk style. The final design is actually a combination of two different photos. I couldn’t get the generator to produce an android and city image I like in the same frame so I took the android from another photo it made, removed the background, and plopped it into a generated photo of the city using Photopea.

I then wanted the company’s banners all over the city and at first I tried just to replace them by placing the text over it but it looked weird since it didn’t capture how the words would look if it was flowing in the wind. So I quickly made a banner-sized flag in Canva and then uploaded the image to this website, FlagWaver, I found that creates a flying flag with all types of settings where you can choose the type of flag to the wind direction and speed. With a few images of a flying banner, I edited them into my poster to make them look as natural as I could.

I then added the “Fight For Your Freedom” text to mimic some other propaganda posters I had seen. I also wanted people to have some way of joining and learning more so I made a QR code that links to the Aggressive Technologies website I made using a QR Code Generator I found that had a lot of customizable options. The final result is something I think could definitely be found plastered around the city to entice people into this cool-looking futuristic company that promises to help fight for the people’s freedom. The final result is below.

Leo’s Propaganda

For my propaganda I used my created AI character Leo Storm. Creating this was simple. The first thing I did was upload Leo’s picture to, then using the text box feature I added the phrase “Believe in yourself”. The message behind this propaganda is to encourage yourself to believe in yourself when you’re in doubt. Sometimes we all need that simple reminder when we are struggling. Leo is a great example of believing in yourself as he had to believe in himself to get where he is today.


I generated an AI generated photo of “man pointing at the camera in a stern manner” which came up with this image. I took the image to a meme generator and made it say “You got this, bro.” This is supposed to be an encouraging message for anyone who comes across this propaganda.

Xander’s Propaganda

One of the assignments that we had to do this week was to create a poster that was categorized as propaganda related to our course character or to Aggressive Technologies. So, for my assignment description, I decided to create a propaganda poster that was both directly related to my course character and his opinion and view on Aggressive Technologies. In the picture, you can see my character, Xander Neoteric, standing in front of Aggressive Technologies main headquarters, and the title “Aggressive Tech: Profit Over People,” I chose this title because in one of my posts from last week I talked about how Aggressive Technologies severely mistreated Xander as an employee and put profits and revenue over valuing their employees and workers. Therefore, this poster serves as the perfect example of what type of company Aggressive Technologies is and what they truly stand for.

Since some of the aspects that we can focus on while creating propaganda is to consider the ethics and employment of one’s life, it makes sense that I chose to attack the company’s reputation for their unethical treatment of their employees. It helps to bring to light the truth behind how they construct their business and the types of shady things that they do from within their own walls. Another thing to consider while creating propaganda is the control and ownership of data and information and by stealing Xander’s idea and the data that he was working with, it falls right under this category and helps to reinforce the decisions that I made to create this for my propaganda assignment. You can see the full poster below and I think I did a good job of bringing all of the components talked about above into one picture while also making it visually appealing and easy to understand. I also think that the use of the subtle colors help to push the idea of propaganda even more. In order to create this, I used an AI-chatbot to create the image and gave them prompt that asked to put my course character in front of the Aggressive Technologies building with the text below it that states the line talked about before. I enjoyed creating this piece and think it works really well for the assignment and the requirements that we had to meet while completing the assignment.

Propaganda picture

Marie is obviously against AI and aggressive technologies so she often makes direct memes from an account under her pseudonym. This is one of them, you may also occasionally see propaganda videos on that account that she makes after the kids go to bed. She uses a burner account and is super careful to not give any leads back to her as it may affect her livelihood. I made this using a Free meme generator and a popular meme background.

Propaganda & Debunking Misinformation📷:

Grant will assist in the internal success of Aggressive Technologies.

AI are people too.

After I read the assignments for the week, I was actually pretty excited. I wrote infomercials as a kid for fun. (By the way I am older than Google so there was no YouTube) I thought about the different advertisements used over the years and which ones keep showing up over and over again. What buzz words are popular today. What was successful?

I went with and advertisement that is selling something at the same time promoting social change. I think it hits emotions in a more subtle way. I used Adobe Firefly and gave it the prompt: robot family and children sitting down to eat a large meal together at a table in a house in the style of Norman Rockwell. I then used adobe express to add text. I really like how it turned out.

link to image

While I think Lady Alice would enjoy having an AI robot as a companion or friend, I do not think she would agree they were on the same level as people. Then again, she does find everyone to be stupid so she would probably value AI above most humans because she would see then as better. If she owned the AI, she would see it as important and value it. She already sees people as expendable. I guess to Alice we are all on the same level but at least you can back up a computer.

You will also notice I made it an ad for Aggressive Technologies.

Aggressive Technologies – we are here for you.

I make a propaganda poster

Today I made a propaganda poster for Aggressive Technologies and their work in AI. It reads “We’ll think for you. Trust AI. Trust Aggressive Technologies.”

I chose this phrase because it was the most outrageous AI stance I could think of. It’s also very aggressive, which is fitting. I designed the poster in Canva. I generated the image of the robot on Craiyon using the prompt “AI.” The original image is below. I then put it into Photopea and deleted the background. I put two layers of a city skyline from Canva’s graphics in the background. The font is ITC Bauhaus.

Propaganda posters are very funny to me. They are both clear and conspiratorial, obvious and secretive. The concept is interesting and trying to make one was fun.