M. Marshall 2.7
For my sound effects story, I did a pretty short story. The idea behind the audio is that it is someone running across the finish line of a race! It’s pretty short but I thought it was fun.
M. Marshall 2.7
For my sound effects story, I did a pretty short story. The idea behind the audio is that it is someone running across the finish line of a race! It’s pretty short but I thought it was fun.
M. Marshall 2.7
I created a song on chrome music lab’s song maker. It is very simple and perhaps not that good but I thought it was cute and fun to do! Here it is.
M. Marshall 2.7
I used the suggested website, Collosyan. I didn’t have any great ideas so I did a news story based on a common scam technique from the 2000’s and 2010’s (ish), where a person receives an email from someone claiming to be a prince from Nigeria asking for money to unfreeze their bank account. The news story covers the request for $40,000 and the rewards for helping the prince to unfreeze his bank account. The AI created a video which I made into an audio file. Here it is!
I had the joy of listing to a few of the other group’s radio shows this week. I ended up missing class on Tuesday and caught the 2 shows that aired then. I was unable to make Wednesday’s broadcast. Ravioli Radio played Monday with another show. I was able to listen then too. I had an exceptional busy week with my kids, so I was unable to give the shows the attention they deserved.
I was able to catch bits and pieces of the shows. You could tell everyone put a lot of thought and work into their projects. Everyone is at a different level when it comes to computer skills. With that comes different strengths and weaknesses. I enjoyed the show, Pop Perceptive, that spoke about AI in pop culture movies. This included the Spider-Man movies and The Avengers movies. I love Spider-Man. They did a good job analyzing how AI was portrayed in different ways. Ravioli Radio had a commercial that had the same voice as Isaiah Beacon (I may have the name wrong) a tele-evangelist for AI. He was featured in Logic Pod. It was really fun to have those connect by accident. (I could be wrong the maker of the commercial only knows) It would be fun in the future to connect more of our characters in indirect ways.
We got quite organized in week one. I thought we had planned for different people to put the different sections together and then one person takes the sections and make it all one. I had volunteered for the final edit and put the sections together. I did not explain well enough the idea and I was left to put it all together. (I realized this before Tuesday) I do not mind really. I think my character had the least number of lines to record. She isn’t chatty like the other characters. I had a vision any way and I think the most time. The group was supper prompt about meeting the recording deadline (Tuesday) and getting everything recorded and put on Sound Cloud. They have really been a joy to work with. We just all didn’t click the enable download button. Yes, that included me. I went and fixed mine and then sent out directions in the group chat. So here is hoping that it is fixed soon. I am probably losing a day to work on this project waiting for everyone to fix the download mistake. I hadn’t finished typing and the problem was being corrected. Really a great group.
Wednesday I spent putting the majority of A, B, and C together.
Well, I intended to get back to writing out the rest of the week but didn’t. I chatted with the group some more on Discord and we divided the editing duties up. I did A, B and C and other group members did the others. On Friday Morning I put the show together and saw we were short time by about 10 mins. We needed more dialog. So Laday Alice got more insulting, and Sol found more words to say. Summers made more commercials to add to the breaks. I think we pulled it together really well. We all have different class and work schedules but managed to find time to communicate and put something really nice together. I would totally do a group project with them again. I know I had a lot of fun editing the dialog and adding the sounds of the audience. I hope people like it as much as I loved putting my parts together.
I found an audio assignment 1665 Have a Phone Conversation with Yourself. I decided to use this for Lady Alice’s part of the radio show. You get a sneak peek at the show and are left hanging on what is fully going on.
Have fun guessing what is being said on the other side of the phone.
Well, that was an interesting phone call.
