Category Archives: #audioassignment812

911 what’s your emergency?

The following is a fake 911 call Lady Alice E Smythe made as a child. It is an example of her character trait of knowing more than everyone else. I estimate her age in the recording to be around 9 years old. sit back and enjoy listing to the “emergency”.

I used sound effects from Freesound. Here are some of the sound clips I used:
40X40cm WindowGlass Carpet 3 by P.jezsek
Rat in the attic, possum in the roof by Darius Kedros
Slam door by Soundsforhim
Cat Angry Hissing 01 by promete

The voices are mine or my 9-year-old child. I made her so it counts.

I hope you enjoyed the little story as much as I enjoyed making it.