Category Archives: bank week 6

Just sign it!

This is the Signing Words assignment. I chose to do this assignment because I took four years of ASL in high school and love the language and culture. Because of this I was able to finger-spell this phrase without a problem!

It has definitely been a while since I have signed, and it for sure has been a while since I have had to record myself signing. My last year of ASL was online due to COVID. Yikes.

I recorded this short video on my phone and got rid of the sound in iMovie. Do you know what I am finger-spelling?

College Move-In Day!!

This is video assignment 30 Second Memory and I chose to do this with my character Evelyn as we follow her into the memory of college move-in.

College move-in can be so stressful. You have to make sure you have all of your stuff, traffic can be an issue, you have to get all your college supplies and your dorm key, its hot and everyone is upset, and finally you have to say goodbye. Evelyns experience moving in was no different. Her dorm started off small, but the campus was beautiful. Follow her into her memories as she remembers what the first few hours of college move-in was like for her.

To do this assignment I found some clips that I liked of other people moving into college and importing that into iMovie. I added some filters like a cool tone to the airport and plane. And then a warmer tint in the dining hall to give it an “evening” look. I then used the “modern” theme music from iMovie and adjusted the volume accordingly.