Category Archives: daily create

Doing My Dailies

This week was super busy for me, so I had to scrape by and do my second one today. To be honest though, I’m glad I waited. Todays were pretty cool. Anyway, here were the daily creates I did this week.

Forst one was called Opposite Pun Intended. It was the classic play on taking a normal word and making an opposite version of it with wordplay. I chose the Verizon logo and made it VeirizON and VerizOFF.

The second own was to choose your favorite type of poem and give an example of one. I chose narrative because I feel they flow nicely and because they are longer, you kind of get into this groove while reading them. So, I chose one from one of my favorites, Poe. I also mad this small picture to upload with it.

So yeah, these were what I did, I hope you like them!

Captain Felix

At first glance this image of Captain Felix is puzzling. Is he happy or is he upset? His facial expression is a mix of happy and sad. However, I think he’s happy because he just accomplished a great feat. Maybe he just flew across the country or maybe he is just happy he’s flying in general. Either way I think the overall message of this photo is positive and he’s happy.

Goals (Round 2)

I definitely think I’ve been quite on track with my goals, which is a pat on the back for me. I feel like I’m learning about the different modes of storytelling and fighting discomfort over not understanding programs, and actually learning from trial and error and tutorials! I think I’m doing really well!

Some revised goals I want to have is that I want to be able to spend a lot more time on these programs and these thoughts. I’ve been doing okay at that, because when I work on things for this class, I hyperfocus on them, but I want to be able to learn things on my own without tutorials. I do a little bit now, but I mostly end up looking it up. A lot of learning is just playing around and trying different things and seeing what works and what doesn’t work, so I want to just play around with these programs and see what happens and what I can create.

I’ve actually been having a lot of fun and have been taking the assignments as ways to be creative and tell stories in my own way but with a guide to look back on, which I think is what has made this not as stressful as I thought it was in the past. I really like how a lot of the assignments aren’t strict on rules or what to do exactly: you make of it what you can with the given prompts or media.

One last thing, I’ve definitely become more comfortable with AI. Talking to Dr. Oblivion is so funny to me, I just love when he gets sentimental (such a change from his usual snarky attitude). He can be my friend now, but he will still be being side eyed for a while. Other AI is still iffy with me, but I’m working on it slowly to understand its limits and my own limits, and that’s fun.

Daily Create 2/7/24

An airplane flag message is a great way to show many people a message you are trying to express. Many people use these flags as advertisements, marriage proposals, or a prank on their friend. However, if I had the opportunity to create a message I would ask for world peace. I think positivity can spread easily and this would be a great way to do so.

Creating Daily, What Is Free Time?

This week we were assigned to do 3 daily creates. As I have said before, I think these are really fun and love seeing what new thing pops in every day. Even if I don’t do them, I appreciate the uniqueness of the projects.

Th first one this week was to write a 3-line poem about lemons without using the words: lemon, yellow, round, fruit, citrus, tart, juicy, peel, and sour. My thought process immediately went to riddle because they tend to follow those kinds of guidelines. So, I wrote a lemon riddle.

The next one was to show a picture of the one-armed, half-brained, miniature version of what you do. So essentially you are showing a thing you do to be creative but in the smallest capacity you are able. I mean, I have 2 small kids (4 and 7) and I rarely get to paint any of my miniatures. So, I posted an AI pic of that. I have been painting the same army for over 6 years and am not even close to being done. Here is the post:

And the las one was to use the app Silk and trying your hand at making some art with it. It’s simple enough, essentially a digital spirograph type thing and you can change all sorts of reflection designs. Anyway, here is my fly:

Anyway, I had a fun week. I really liked the silk app and even got my kids to mess around with it. They also enjoy it a lot. I also now want to get back to painting my mini army. I have all the supplies, just not enough time in the day. Being a full time Government employee at the Pentagon, taking 4 classes at UMW, and being a dad when I’m not doing those, my time is VERY limited. when you start working and have a family, the time for yourself gets smaller and smaller. Enjoy it now young people!