Category Archives: AudioAssignments2140

Audio Assignments

Soundtrack to Your Life – Assignment Bank

I decided to think back to all the songs that got me through life and showed I wasn’t alone to songs I just sung because they were complete brain worms. Took a lot of searching with lyric finders to compile this. I use YouTube music instead of Spotify and pandora, if I look back at either app, I am sure I’d get a blast form the past.

Auditory Hell – Assignment Bank

Well, I truly did not want it to be too long since it’s irritating in my defense, I get annoyed when something drops so doesn’t take much. So, I simply went with sounds that are annoying shoved them together and boom a horrible thing was created. Honestly harder to find bad sounds then good sounds. Still, I managed this took less careful layering since the intention was to make it sound bad.

From Hell

Create YOUR worst sound ever. Take audio clips of every single sound that you hate and put them all together to make The Worst Noise Ever. Link to assignment:

I chose this assignment because I enjoy mixing different sounds to create something new. For this project, I had to combine all of my most hated sounds into a single track. Luckily for me, I have plenty to choose from!

I used Soundtrap and SoundCloud for this assignment. Soundtrap made it easy to layer the tracks together, and I ended up using: nails crackling, styrofoam, cardboard box stacking, and metal squeaking. When I combined them, the result was truly a sound from hell. I could only listen to it for about 10 seconds before my ears begged me to stop.

Soundtrap is a beginner-friendly audio editing software that made it easy to arrange and layer the sounds. Once I finished, I uploaded my track to SoundCloud, and I was surprised by how simple the process was. It was actually pretty cool!

Sorry if this hurts your ears!

Assignment Banksss

“Auditory Hell”

“Chrome Music Labs”



I honestly had a hard time picking out some assigments I wanted to do. I wanted to challenge myself and I did the auditory hell without listening to any of the sounds. I thought of the most gross or annoying sounds I could think of and masked them up in the most annoying form and it was the most annoying sound it make me jump. So after that I did the chrome music lab one because I love being about to make something and hear the outcome for the first time. being able to draw something and then hear my drawing was really cool! Then I wanted to do a mashup with some music but I didn’t want it to be too much since I have never done anything with music involved. I mean for my first time, I think I did pretty good! It was hard to find the right songs to maskup but I just did whatever song popped up on my TikTok for you page and used those songs. I know that may not be apart of the assignment but I could think of any songs in the current moment so I resulted to the music hub, well… not so much thanks to universal.

Overall, I think this was a very fun assignments to do for this week! I loved everyones as well!

-Reese Kubricki