Category Archives: ds106

Props to propaganda

LEGO – Star Wars propaganda torn version By ArchWorks

Propaganda was a big hit this week, which is perhaps predictable given the nature of the assignments. Even so, there was some great work, and it’s all worth checking out. One I’d like to highlight comes from Cinderā€™s Wonderland. Note the write up. It explains how AI was used to get ideas, identifies and links to the tools used, and says how they built on the AI image. It even explains the reasoning behind color and font choices. All within one short paragraph.

Also worth noting are the characters’ reactions to PSAs and propaganda for the ways they bring the characters into each others worlds. It is unfortunate that there are only seven reaction posts though…. (sigh)


I really like this post, I think the slogan Liv comes up with is really strong and forces you to reflect on our country’s system.

It was a well thought out poster. The symbolism with the scale and money was done nicely


The design is simple but the picture says a lot

I really liked how minimal this poster was. It is gorgeous and straight to the point. I also liked the message the story behind it. Well done!

You Are What You Eat

It got me. Like it worked. Like that’s what they want with propaganda, it worked.

Not Cracking any Jokes



This was so good and absolutely inspired. Loved it.

Daily Create

I love the view

Breaking News

I love the picture he chose makes it really feel like a news story


I love the poster he made, and the quote really stands out

What’s Black, White, and Read All Over?

I loved the creativity and how it looks so realistic!

Battle of the Birds

I love this! I did the same assignment for the Bills, so it was cool seeing someone else’s interpretation, as well as seeing other team’s! Go Birds!

Social Media Turns Deadly

This newsposter was awesome! It looked like The Washington Post or The New York Times. Very cool! Great job!

Favorite Movie Gif Daily Create

I love this quote and I think the gif is so relatable

Femme Fatale Propaganda

This was a beautiful poster, and I really like the look of this persons character. I love that the look is consistent throughout this persons post!

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphire Mae Edition.

Loved it and thought it was super cute.

Finn Reacting to Public Service Announcements

I love how this person quoted their character to react to posts. I totally can see this character saying these things!

Wouldnā€™t Want to Hear This on the Radio!

This post is so good and I am so impressed with how above and beyond Rylie went for this assignment. Great job!

TDC 2/25 ā€“ 2/28

These were my favorite Daily creates this week!


Well written post. I enjoyed reading it and it put a smile on my face. My favorite part actually was the first sentence.. “I have to start this by saying..”

Daily Create 2/27/25

This was so cool!

Bumper Sticker

This idea was hilarious! I love the design



Weekly Summary #7: Here we go again

M. Marshall 2.28

Welcome back to the weekly summary. These are honestly my favorite part of the week’s work because I love looking back on what I’ve worked on. This week:

I reported from the scene! (Thank you Canva)

I created propaganda (ew):

My character reacted to propaganda:

TDC #1:

TDC #2:

TDC #3:

That’s all for this week! Until next time.

Response and reaction

M. Marshall 2.28

For the reaction post I chose this post from Tini Time:

I actually imagine that this sort of propaganda would be how my character recognizes the brain-washing going on from the government. This idea that, eventually, this animal-cyborg-robot-army thing would just be another thing the government did to an innocent group of people (now animals). I think this realization could start some sort of an uprising and eventual downfall of the tyrannic government.


M. Marshall 2.28

I have to start this by saying that I am a liberal. I hate Donald Trump, I cannot stand the Republican party, and I vote blue in every election. I try not to get overly political in this class because I know it can make people uncomfortable (although, isn’t being uncomfortable how we learn? I digress) and that isn’t the purpose of this class. If you disagree with me, you disagree with me, and that is none of my business. However, propaganda could not be described as anything but political, so that is the direction I am going. After any assassination attempt in any country, there will be a lot of controversy and discussion about political violence. To be clear: I do not believe that attempting to shoot anyone will address the problems going on in a country, but most likely martyrize the individual at the center of the controversy. Also, gun violence is wrong. With those things in mind, since this happened, I have seen the image of Trump, his bloody ear, and his fist pumped into the air more times than I can count, some might call it heroic, some might call it idiotic for remaining in the line of fire, I call it propaganda. He was almost shot for his cause makes Trump supporters dig in their heels further into the dirt. These images enforce the idea that he is patriotic and will fight for his country. The other week, at the mall, I saw a picture of this event put onto a poster, perhaps to serve as a reminder of his strength and commitment to the country. I think it is a perfect example of propaganda, which is why I created this right-wing propaganda.

For the record, no, he won’t. Even if he would, no, I don’t.

Reporting from the scene!

M. Marshall 2.28

For this project I chose the first video, Police Station Shootout from The Terminator (1984). This scene was definitely pretty intense, but a good representation of film noir. I was very lucky this week because I had an important presentation for another class and decided to do a free trial for a month of Canva. This website is great for creating presentations, flyers, papers, anything you might need for free; however, it is really great when you’re paying for it (or on the free trial). Because of that, I was able to create this beautiful newspaper!

I am struggling to upload files onto WordPress, so working on that is definitely a future goal, for now, enjoy my screenshot.