I made a Google doc on Monday with an outline for the show. It is a good jumping off point for the group to discuss and make changes. I also used the outline provided on weeks 9 and 10 post to make a list on the Google doc of everything out show needs to contain. At least 2 of the group members work during the day so I had to prepare to wait all day for it to be seen. Luckily, I didn’t. My group is super on the ball of getting everything done. Summers, Destiny, Sol, and Greta are the other members. They all make some pretty good stuff. Summers is the creator of Dr. Ravioli and we all voted to name the radio show Ravioli Radio.
Summers put together a different Google doc and organized all of us to do a zoom call on Thursday. It went really well and lasted about an hour. We used my outline as a jumping off point to build a script and decide how it should flow. We went with breaking the show into 3rds with bumpers and commercials between the parts. We decided to have all the characters in the same room so to speak so we will have to upload our dialog in pieces to be used by each other. The 1st and 2nd parts will have the Dr. asking the other characters questions. The 3rd part of the program will have Dr. Ravioli answering questions from the fake studio audience. Everyone is taking a different section to piece together. I have volunteered to take the 3 sections and make it one.
I have made a commercial so far for the show. I still need to record all of Lady Alice’s lines for the show. I could do that for the other audio assignment I need for the week. A one-sided phone call, guess what is going on, on the other side?
I feel very fortunate to be working with such talented people. We all have our assignments and a deadline. Everyone has been really great about communicating with the group on discord. We all have such varying schedules so meeting in person so far hasn’t worked.
I made a commercial for Everlast Pets. I had previously made a PSA for the fake product, and I had wanted to make just an ad for it. I used Narakeet.com for the voices and Freesound.org for the music and other sounds used.
Overall, I like how my commercial turned out. The picture is of my lab and a few weeks old kitten. They are still the best of friends.
11780 labrador dog barks.wav by Robinhood76 — freesound.org/s/700748/ — License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
The other dog sounds, cat, and music were creative commons and can be found on Freesound.org
this is Fictional Radio Ad from the Audio Assignment Bank for DS 106 Audio Assignment 2009
I knew I wanted to do something with AI pets, when possible, this semester. I thought with a PSA it was a great opportunity. I watched Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers as a child. There is an episode with a robotic cat that is good until Fat Cat finds a way to make it bad. This gave me inspiration for the project.
What pulls on heart strings better than children? Pets. What if you could have a pet that never died. A pet you wouldn’t have to get a pet sitter for. A dog that never needed to go out in the middle of the night. Who wouldn’t want a pet like that as long as it acted and looked real for the most important parts! I bring you the Everlast Robotic Pet line. But Something has happened! A computer virus has been created to harm these pets!
For the sounds you hear I used clips I found on Free sound. You will find links for some of them below. For the voice I used https://www.narakeet.com
I watched another student’s work and really like the quality of the voice. They listed what website they used, and I book marked it for later use. I accidently closed the tab to their blog post so I regretfully cannot link it. I tried to find it but obviously have failed to do so. You know who you are so many people commented about how they were going to use your walk through of the process you did. Narakeet was a great find.
After I had my PSA all planned out, I saw this post A frank warning | raptnrent.me and wanted to add Frank with a doom and gloom message. So, I went through the steps (and didn’t need to read the instruction document this time!) and made my Frank without Franks voice. I used Wave2lip to make franks mouth match the recording I made with Narakeet. I then used Adobe Premier Rush to put the video together. I used pictures I had taken or made with Adobe generative AI to give you something to look at while the PSA played. I hope you enjoy!
To connect this to my character Lady Alice E. Smythe I will explain her feelings on the subject. She is quite annoyed that someone has figured out her plan to use Everlast Pets to spy on people. She had worked on this scheme for some time to help her collect information for her hostile takeover of Aggressive Technologies. She is now going to have to have the code reworked to get around the new antivirus software or figure out how to piggyback on what Aggressive Technologies is doing to spy on people. She will put some comments on chat boards to discredit the online chatter about using pets as spies. This company is poised to run the world in secret so she will do everything to be the one to run the company. AI can be a useful ally as long as it is under her control.