Category Archives: audioassignment

Breaking News!

M. Marshall 2.7

I used the suggested website, Collosyan. I didn’t have any great ideas so I did a news story based on a common scam technique from the 2000’s and 2010’s (ish), where a person receives an email from someone claiming to be a prince from Nigeria asking for money to unfreeze their bank account. The news story covers the request for $40,000 and the rewards for helping the prince to unfreeze his bank account. The AI created a video which I made into an audio file. Here it is!

The Eye of the Hurricane

A day in the life of Runa as she finishes another mission with her rebellion.

This post was interesting and fun because it was inspired by two people so I combined the ideas together. The first was the Sound Effects Story where the directions said to tell a story without words and the second inspiration was Elizabeth Byrd who gave the instructions to hum a song stuck in your head for her assignment called Humming Away. For mine I edited audio using Audacity and I added a twist to mine by making my character Runa hum a song that she is listening to in her headphones while she is walking through a battle completely unbothered. The humming is upbeat but there is still a slight tone of sadness showing that she is aware of the violence happening around her. The humming audio is from TikTok, and for added sound effects I used angry mob yelling, boot steps on sidewalk, gun shots and also laser gun sounds because in a futuristic city I am sure they would also have futuristic guns. To portray movement I used the boot step sounds and also stopped the gun shots sound effects midway of the audio as a way to show that she passed them and when she makes it to the end she stops humming before she leaves to signify that she doesn’t need to drown out the noise anymore. Also the title of my post is called The Eye of the Hurricane because Runa is calmly walking and humming along while fighting is happening around her, and the eye of a hurricane is known as the moment of calmness during the storm.

Dysfunctional Home

You can’t choose your family nor control their actions as things easily go from bad to worse in seconds. Being a kid while hearing your family fight can be unbearable so I dare you to spend a few seconds under the roof of a dysfunctional home. Beware that the sounds chosen may be slightly triggering if you’ve been in this child’s position before.

So how do you feel? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Those are the first words that come to mind after listening each time for me. For this post I got my inspiration from the assignment called Auditory Hell where the directions said for you to create your worst sound ever. For me, I hated family drama growing up so I tried to replicate the sounds using Audacity. I used the sound of adults arguing, a baby crying from hearing all the loud noise, a fire alarm blaring because no one is paying attention to the food burning in the kitchen, and a dog barking as a reaction to all the high energy of the drama around him. My original audio clip was supposed to be longer but I found the sound upsetting and thought the short version still proved my point about how stressfully overwhelming a dysfunctional home can be.

Celeste City

Welcome to Celeste Cit- HEY! WATCH WHERE YA GOING!

Listen come here. I’m gonna give you a little tip. This bustling city ain’t for the weak so you better toughen up or get eaten alive. If you see anything, no you didn’t. Its none of your business so stay out of it. The cops come snooping around like starving hounds on the prowl every now and then so it might be in your best interest to avoid ’em unless you wanna be interviewed every time to see what you know. Any secrets about the rebellion and what not. Oh, speaking of the rebellion, their name’s the Claws. They do underground work tryin to overthrow the government and their members are scattered all across the city. Trust, you do not wanna get in their way. Especially that smug brat they call the Shadow, she may look young but I witnessed her easily take down three cops with my own eyes. Aye don’t give me that look, there’s nothing to fear. They’re good folk on an actual righteous mission to save people like you and me while those rich pigs in the government try to keep us beneath their boots. But that’s all for now. So once again, welcome to Celeste City. And good luck . . . you’re gonna need it.

This post was inspired by Create a Place from the assignment bank which gave the directions of using sound to create a place. For mine I chose to bring Celeste City to life since that is where my character Runa Starr aka the Shadow lives. I used Audacity for my audio editing. Since it is a cyberpunk themed city I thought it would be cool to make it based off of New York city so I used audio sound effects from the city like sirens, people talking, car alarms, and the sound of footsteps are also included to portray walking on the sidewalk. Lastly, I added in spaceship sound affects in the background because in a futuristic city I am sure they would have highly advanced technology like aircrafts. My script above was originally supposed to be included in the audio with an Ai generated New York accent voice, but none of the free voice generators sounded realistic enough and the other apps like Canva required payment for using long scripts for voice acting. So instead I just made the script readable while the Celeste City sounds play in the background.

POV: You’re Charlie Brown – Sound Effect Story

The prompt for this assignment excited me because it’s a clever idea and a good way to get creative. Once I started editing this story together, I had an easy time, but coming up with an idea was really tough for me. The problem I kept running into was I would think of the story I wanted to tell but couldn’t find any sounds for it. However, if I tried to do the reverse, downloading sounds and then coming up with a story, I became overwhelmed with options and didn’t know where to begin. Another challenge was that I could not find inspiration for a prompt online. I thought because this assignment was fun and easy, multiple people would have their own takes on it, but I couldn’t find anything. Eventually, I decided to do the sounds of a class period. It wasn’t groundbreaking, but I was stumped. I started downloading the sounds I wanted, and when I went to download the teacher’s voice, it only gave me Charlie Brown Teacher voices, but I figured that would be a much more interesting take, so I went with it. The process of editing the story together was fairly quick. I took the downloaded sounds and compiled them in the order I wanted. I used the cutting tool to end some clips early or split them up. After that, I exported the story and uploaded it to SoundCloud. Again, it’s a simple story, but I hope the Charlie Brown aspect makes it a little less mundane.