For today’s daily create we had to take a picture and then create a beaded version of the picture, meaning, we needed to use the Bead Art Tool to change how the picture looked. So, I used a picture of a Lamborghini that I took in Richmond because I thought it would look cool.
Today’s daily create required us to create am image that described the saying “Resistance throws you into time. Acceptance discloses the timeless.” The image below is what I came up with and I think it fits well with the prompt because of the major piece being the clock. Inside the clock, there is some nature which almost makes one feel like they are getting thrown into the clock or into resistance. I could be reaching though. Also, the clock represents how time still passes when you are resting something and eventually it will catch up to you.
For today’s daily create we had to add a modern appliance to an old picture or photo and so I decided to add a dishwasher to and older photo. I asked the image generator to create a photo of a dishwasher because that is the first modern appliance that came to mind and used the old photo to have it added into and as you can see the dishwasher does not look cleanly incorporated into the photo. It looks photoshopped which was what I was going for. The picture as a whole fits the description because of the fact that the rest of the house looks older and more contemporary and the modern appliance, the dishwasher, looks even more out of place.
This week was very light on the work we needed to complete to be done with our week. I started the week by creating some Daily Creates. The first of which is here: Daily Create #1, the second, Daily Create #2, and the third, Daily Create #3. The first one we had to do had us pick something that goes unnoticed in everyday life and so I chose a pencil and you can read my blog post as to why I chose that. My second daily create asked us to create an image of the first sentence from a book, but add the words, “and then the dragons arrived,” to the end of the sentence and then create an image that represents that sentence. That daily create link is posted above. On Tuesday, I did my final daily create of the week and for this we needed to find a picture and turn it into a scrapbook coloring page. So, I found a really cool picture of a car in the mountains and decided to use that as my picture and once it was turned into a coloring page, I had some fun coloring the different parts in and seeing what I liked and what I could come up with. The next thing we had to do was create a product pitch to Aggressive Technologies about a free AI tool that can be used as a product within their company. I created a blog post about my product located here, but the main premise was that the product that I chose, Colossyan, could be used to create text-to-speech videos. It allowed the user to create various videos and clips that used different backgrounds, music, and avatars to basically create a video for anything. The last thing we needed to do was to create our groups for the Radio Station project that would be happening in Weeks 9 & 10. Once that was done, i did some commenting to round out my work for the week.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the AI pitch was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create a pitch for a product that I used multiple times throughout the semester and was finally able to show it off. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was the AI pitch for our course character to Aggressive Technologies. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing I will focus on in the future, it just to get better at working with and understanding the Colossyan Video Generator just in case I am in need of using it again in the future.
Our daily create for today requires us to find an image and put it into a scrapbook generator so that it can be colored in by the user. So, I found a picture of a car in a mountain setting and decided to use that as the picture that would be turned into a coloring book page.
For this daily create, we needed to take the first sentence of a book and then add the text, “and then the dragons arrived.” I used the first sentence from the Harry Potter books and thought it turned out pretty good I think this picture represents the daily create today really well. This is because I took the first sentence from the Harry Potter books, and then added the text we were required to add since the franchise does deal with dragons every now and then, and the the picture that was generated was perfect. As you can see the house where Harry grew up in is similar to the one in the picture and then having the dragons fly overhead brings it all together.
Good afternoon, members of Aggressive Technologies. You already know me, Xander Neoteric, and I’m here to introduce you to a groundbreaking innovation that will redefine the way we create video content: the Colossyan Text-to-Speech Video Generator.
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – I may not be your biggest fan, and the feeling might be mutual. However, today I’m not here to dwell on personal sentiments. I’m here because I recognize the potential synergy between our companies. Aggressive Technologies boasts an extensive reach and resources that could propel our product to unprecedented heights.
This Text-to-Speech Video Generator is not just another run-of-the-mill software. It’s a game-changer, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge text-to-speech technology with video production. The user can create basically anything they wanted to in video form by just giving a script and picking an avatar that they wish to convey that script. With just a few clicks, a user can create a video of a lifetime and truly inspire their intended audience. The possibilities are endless and something that I think you should really consider given your tainted reputation as of late. I am here as a saving grace and as a compromise to put our differences in the past and move forward as the leading tech giant within the field of AI. With our two companies working side-by-side, no one in their right mind would choose to challenge us and opens a path to new heights. The application offers a variety of different capabilities and you can use any background whether it be a preset background or one that you create. You can also choose any character that you want and have them say virtually anything as long as it is written out within the script.
But talk is cheap, right? Allow me to demonstrate. Here’s a clip that I created when I was making my breakthrough with my neural chip:
Impressive, isn’t it? This software offers a variety of customization options, allowing users to adjust voice characteristics, add background music, and incorporate visuals to enhance the overall impact of their videos.
By partnering with me, you can tap into a burgeoning market hungry for innovative solutions. Together, we can usher in a new era of content creation, empowering creators and businesses alike to unleash their full potential.
Thank you for your time. I’m eager to discuss how we can collaborate to bring this transformative technology to the masses. I am willing to work with you as long as the the contracts are read over by my legal team and we can push our differences aside to truly change the world for the better. If you decide this is something you want to move forward with, which it should be as I am here to help cure your reputation, we can discuss monetary compensation and the financials which will be included in the contract as well.