ā€œā€¦like choosing your favorite snackā€

What should ds106 do about those who don't vote for the posts of the week? Should there be consequences for failing to fulfill their democratic duties?

Hmm, that’s an interesting question. In ds106, voting for post of the week is like choosing your favorite snack. It helps showcase great work and encourages participation. While consequences might seem harsh, maybe gentle reminders could help encourage more
voting. After all, everyone’s opinions are important for a fair judgment.

It’s the sigh at the beginning that gets me. I feel the same way. Everyone should be looking over the work of the class, and everyone will definitely see things that they recognize as awesome. But apparently some people can’t be bothered. Who wants to be involved? It’s easier to sleepwalk into dystopia.

That, my friends, is not the 4life attitude. We are all in ds106 together. Get out there and vote!

Super Fun Creates

This week was probably one of my favorite week of creates so far! Not only did I really enjoy creating them I really loved seeing everybody elseā€™s interpretations of the creates.

I completed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays creates read and check them out here:

For Mondayā€™s create I created a GIf based off one of my favorite childhood movies ā€œAlice in Wonderland (2010)ā€

For Tuesdayā€™s create I showed the perspective the grass outside sees during sunset. Very beautiful view if you ask me.

Wednesdayā€™s create was my favorite surprisingly. I donā€™t normally love creating stories or poems, but this one came fairly easy to me. Click here to read the 2 part post about the magical/mystical world of ā€œNeverwinterā€

I hope you enjoy the creates this week as much as I did!

Sincerely, Kristen

Lots of Creativity

I really enjoyed all of the assignments this week. I love editing posters, videos, newsletters, etc which is what this week mainly consisted of.

To start off I completed e daily creates this week Monday ā€“ Wednesday. I loved all the prompts especially the short story. I feel like iā€™m getting much better at the daily creates when it comes to creativity.

This week I created a GIF based off my favorite movie, took a photo of the sunset from the grasses perspective, and wrote a short story about the mystical land of ā€œNeverwinterā€.

For Wednesdayā€™s create the only problem I ran into was the word count error. I wasnā€™t aware that there was a limit to the amount of words you can use, but it makes sense. This caused me to have to make 2 parts.

Click here to check out the creates for week 7!

The two poster assignments this week were super fun to create. I created one sports related poster and one newsletter based off the movie ā€œThe Terminatorā€.

I created both assignments on Canva since iā€™m familiar with the site. For the sports poster I based it off my course characterā€™s favorite activity after work, which is watching football with her dad.

In that poster I explain why I used the colors, fonts, specific teams, and pictures to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

For ā€˜The Terminatorā€ poster I created it was a bit harder since iā€™m not as familiar with the film. I had to do some background work on the film to fill in the missing holes that could make my poster more exciting.

In this newsletter I explain why I used the color schemes I did as well as the photos I chose to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

Overall this was on of my favorite weeks so far in terms of editing. I also loved seeing everyone elses daily creates and posters! Some honorable mentions are Rebeccaā€™s Radiant Realmā€™s newsletter and @Coniā€™s Wednesday daily create short story.

Hope you guys enjoyed week 7, see you in a couple of weeks!

Sincerely, Kristen

Reporting From The Scene

I decided to analyze and create a newsletter from this scene from the 1984 film ā€œThe Terminatorā€

I have never fully watched ā€œThe Terminatorā€ fully through, so one thing I had to do after watching the scene was fill in any missing pieces that would help me create the newsletter.

This consisted of looking up why the Terminator was looking for Sarah, where the film is based, who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist.

Here is the finished project

I created this newsletter using Canva. I used a simple newsletter template and adjusted the font, photos, and colors. I bolded and added the color red to give the sense of urgency and terror which is what I would personally feel if I had an encounter with the Terminator.

I added eye catching yet simple photos which is what I believe a missing or wanted poster normally looks like.

This was a very fun creative assignment. Iā€™m absolutely loving editing in Canva especially.

Sincerely, Kristen

Battle of The Birds

Iā€™m a huge football fan (my personal favorite team is the Baltimore Ravens) and I plan to got into sports marketing after graduating. Also I have mentioned that my course character Krysta Ghosting is also a huge football fan and watches it to unwind after a long day at her restaurant.

What that being said I decided to create a NFL game flyer/poster

Here is the finished result:

First I chose to do the Ravens vs Eagles because thats a huge eye catching rivalry. This game has always been a highly viewed and anticipated game in past years.

Since this is a Baltimore Ravens home game I decided to add more of the ravens colors in the flier. I added a very minimal amount of eagles colors, but just enough for audiences to be able to identify the team.

The purple, black and white is not only the ravens franchise colors, but the colors are also bold and eye catching.

I used two different fonts ā€œAlegreya Sans scā€ font and ā€œMokotoā€ font. The ā€œAlegreyaā€ font is what I used towards the top of the poster. It has a sports like vibe to it which is why i picked it.

I added the ā€œMokotoā€ font towards the bottom of the poster. I feel this font gives more of a video game type of vibe and I thought it would be cool to mesh the two fonts together.

This has been one of my favorite posters iā€™ve created so far. I really like the color scenes and images I chose. I created this poster on Canva as well.

Hope you enjoy!

Sincerely, Kristen