I asked Dr. Oblivion to create a podcast intro for my podcast, Liv Loves Movies. I made this podcast for my intro to digital studies class, and have been planning on continuing it. In the podcast, I talk about the cultural significance of certain movies, compare them to each other, or even just talk through ones that are just fun to watch. Dr. Oblivion did a perfect job at explaining what the core purpose of my podcast is, which is to dive into cinema through a cultural lens. I also would like to add that I loved his comments such as “a podcast, ah so original” and “go make the world a better place with your podcast about movies”, I appreciate his sarcasm.
Category Archives: Assignments
Podcast Introduction
Here is a the intro to the 312 podcast, it is a sports podcast that covers all sports and recaps the latest news and highlights
Soundtrack to my life
I cant upload the playlist directly to this blog but 10 songs that i would add to the playlist would be
Come & Go -M4 Chosen
All The Stars – Kendrick Lamar
Red Moon – Lil Uzi Vert
Noticed Ya – Lucki
JB Couch – Nino Paid
I Promise – Lil Baby
Green Room – Ken Carson
Aint the Same – M4 Chosen
How u feel? – Destroy Lonely
These are 10 songs that I relate to a lot and some of my favorite songs
Tech-Noir Radio Show
A radio show about a world where if you speak against the government, they replace you with a robotic clone and erase your original self. The story could follow a character, like Finn, discovering the truth behind the cloning program while interacting with people trying to escape it. Tech chips would play a big role, controlling memories and thoughts, similar to Limetown, and a secret group could be trying to hack them.
For the radio show, we could create a thriller-style narrative, with intense scenes where Finn and others are on the run or trying to expose the truth. There could be a love like Evelyn (Lynn) Calico or Veronica Malone, who might be involved with the resistance or have a hidden connection to the cloning project. The show could blend suspense and mystery
Sound Effect Story
For the sound effect story, it made me think of one of my favorite activities when going home for break, going to the beach! I am from Virginia Beach, so I was practically raised on the water. Some of my happiest childhood memories are being at the beach, swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, even boogie boarding on the tiny, non-existent waves. When creating the story, I wanted to incorporate the usual sounds I would hear when trying to sunbathe at the beach, kids playing, seagulls, water splashing, lifeguard whistles, and the wind blowing. It starts off with the slamming of the car door, then walking on the sound, slowly starting to hear the crashing of the waves and the shouts of the children. Then, I decided to add a little dramatics with two girls getting swept into the tide and needing to be saved by a lifeguard. But, of course, it has a happy ending of the girls being saved, and everyone going on with their lives. I found most of the sounds off of the free sound effects sites that were given.
Dr. Oblivions Radio Bumper
Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumper_(broadcasting)). So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music. Link to assignment https://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/create-a-ds106-radio-bumper/
For this assignment, I wrote a bumper and requested Dr. Oblivion to recite it, as I wasn’t comfortable using my own voice. After receiving the audio file from Dr. Oblivion, I uploaded it to Soundtrap for editing. I removed the unnecessary parts, which I found amusing, and added an upbeat song on a separate track. To enhance the listening experience, I incorporated a fade-in and fade-out effect, giving the impression that Dr. Oblivion was speaking live. Additionally, I adjusted the volume for a more polished final product. This editing process was enjoyable, and I look forward to potentially hearing it on the radio show!
To Get Featured on the Radio
Creating a radio bumper was really fun and very cool to mess around with. I wanted to choose background music that would really fit in with our class theme and found some noir themed music that I thought represented the ds106 radio show well as a background. Please let me know what you think!
Radio Reflection

I really enjoyed listening in on Wednesday night and wish I had been available to listen on Monday and Tuesday. The story was very interesting, and the sound effects helped me vividly imagine the scenes. I usually struggle to listen to podcasts, but this show kept me engaged because the sounds made it easier to follow and stay interested in what was happening.
My favorite part was when they got into the car. You could hear how their space became smaller, making it feel like they were very close together. Then, when the door opened, the space expanded again, which was really immersive. The ending was also intense, with the sounds growing louder, the banging, and people trying to get into the room. I also liked how the ticking sound stopped after going for a while, it made its absence really noticeable.
Sound Effect Story
One assignment everyone must do is the sound effects story: This is a challenge to tell a short story (no longer than 90 seconds) using nothing but sound effects! And make it something more interesting than waking up, taking a shower and eating breakfast. We highly recommend using http://freesound.org to find free sound effects for this project. The BBC Sound Effects archive is another good source.
Freesound – Coughing 001.wav by frenkfurth
Freesound – Heart Rate – Normal, Increased Rate, Cardiac Arrest, Flatline.mp3 by thegreatperson
Freesound – Choking #2 by Universfield
Freesound – Kid running down the stairs by pfranzen
Freesound – Slam door.MP3 by SoundsForHim
Freesound – scream_male_Bram_AAH_and_OH.aiff by thanvannispen
These are the elements I used to create my story it is in fact a drama yes! Going to be a murder drama but I deemed that to be inappropriate so it’s just an unfortunate accident. There was no inspiration just hopes for something sad. Took a while to find a good balance of sounds and what can and can’t overlap. Like the live story I heard Tuesday I wanted to add extra elements to make the story feel more real. For this I stuck to Freesound for my effects. Hard to find a good door opening sound though almost made my own.
Radio Bumper
We will be working with ds106 radio this week, and in some future weeks, so we want you to try your hand at making your first radio “bumper” – a 10-30 second short audio that announces the radio station that is played between songs to remind listeners what they are tuned in to. This should be saved as an MP3 file, and then upload it to SoundCloud. Make sure in Soundcloud that you enable the option to allow downloads (so we can add it to ds106 radio!) Your audio must be embedded in your blog post summary of this assignment. You can embed Soundcloud audio by putting the plain text URL on its own line, and when you publish, WordPress will create a player to allow visitors to listen. The radio bumper is an assignment in the Assignment Bank, so you should tag your blog post correctly when you’re done. You may be able to get Dr. Oblivion to help out, if you ask nicely. Tag: radiobumper
For this I naturally had to go for the Technoir vibe my first thought was all about industrial sounds however I switched to thinking more along an unsettling vibe. I used one of the sounds from freesound made by a creator called looplicator. It was just perfect with some additional modifications I made it more unsettling. I was far less sure of what to actually say unfortunately.
I did try to look ups some examples after a bit of trial and error I ended up with this.
It took a few tries, but I managed to get it done. Ended up coming out far shorter than I wanted since I wasn’t the most inspired and did not know much about radio going in. So, mine is not cool or anything more about telling the viewers to relax and just enjoy. Since my original one was too cynical according to a friend.