by Greta Hammen
Tonight, I transformed an image of my daughter, Julia, into bead art. This image is from a few years ago and it reminds me of time passing, summer days and laughter.
by Greta Hammen
Tonight, I transformed an image of my daughter, Julia, into bead art. This image is from a few years ago and it reminds me of time passing, summer days and laughter.
by Greta Hammen
I thought about how in design, styles repeat after a decade or two. Modern architecture is a good example of that. http://@tdc Resistance throws you into time. Acceptance discloses the timeless. #tdc4447
For today’s daily create we had to take a picture and then create a beaded version of the picture, meaning, we needed to use the Bead Art Tool to change how the picture looked. So, I used a picture of a Lamborghini that I took in Richmond because I thought it would look cool.
Today’s daily create required us to create am image that described the saying “Resistance throws you into time. Acceptance discloses the timeless.” The image below is what I came up with and I think it fits well with the prompt because of the major piece being the clock. Inside the clock, there is some nature which almost makes one feel like they are getting thrown into the clock or into resistance. I could be reaching though. Also, the clock represents how time still passes when you are resting something and eventually it will catch up to you.
For today’s daily create I have taken an old painting and put a modern twist to it. The painting I chose is The Starry Night by Van Gogh. I chose this because it is one of my favorite paintings and it’s a well-known classic. I used an AI photo generator by the name of I gave the generator the prompt of “generate a modern style of The Starry Night by Van Gogh”. This is what the generator was able to produce. Hope you enjoy.
No time for fun intros! Here are my Daily Creates!
Wednesday, 3/13‘s prompt was,
“The Zazow Mandelbrot Fractal art tool is strange (so, you know, perfectly suited for The Daily Create) and using its various tools and sliders (suggestion: click “advanced mode”) is sure to send you down a rabbit hole of color and fractal-ish design.”
So here‘s what I did! (and here‘s my second comment because I continued playing after I posted already)
Don’t get dizzy (I’m getting dizzy and I’m not even looking at it, it’s just above my text.
There really isn’t a lot to say about this, except that it was really cool to explore!! I said that the third one reminded me of The Great Gatsby, but I couldn’t think of why. My point still stands!
Also, there really isn’t a story for this one, it was fairly simple and just play around with the website.
Thursday, 3/14‘s prompt was,
“Everyone is addicted to something. What is something you could not go one day without and why?“
Which, I replied with, “I think the obvious answer is my phone, BUT I think a different answer is my cat! I’ve talked about her before (her name’s Cat if you remember), but I need to just be with here at least once during my day and just cuddle her. It’s like my therapy. She’s getting old now, though . . . but no negativity!! she’s my baby still”
I have this picture of her from an older post that I didn’t attach to the post on Mastodon, but you guys can see it here
oh my baby . . . what would I do without you? She sleeps curled up with me every night, it’s just so hard to imagine being without her!
Because this DC was just text, there really is no story, but just lots of love for my baby baby baby Cat.
Friday, 3/15‘s prompt was,
“Put a modern appliance in an old photo or an old painting.“
I knew exactly what I had to do.
(open canva)
So, through Canva, I very simply put some airpods in Lincoln’s ears
Why Lincoln? I don’t know, he was the first person to come to mind. Why airpods? Because for some reason, it is really funny to imagine airpods in really old photos. Especially Lincoln having airpods. Like why would he have airpods?
What kind of music would he even listen to today?
Something’s telling me he loves rnb . . . but you just have to trust me.
But yeah! This was easy to make, just grabbed the photo of Lincoln and a photo of airpods on Google, and mashed them together in Canva! Easy peasy, took barely 2 minutes.
Job well done is all I have to say
Daily Create – Old & New
If I haven’t previously expressed my interest in cars, this post should do it! When I saw TDC post on Mastodon, I instantly wanted to put a new car in front of an old house. So I went straight to Canva to start creating! I found an image of an old house and a driveway from Google and pasted those both on Canva. Last but most certainly not least, the Ferrari 812 GTS, a luxury sports car with a horsepower of 788.
Here is my creation of old and new:
The house image was perfect since it had a person walking out of the house. Making it seem like the man is trying to enter his brand new car. Who knows, maybe he lives two different lives or just likes to keep his house the way it is!
Here is my post on Mastodon.
This is Kawhi Leonard. In my eyes he is the greatest basketball player to ever play. He is a two time NBA Finals MVP. He has carried teams from their lowest points and taken them to the peak of their career. He makes the players around him better as well. I used ScrapColoring to color this originally black and white image of Kawhi Leonard.
For today’s daily create we had to add a modern appliance to an old picture or photo and so I decided to add a dishwasher to and older photo. I asked the image generator to create a photo of a dishwasher because that is the first modern appliance that came to mind and used the old photo to have it added into and as you can see the dishwasher does not look cleanly incorporated into the photo. It looks photoshopped which was what I was going for. The picture as a whole fits the description because of the fact that the rest of the house looks older and more contemporary and the modern appliance, the dishwasher, looks even more out of place.
Daily Create – My Addiction
This next Daily Create was something that I am addicted to and cannot go without. Of course, the answer to this is coffee. Both my character and I are quite fond of it.
There’s something about a latte that just creates the perfect morning for me, I cannot go without it. Also, the double shots of espresso definitely help me get through my day.
Whether I’m 40,000 feet in the air or headed to class, I need my latte.
If I were to share the pictures of my addiction, this would be an endless post. One thing I wanted to add on this post was my current coffee situation. This month is Ramadan, which is a sacred month in Islam where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset! Meaning I cannot indulge in my morning lattes. I do still make my lattes once I break my fast, but I just have to be careful because it does keep me up for most of the night!
Here’s my post on Mastodon!