Soundtrack to Your Life – Assignment Bank
I decided to think back to all the songs that got me through life and showed I wasn’t alone to songs I just sung because they were complete brain worms. Took a lot of searching with lyric finders to compile this. I use YouTube music instead of Spotify and pandora, if I look back at either app, I am sure I’d get a blast form the past.
Auditory Hell – Assignment Bank
Freesound – Short_metal_screeching_sounds by Artninja
Freesound – z scream 26 mph 35 c.wav by ERH
Freesound – Harddisk scream.wav by sumsa
Freesound – 3-mod; 101Hz @ -10dB (AS) + 1111Hz @ -6dB (Sq) + 10101Hz @ -.5dB.wav by shimsewn
Well, I truly did not want it to be too long since it’s irritating in my defense, I get annoyed when something drops so doesn’t take much. So, I simply went with sounds that are annoying shoved them together and boom a horrible thing was created. Honestly harder to find bad sounds then good sounds. Still, I managed this took less careful layering since the intention was to make it sound bad.