
I have never had a class that I enjoyed so much that it pains me to leave everything behind. You know what they say, you. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week we were asked to complete our final project which I did complete on time. I was worried that I would not be able. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
I have been driving to California this whole week and so I needed to find time to up pick out the sounds off of Freeform. . .
I spent from 12am- 6am working on recording my script and using the program Wav2lip to creating the Josh videos. I also worked on matching. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
I decided to make a script tonight to hopefully make this week easier. I picked out all the frames and put them together accordingly. I. . .
The YouTube video is in color, but I changed by putting it into Clipchamp and clicking on the black and white filter. I would like. . .
Outline- I will be creating a show that hopefully will be on the longer side because I really want to showcase everything that I have. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Steps I took: This assignment was based off Consult with your Doctor. I have already done this assignment in the past but not as in. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Josh is a Mechanic from a small town just outside of Aspen, Colorado. Everyone knew everyone and Josh did not like that a whole bunch. . .