I had a grand ole time getting this playlist together. I think it not only fits with who I envision my course character, Bethany, to be, but it also brings out some interesting parts of her character.
- Marlene on the Wall: This song reminds of her of her deceased partner, and the bond that she’ll have with him no matter what actually happened.
- You Send Me: Their song- it just feels so warm.
- Christine: She sometimes feels like Christine, disintegrating, someone with multiple faces.
- A Means to an End: Besides just liking Joy Devision, Bethany likes the particular brand of melancholy that this song is.
- I Wouldn’t Want to Be Like You: In her line of work, it stands to be a good reminder that she doesn’t want to be like those around her. This song is an after-work palate cleanser.
- Good News: One of the more modern songs on her playlist, it serves to knock her out of her funks and remind her that there is a world outside of everything in her head.
- Over and Over: She likes to turn up this song while she’s cleaning. She just enjoys singing along and pretending she’s on stage.
- Don’t Renegade on Our Love: The title is perhaps too indicative- she loves this song but hates that it makes her feel like she betrayed everyone around her.
- Fallingwater: This song is either a “cry alone at night” song or a “scream in the car on the way to work” song.
- Sabotage: Her guilty pleasure is Beastie Boys!