Category Archives: AudioAssignments2615

If a Man is Stabbed Alone in the Woods, Does He Make a Sound?

I utilized Audacity and FreeSound in order to construct my project, and opted to tackle it bit by bit. I started with my ambiance/background music, and then just added on the story. It goes as follows: a man approaches an area in the woods, builds and lights a fire, and begins to look through his backpack. As he does this, branches crack behind him as someone else reaches him. The stranger stabs the man, he falls, and he is stabbed again. The stranger retreats back into the woods.

The most challenging part of this project was just trying to find the right sounds effects for what I wanted to convey, as I often had an idea of what I wanted it to sound like but had to dig for the “perfect” sound. Overall, I enjoyed this, and the learning curve wasn’t too severe!

Another day at the office…

For the Sound Effect Short story I had a hard time picking out what story i wanted to tell. So I browsed around on Freesound to see if inspiration struck. And it in fact did! I chose to do a story about two men in an office job, one of them is asleep and is snoring very loud, and the other is extremely annoyed by this (He does this everyday!)

I started with background effects of office noises from BBC Sound Effects, then I looked for a man sighing on Freesound(this was the first part of my inspiration the rest came later, and the rest of my sounds are from Freesound). Next I found another man snoring and I copied and pasted this sound effect three times in the full story. The next step of annoyance is the attempt to wake the person up but discreetly, so I used a man clearing his throat. Once again the man snores so the next step is to get up and wake him up! To do this I used a metal bed frame creak, to implicate the man getting out of his office chair, some footsteps walking over to the man snoring and a blaring alarm clock! Finally the man wakes up with a gasp and the other man laughs and walks away, mission accomplished.

Sound Effect Story

Be aware, the sound effects are loud so maybe turn your volume down just a little bit before pressing play.

After completing the Sound Effects Story Assignment, I noticed I got way more comfortable using Audacity. I used a total of 7 different sound effects to create my story. If you’re curious which ones I used I embedded them below. There was one sound that I didn’t have permission to upload but the other 6 are posted:

My sound effect story was about people having fun on a roller coaster ride. They were screaming, laughing, talking, clapping, and things like that. I tried to center the effects in the right spots, so they didn’t sound awkward. Although, there is one lady’s scream that I just could seem to make flow with the rest of the sounds. I still kept it though! You’ll be able to tell which one it is haha!

This was my first time creating something like this and playing around with all of the other tools on Audacity. I learned how to import sound effects and music, how to move the tracks around, lower the volume on some effects and increase the volume on others. I thought I did pretty good with this one, so I can’t wait to see what progress I make throughout the rest of the week!

A 9-5 Story of Sound

Using many different sound effects to create a story really helped me expand my knowledge of how powerful sound can be and its impact on everyone. I chose to follow someone day at work to make a connection between us hearing millions of sounds everyday, and a typical day experienced by many. Creating a piece that may not be all sunshine and rainbows was my way of emphasizing the different uses of sound and how it can convey many different moods and tones, even without any use of words. Please listen to what I made and feel free to leave a comment on how you would rate it!

After Dinner

Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student):

Link to assignment:

For this assignment, I used Soundtrap to combine different sounds and create a story. The scene follows a woman as she exits a restaurant, walks to her car, gets in, and drives home.

I really wish this assignment could have been longer than 90 seconds because I wanted to extend the story and include more sound clips, but I kept it within the time limit. I sourced all the audio from Freesound, and it was great to explore the variety of options available.

After selecting the sounds I wanted, I imported them into Soundtrap and applied fade-in and fade-out effects to ensure a smooth and natural flow. Once I was satisfied with the final result, I exported and uploaded the project to Soundtrap.

I hope you enjoy this very short story!

An Introduction to Voice Acting – Sound Effects Story

Today I made a story entirely with sound effects. As I’ve mentioned, I am brand new to audio editing. This was a huge challenge but I managed to finish it with the help of my friends. I used Freesound for most of the audio clips and music. My friends assisted with some of the more specific clips – notably the first bear noise, the gasp, the bear’s scream, the running sounds, and the cheer at the end.

This story is about a girl who’s peaceful morning is interrupted by a bear rummaging through her trash. She scares the bear and goes back to her breakfast. Enjoy!

Telling a Story with Sound👂

Stream Sound Effects Story by Greta Hammen | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

Assignment Bank: Sound Effects Story – Hopefully my Character Made it out Alive…

Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds.

I actually did this assignment using the spooky story, but I realized that the spooky story falls in line with another preexisting assignment in the assignment bank, so I repurposed my scary castle story towards that assignment and made a new story! This one is about a dude that goes into a bar and has one too many drinks, ends up driving under the influence and gets into a crash. Afterwards, the ambulance rushes to the man to save his life.

A little grim but honestly the impact sound of the crash didn’t sound too bad so hopefully my guy makes it alive. I used many fade in and fade out effects to mix the 4 different audio clips together, and it turned out pretty good!