Category Archives: dailycreate

Week 11 Daily Creates

This week!!! I almost forgot about these entirely and ended up doing them really late.

On Wednesday, 4/3, the prompt was:

“Tell and show What made you smile today? Give us a story to smile. Make our dark lives a little bit shiny with your smile.

Already, reading that prompt made me sadly smile. I was in the dumps already from my own personal stuff, so I shared what made me happy that day:

“I had a rough day yesterday, and am kind of in the dumps, but my dad gave me a big hug today and squeezed me tight, so it made me feel good. I think hugs are a secret weapon against sadness”

So if you have someone to give you a hug when you’re down, I recommend it. It’s not a cure, but a little bandaid, at least 🙂

On Thursday, 4/4, the prompt was:

What is the funniest thing you see if you web or GenAI search ‘ds106’? Bonus points if you use a non-Google browser and share the name of that.

I actually did this one in the comfort of my bed (still in the dumps so I was rotting when I had free time instead of doing more work). So, after doing a deep dive by scrolling really fast through “ds106” on Google Imaged, here was my response!

I used Google and went to the images to find this, and just scrolled really fast and stopped and saw this and it made me laugh. I need to know if there’s a full version and how much money this is

It was actually kind of a jumpscare, because a lot of the images I saw while scrolling were faceless, so to be scrolling and suddenly see your professors face made me jump (with respect).

Also, I got an answer, it’s a 10!

On Friday, 3/5, the prompt was:

The fabulous @bryanmathers has created a remix site with a game of Top Trumps. Let’s use this to create our own #ds106 set.

So, I put together one for my cat!

behold . . . cat the cat (with 15 cat points)

I’ll walk you through it.

She’s loaf 2000 , because she is such a loaf and loafs all the time. She is actually bread, my little bread <3

Cutie 100, of course. Nothing to explain there. She’s just a cutie!!

Sleepy 75, because she is very good at sleeping, except for when it is inconvenient to me and she decides she wants to run in circles and chase her tail or beat up (playing) the other cats. This usually happens when its my sleep-time . . . so she loses points for that because she makes me lose sleep (and also I can’t sleep without her at my chest).

And Cat 15, because there’s a running joke between me and my friend that she is not a cat despite being named Cat and being a cat. She just behaves not entirely like a cat sometimes, and it’s just very funny for a cat named Cat to not behave like a cat.

That’s all!!

Dr. Oblivion Trading Card

For my last daily create of this week, we made our own version of a trading card! Now I would like to begin this post by mentioning that I know absolutely nothing about trading cards, maybe I live under a rock or something I don’t know but I’ve never heard of it. With that being said I hope I did it correctly.

I wasn’t quite sure of what or who to put on there so yes, I threw Dr. Oblivion under the bus, I hope he doesn’t mind. He’s been a big part of this class so I treated this like a review on him. Let’s breakdown the four categories I gave him. The first one is seriousness, which is really obvious to point out even if you just listen to him once, therefore, I gave him a 100 on that. Next is friendliness, where I gave him a 15 but he only got the 15 because maybe he tries to be friendly, so some points for effort. The reason his score is so low is because I told him to make a joke and he said, “I don’t have time to make jokes, I have to prevent from AI taking over the world.” Next is appearance, where he got a 27 and that’s because it’s the same facial expressions and outfit we see every time. He could step up his game more to make it more entertaining to listen to, because I’m tired of now! Lastly, is how informative he is, where he got an 86. I took off 14 points because sometimes I feel like he is excessive in his responses, there have been multiple instances where I feel like he could have gotten to the point much faster.

I hope I did this correctly, let me know what scores/points you would give him!

Sips & Smiles

The second daily create I did for this week is of something that made me smile that day. This week I had a lot going on in classes as well as a week long of events for a club I am in, MSA. After one of the events, my good friend and I made a quick trip up north to Tysons Galleria for a coffee I had been craving all month!

This past almost month now, I have been fasting and almost every coffee shop closes super early except for Shotted in Tysons. Their pistachio latte is truly amazing. I love it so much that I drove an hour there and back for it, and it was the perfect end to my day. Here is what made me smile:

I think only coffee drinkers can truly understand that first sip feeling. It feels like a refreshment and makes me forget about my entire day. Leaves you feeling happy and energized for sure.

I have even tried remaking their pistachio latte at home, but it’s missing some sweetness that Shotted adds that I quite haven’t figured out yet. I made a little video on me recreating it which I will attach on to here.

Cats In Amazon

A website I use frequently for various things is Amazon. With that being said, it is definitely not my favorite since it takes all my money!!!

For my first daily create of the week, I looked through the source code of Amazon’s website. When looking through it, I put on my computer scientist hat and kept scrolling and scrolling to see how they are running their website. That is what led me to scrolling to the very end. Which is where I found a surprise…..

It was such a cute and unexpected surprise. The next thing I did for this daily create is took the screenshot of the source code to Canva for a little more creativity. At the bottom, I added paw prints and changed the colors on it to add a fading out effect. Then, I added a cat to the side who seems to be climbing up but in this case the cat is scrolling up through the page to check out some Amazon source code! Lastly, I went to Pinterest for a cat background for this post.

You can view the screenshot and what I created at the bottom of this page.

That’s all I had for this one, I think it looks purrrrfect!

Daily Create Roundup: Week 11

Here are my daily creates for week 11!

The first one was what I would be if I was reincarnated as a plant. As a self sufficient that isn’t dependent on excessive water, I thought that being an aloe plant would give me the highest potential of surviving.

This next one is if I was a flag. Just noticed that both this create and the previous one were both me becoming something other than human.
I looked up a GIF of a golf flag and a ball. Wasn’t very creative but I really wanted to use this GIF!

The last one is HTML code of YouTube pasted into my IDE. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, which is basically just software used to build and edit code. I thought that pasting it into this IDE made the code look a little more colorful, but this also introduced a lot of syntax errors, indicated by the red squiggly lines beneath the code. This is because my IDE wasn’t meant to be used for HTML; it was created for Java. For TDC purposes however, it worked out as an artistic choice.

Daily Create Roundup: Week 11

Here are my daily creates for week 11!

The first one was what I would be if I was reincarnated as a plant. As a self sufficient that isn’t dependent on excessive water, I thought that being an aloe plant would give me the highest potential of surviving.

This next one is if I was a flag. Just noticed that both this create and the previous one were both me becoming something other than human.
I looked up a GIF of a golf flag and a ball. Wasn’t very creative but I really wanted to use this GIF!

The last one is HTML code of YouTube pasted into my IDE. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, which is basically just software used to build and edit code. I thought that pasting it into this IDE made the code look a little more colorful, but this also introduced a lot of syntax errors, indicated by the red squiggly lines beneath the code. This is because my IDE wasn’t meant to be used for HTML; it was created for Java. For TDC purposes however, it worked out as an artistic choice.

Daily Create: 04/05

by Andrew Johnson

This is my trading card, George Paul II. He is a primary pitcher but can also play Second Base, Short Stop, and Center Field. He is listed as 6’7 (height), 205 (lbs), with a solid lower half build. Hopefully, in a few years, he will be worth a hefty penny on the market for trading cards.