Well, it happened, and it was only a matter of time. Xander made it onto the cover of Vogue Magazine. It is no surprise here that Xander made it onto the cover, he is a well-rounded man with a great mind as he says. As a result, there needed to be a cover for the magazine and one of the assignment bank assignments just happened to be to create a Vogue cover for someone. Therefore, I decided to create a magazine cover for Xander as he was the latest celebrity to make the front page. As you can see, he is main point on the front page with various pieces of text around and behind him. I use an AI chatbot to create the image because I needed to have Xander on te front and not some random clipart. Also, it was interesting to see a certain aspect of the image after its creation. I think that the AI chatbot drew inspiration from Tony Stark and the Iron Man films because if you look at Xander’s chest, it looks like there is an arc reactor powering his heart. This was really cool and interesting to see mainly because it was unexpected from the image generator stating that I have never spoken to given it prompts that are related to Iron Man. You can also see in the background the actual title of the magazine along with his name and different accolades and technologies that he has invented. I really enjoyed creating this cover because it turned out to be something that might actually be on the cover of a magazine one day and it was interesting to see how the image generator took inspiration from a place (Iron Man) when I have never spoken or said anything about it and so that was cool to see.