Category Archives: daily create

On the Internet 

For today’s daily create I am explaining what else is true about the internet. The Internet is a vast global network that connects billions of devices worldwide, enabling instant communication, access to information, and online services. It creates economic growth, facilitates cultural exchange, revolutionizes education, and fosters innovation. However, it also poses security challenges. There are many more factors of the internet, this is just a small glimpse of it.

Daily Create 4/11/24

The internet is one of the scariest places to be. Especially if you do not know what you are doing. With social media nowadays there are many creepy people hiding behind their screen due to the anonymity of the internet. As everyone should know, you should never put any personal information on the internet as it is there forever.

“Happy surfing.”

For today’s Daily Create, we were to build on the classic “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog” cartoon. I wondered how Dr. Oblivion would respond to the query:

Then, in my infinite laziness curiosity, I asked the same of ChatGPT. It gave me a bland list, so I asked it if it could express the ideas in humorous metaphors. That didn’t turn out much better, but it did suggest that the internet was like “diving into a vast digital ocean where you can swim with majestic whales of knowledge or get caught in the undertow of clickbait and cat memes.” The underwater cat concept had potential, so I asked Copilot to draw me a picture.

an underwater scene of whales swimming over a seabed og cats on computers

They both brought up cats. It occurred to me afterwards that cats are highly correlated with dogs as well as the web, so maybe I should have expected that. Perhaps those cats also represent the digital overlords that the doctor warned us about.

“Turn around, bright eyes”

For yesterday’s Daily Create we were to make blackout poetry with content from a certain web site. I looked at it briefly and decided to use the Weird Old Book Finder instead, probably because I found the typography uninspiring. I searched WOBF for eclipse, skimmed a few titles and picked a random page from one. I unfortunately neglected to note the title. I highlighted some phrases that caught my eye and blacked out the rest. I saw the black void in the middle of the image and decided to drop an eclipse shot in there. In hindsight, I should have done something about the line at the top of the eclipse image, so I softened it a bit for the image above.

The TDC was appropriate for Eclipse Day, but even more so for me as I had traveled to the path of totality. I was under complete cloud cover and couldn’t see the event, but that’s okay because I was more interested in the environment and seeing/hearing how wildlife reacted. Here’s a short recording of the sounds of the area about an hour before the light went out:

I wanted to broadcast to ds106radio but my phone has been uncooperative. Maybe that’s okay because technology shouldn’t have been my focus in the moment. I can’t say the animals (deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds) seemed any different than usual in the lead-in to the eclipse. As it started getting visibly darker, it got very quiet. It wasn’t a very quick process, but every time I blinked it was noticeably darker. I wouldn’t say it got night-time dark, but it was very close to it for a few minutes. There was no moon or stars behind the clouds for that slight dim light that happens at night, but there was dim light on the horizon. I thought heard the hoot of an owl, and definitely heard the howls of some coyotes. Also some cheers and fireworks from the crowd outside the woods. Then it started to get lighter, but not like a sunrise since the sun was mid-afternoon overhead. Quite the amazing experience. As it grew lighter there was a lot of bird chatter, like you might hear over the course of dawn but compressed into a few minutes. I’ve had worse Mondays.

Week 11 Daily Creates

This week!!! I almost forgot about these entirely and ended up doing them really late.

On Wednesday, 4/3, the prompt was:

“Tell and show What made you smile today? Give us a story to smile. Make our dark lives a little bit shiny with your smile.

Already, reading that prompt made me sadly smile. I was in the dumps already from my own personal stuff, so I shared what made me happy that day:

“I had a rough day yesterday, and am kind of in the dumps, but my dad gave me a big hug today and squeezed me tight, so it made me feel good. I think hugs are a secret weapon against sadness”

So if you have someone to give you a hug when you’re down, I recommend it. It’s not a cure, but a little bandaid, at least 🙂

On Thursday, 4/4, the prompt was:

What is the funniest thing you see if you web or GenAI search ‘ds106’? Bonus points if you use a non-Google browser and share the name of that.

I actually did this one in the comfort of my bed (still in the dumps so I was rotting when I had free time instead of doing more work). So, after doing a deep dive by scrolling really fast through “ds106” on Google Imaged, here was my response!

I used Google and went to the images to find this, and just scrolled really fast and stopped and saw this and it made me laugh. I need to know if there’s a full version and how much money this is

It was actually kind of a jumpscare, because a lot of the images I saw while scrolling were faceless, so to be scrolling and suddenly see your professors face made me jump (with respect).

Also, I got an answer, it’s a 10!

On Friday, 3/5, the prompt was:

The fabulous @bryanmathers has created a remix site with a game of Top Trumps. Let’s use this to create our own #ds106 set.

So, I put together one for my cat!

behold . . . cat the cat (with 15 cat points)

I’ll walk you through it.

She’s loaf 2000 , because she is such a loaf and loafs all the time. She is actually bread, my little bread <3

Cutie 100, of course. Nothing to explain there. She’s just a cutie!!

Sleepy 75, because she is very good at sleeping, except for when it is inconvenient to me and she decides she wants to run in circles and chase her tail or beat up (playing) the other cats. This usually happens when its my sleep-time . . . so she loses points for that because she makes me lose sleep (and also I can’t sleep without her at my chest).

And Cat 15, because there’s a running joke between me and my friend that she is not a cat despite being named Cat and being a cat. She just behaves not entirely like a cat sometimes, and it’s just very funny for a cat named Cat to not behave like a cat.

That’s all!!

TDC Shenanigans

I managed to do my TDCs early this week. Sick kids and sick self gave me some time at home so why not knock em’ out early.

The first one was to write a one liner on a Dutch tile. I went with something my son started saying recently because one, it’s funny, and two, it’s kind of ridiculous to see something so informal on a nice tile.

Th next one was to see what kind of flag you are. I went more with flag substance than type, so I picked something that represents me.

The last one was to make some source code art. I decided to use the web page Card Kingdom where I order a lot of my cards.

It was nice to get the out of the way early, but I also had a great time doing it.

Week 10 Daily Creates

Only two TDCs this week!

On Thursday, 3/28, the prompt was:

“Change a Letter, Ruin a Book – some ideas here

So, I opened FireAlpaca (my digital art program!) to patch together The Great Batbsy, a Batman adaptation of The Great Gatsby

This was fun to make!! I had to fiddle a little but I mostly just copied the B in Gatbsy and replaced the G with it, and then fixed the background. I allowed it to be a little messy, because I didn’t want to take a while on it, but it was fun. I also added little bat wings to the sides!

This was fun!! I liked it a lot. I have no idea what a Batman adaptation of The Great Gatsby would look like, and honestly, I’m afraid to see that.

On Friday, 3/29, the prompt was,

What is your least favourite household chore? What is a game you do, or might, pair with the chore to survive the daily grind? E.g. my least favourite chore is washing cutlery (yes, I might get a dishwasher someday), I pair this with a game of pickup sticks.

So, I thought for a while, because I couldn’t really think of anything. Usually, I just suffer through the chores and deal with it, but I did think of something! In my post, I said,

“Folding clothes is sometimes the most miserable thing to do ever . . . so sometimes I decide to see how small I can fold them!! which, I guess makes it take longer, but it makes it a little less miserable”

Which is true!! I do do this!! There’s not a lot to say about it, just that I fold them as teeny tiny as I can. And then unfold them because making them tiny doesn’t help me at all. And then refold them like a normal person.

And double my time doing it all, but at least I had a little fun

That’s it! Not much else to say!