Category Archives: AudioAssignments

911 what’s your emergency?

The following is a fake 911 call Lady Alice E Smythe made as a child. It is an example of her character trait of knowing more than everyone else. I estimate her age in the recording to be around 9 years old. sit back and enjoy listing to the “emergency”.

I used sound effects from Freesound. Here are some of the sound clips I used:
40X40cm WindowGlass Carpet 3 by P.jezsek
Rat in the attic, possum in the roof by Darius Kedros
Slam door by Soundsforhim
Cat Angry Hissing 01 by promete

The voices are mine or my 9-year-old child. I made her so it counts.

I hope you enjoyed the little story as much as I enjoyed making it.

Hear it Here – and a Podcast?

Audio Assignment 416 Hear it Here

I wrote a very short little story that uses homophones. The words sound like other words, but can you tell what they mean without seeing the spelling? enjoy the recording.

I used a new microphone attached to headphones to do this recording. I think it is a little scratchy sounding. I need to work on making it clearer. Until this week I hadn’t made a voice recording before on a computer. When I was a child, I had a talk girl it was the pink version of a talk boy as seen in Home Alone 2 lost in New York. I spent a summer playing with that. So since then, I have not recorded myself on purpose really.

While I was considering using a computer voice generator for this assignment, I came across a web page that turns information into a pod cast script. You can then take the script and have it read in a style. I took the short story I wrote and gave it a pod cast theme that I thought would be in line with my character Lady Alice. I found it very amusing how much it read into a story I wrote in less than 20 mins.

I really feel like it captures Lady Alice. I think the podcast does a good job of connecting the assignment to my character and shows more of how I envision her to be.

Sound Effect Story – Walking a Dog

I had a difficult time thinking of something to do a story on with no words. It came down to crunch time Friday afternoon and I had no ideas. Hopefully you don’t find this too boring, but it is a rather peaceful walk. So, sit back and destress and enjoy the sounds of taking a dog out without leaving your seat.

This is a picture of my dog. I was able to find audio of the same breed of dog I have to use. Which was fun. My dog loves other animals except white dogs. If you are a white dog doesn’t matter your size, you must die. She believes they are a threat to her and her family. The little white poodle/terrier mix across the street the same size as a cat is public enemy number one in her book. So obviously I took inspiration from life again.

I used sounds I found on Free sound and the following are a few of the ones I used.

Small stream in woods by CastleofSamples

footstepsB by bennstir

Jazz the dog Howl &Bark by delphinebrain

Footsteps walking through woods by noisyninja

Slam door by Soundsforhim

Dog barking in forest when jogger passend by by AtoMediaDesign

Single dog bark 1 by Crazymonke9

Cat Angry Hissing 01 by promete