Category Archives: ds106goals

What I want to accomplish

I want to do a lot of things sleep on time, pet my dog, and go out in winter in shorts. For this class however, I am less clear about what I want to accomplish. Yes, it meets my requirements to graduate but if that was all it was for, I would be sitting in the easiest 8am class I could right now. However, I am still hear, so I guess you can say my natural curiosity is driving me to understand just a bit more about the huge world around me by taking a course like this.

Goals ds106

When taking ds106 this semester, I’m looking to accomplish the Gen ed requirement as well as also learning and gaining an understanding of the creative process and what goes into creating digitally.


By the end of the semester, I hope to learn new tools and expand my knowledge of the ones I already know. I want to focus on being creative by developing stories and characters that are both complex and engaging. I’m excited to explore different media and apply what I learn to my work at the Digital Knowledge Center, where I’m a consultant helping students with various media projects.

The Future Awaits

by Andrew Johnson

As stated in my first-ever blog post, I mentioned a few goals I would like to achieve throughout the Spring 2024 semester for ds106. The first of my goals was to understand the aspects and tools of ds106 to pursue Pre-Law as my future endeavor. With an understanding of the materials used in ds106, I can help turn the future of how AI is used in the legal system. I believe that I am learning more every week, especially how to use AI and other programs, such as Audacity. Overall, I am excited for the coming weeks to learn more about digital storytelling and audio projects.

DS106 Goals #2

My original ds106 goal was:

“I want to explore the world of digital storytelling more. I want to work hard in this class. I have been dying to take this class since freshman year, but I just had been holding off, and I thought, now is my time to shine! I will also pursue a master’s degree, and one of my courses is Digital Storytelling! Why not get ahead while I can? My goal is to take time and care in my work, review it, edit it, and work with another peer to grow. This is an essential class because I would love to do anything involving digital storytelling as a career.”

My goal still stands, and I have been trying to stay on time and do things with care. I feel like I was definitely not reaching my goal in the beginning. I have been struggling for the past few weeks, especially at the beginning of the semester, with just understanding how to navigate this class with all the different websites and links. I think I had higher expectations for myself in this class because I didn’t know I would be having 20 tabs open to do one assignment and get lost all the time. I do think I have a good understanding now? I hope so! 

Overall, I think my goal is a great goal to have for this class. Always learning and updating your skills is very important. I still would like to reach my goal and  I would say my newer goal would to be how to space out the assignments because starting assignments on Wednesday’s is not enough time for how many assignments.


I believe I was avoiding this post. So, I decided to make myself do it. On 2/17/23 I found a water leak in my home. I spent the rest of the year fighting with my homeowner’s insurance. It is a long story. On January 14th, 2024, I was able to move my family back home. That week we had snow days and classes started at UMW. I got food poisoning. My husband had a rough week and I had to take care of him. He has PTSD and is a disabled veteran. So, I didn’t do this post. For some reason having to type out my goals scares me. It puts in writing what I want to do for everyone to see. I am afraid I will not do well and then everyone would know. There would be no hiding it if it was written down. Not writing it down keeps it a daydream and privet only for me to see. It keeps me safe. But that doesn’t help me grow.

I have been trying to think of goals for this class that go beyond just surviving. I want to be able to make a gif. I want to be able to make a short video with balanced sound. I want to be able to know how to use WordPress and not have to watch a tutorial online every time I want to change something. I want to be comfortable using a computer to make art or graphics (even if they are simple).

This class is making me really stretch and learn new skills. I am excited about the hard things I am learning to do. I know I will fail things at times, but I will learn from my failures even if it is simply what not to do.

What I want to accomplish in ds106

This course offers a platform for creative expression and I plan to utilize the freedom to my fullest extent. I hope to experiment with various storytelling techniques and various digital media tools as well. Not only that but I am excited to document my process with the experiments as I utilize new things. For example, any challenges that come along the way or even just my thought process for going about an assignment.

DS106 Goals

My goal for this class is to work on creative exercises through different mediums and I feel that this course can provide that. I have some experience with digital media in DGST 101, but it was mostly assignments to become familiar with the subject. The creative freedom in this course is perfect for me, so I am excited to come up with unique creations to share with the class.

My goals for this course

When I registered for this class I wasn’t quite sure what exactly I was signing up for. I was looking for an online course because they are a bit easier for me with my current work schedule. Now that the course has started I have a better idea of what this course is about.

I am not a tech savvy person but I am looking forward to this course challenging me in new ways and forcing me out of my comfort zone. So if I have to pick a goal it is to pass the course and learn new skills that I had no intentions to learn a few months ago.

here are my course goals

I decided to join this course for many reasons that most people probably share. Learning to use new digital tools, creating a narrative of my own, and because we’re in college for the credits I desperately need. We’ve already started by making our blogs this week which was fun and I definitely intend to spend more time making it something I like looking at rather than a random template. Also looking at what everyone else has created has been very interesting as well and has made me wonder how I could learn to do more.