So, while I’ve created my course character, I haven’t been able to get the writeup posted yet. Nevertheless, I thought that since this week’s theme is visuals and trying to relate them to our course characters that a business card would be a great way to introduce my character, Lenore Glaphyra, a femme fatale self-made gothic event promoter. Networking and connection are basically her whole thing as an event runner and promoter and she’s incredibly skilled with it as well.
I created her business card to showcase her personality and add in some slight subliminal messaging. The colors and fonts keep with the gothic theme, but I wanted to incorporate spiderwebs surrounding the border to symbolize the schtick of creative, charismatic networking. In old myths and stories, spiders are cunning, persuasive, and ingenious. Their webs are literally made to catch anything and everything the spider needs and that’s exactly what Lenore does with her networking skills. I also used the splice text effect on Canva to show depth as well as something lying below the surface. This symbolizes Lenore’s past which haunts her (also shown with the addition of the ghosts); she’s more than meets the eye and she wasn’t always the person she is now.
This design was pretty simple, but it took quite a bit of planning and thought to make sure the messages I wanted to use were shown in a way I felt fit in with Lenore’s aesthetic as well as her internal character traits. It wasn’t very difficult, I know Canva well, but it did consume quite a bit of time.