One of the things we had to do for our daily create for today was to pick something that may go unnoticed in everyday life and I chose something as simple as a pencil because we use them so often and for me, there are a lot of times where I am in need of one and cannot find one and do not notice that there are none near me. They are taken for granted sometimes and people do not notice how often they are needed and used.
This week was another light week in terms of assignments and what we had to do. I started off this week’s assignment on Sunday and so I started with my first daily create. This daily create required us to take the open mouth of a statue and remix it and so I decided to do something a little bit more creative. I drew inspiration from the Iron Man movie, where at the end of the movie, is is sitting by himself in his suit inside of a huge donut sign eating a donut and so i had an Ai-chatbot generate me an image of a superhero sitting inside the mouth of a statue eating a donut. Although the statue was not the same, the idea behind the picture and requirements for the daily create were still met, in my opinion. You can view and read about this daily create at this link. Then, on Monday, I did my second daily create. I did my second daily create on Monday in which we had to describe our visit to either Ed Sheeran’s Castle on the Hill or Frankenstein’s Castle. You can read about what I chose here. Following that on Tuesday, I did my third and final daily create for the week. The final daily create of the week required us to create a postage stamp for the DS106 field. Therefore, I used an AI-chatbot to create a postage stamp for DS106 and you can find that post here. As stated in the description, the test may not be perfect because AI-chatbots sometimes still struggle with placing text on the image, however, other than that it was a perfect fit for the assignment description. While all my daily creates were being completed, I moved onto creating the actual pieces of work that I needed to finish the assignments for the week. The first assignment was a propaganda poster that we needed to create that represented something about our course character. As a result, i chose to do my propaganda poster on Xander and his troubles with his former employer, Aggressive Technologies. I used an AI-chatbot to create the image and it shows Xander standing in front of his former company’s building with the motto “Aggressive Tech: Profit Over People,” and I chose to go with this because Aggressive Technologies cares more about money than valuing their workforce as you read in last week’s backstory with Xander and the company. You can find the full post here. My final assignment for the week was to create a public service announcement that gave a speech about our course character and relate it to the field of AI or to Aggressive Technologies. Once again, I chose the Aggressive Technologies route and made a news bulletin/PSA about how Xander was going to go public with the information he has on his former company and how they truly run their company. You can read and hear all about that in this post. The final task was commenting, which I did, as well as to create a blog post that required us to watch other people’s PSAs and try to think of how our character would respond to them. That post is located here and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it out.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the propaganda poster was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create various images for the propaganda poster and finally decide on which one I wanted to use. It allowed me to be thorough and extra creative with the work that I was choosing and that made it more enjoyable. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was the propaganda poster for our course character and their relation to AI/Aggressive Technologies. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing I will focus on in the future, it just to get better at working with and understanding the OpenShot Video Editor just in case I am in need of using it again in the future.
One of the final assignments that we needed to complete this week was to create a PSA about our course character in relation to the field of AI or Aggressive Technologies. However, that was a separate assignment, on top of that we needed to create a blog post that talked about how our characters may respond to some of the PSA’s that others in the class might create. As a result, I am writing this blog post to do just that. The first PSA that I was able to view is located here, and this PSA talks about how AI can be used to accomplish a variety of tasks and how useful it can to complete everyday tasks. We all know that Xander is an innovator and inventor and is all for using AI in everyday life and so I think his reaction to this announcement would be very positive and he would stand behind this message. He would definitely push for this announcement to be made even more public because not only does it stand by what he believes in, it also would help promote his future and reputation in the industry since he just launched his new AI-implant chip that people will eventually be able to get for themselves to help them with everyday tasks and in various situations. The second PSA that I was able to find is located here, and tries to spread the message that we should all trust AI and that we should not worry about the consequences that it could bring and that we should also trust the people that are in charge of manufacturing AI tools, such as Aggressive Technologies. Xander would only agree with some parts of this message I believe, because he would advocate for the trusting of AI, however, he would not advocate for the trusting of Aggressive Technologies. This is because, as we all now know, AT stabbed Xander in the back in recent weeks, and Xander has plans on going public with the information he has on them. Therefore, Xander would not agree to trust AT after what they did to him, however, he would ask the public to continue to trust AI and wait and see all the benefits that it could/would bring in the future. The final PSA that I chose to comment on, was this one, which talks about how AT is all about making money and there are no ethical actions that they take to help their employees. They ruthlessly lay off their employees with no severance packages and all of their promises are just a mask to what they are really trying to do, use AI to line the pockets of those at the top while the hard working employees all suffer. Xander would be at the forefront of this revolution and he would not back down. After learning about AT’s plan to line their pockets based on his invention, he knows that he was not the first and will not be the last so he is going to do everything in power to make sure that AT pays for what they have done to him and to others just like him. Without a shadow of a doubt, Xander would and could be used a poster boy for this revolution and he would be all for it because he will spend the rest of his life if he has to, to get revenge and make AT pay for what they did to him. Overall, all of the PSA’s were really interesting and was cool to see how everyone went about completing the assignment and how they chose the various applications that they used to get it done. I enjoyed watching all of them and trying to figure what Xander would say about them and I think this version of commenting on other’s peoples post is nice, however, I think that the smaller comments are better because they are more personal than a blog post. Still, this assignment was enjoyable to complete and I had a fun time watching other people’s PSAs and was cool to see how different people expressed their creativity.