Today’s daily create had us pick our least favorite household chore and then associate a game to it that might help up be more productive while completing the chore. My least favorite household chore would probably have to be cleaning my room. In order to finish this chore, I think I would associate it with a game that revolves around trying to clean my room at the fastest rate possible and timing myself. i think by doing this it would help me move faster because I am against the clock and it would really help me work efficiently while also getting the main task at hand done. It would definitely help me to associate it with something like that.
Category Archives: assignment
Week 10 Just Like That!
So this week was pretty light in terms of the work we needed to do in order to meet the requirements for the week. The main thing we had to was to actually finish our group radio show and blog about our progress on the project as well. For that, I created a separate blog post that talks about my progress and what the team worked on throughout the week. Following that post we had to write, we also were required to complete two daily creates this week and the first one, Daily Create #1, was done on Friday. This daily create had us create a new design for a bicycle, and unoriginally, I decided to just add an motor to it so that it go at faster speeds by still looking somewhat like a bicycle. That daily create was a little simple and I found it somewhat difficult to create a new design for something as old as a bicycle and knew there were already so many different versions of the product already on the market and have been thought about. Moving on, my second daily create, Daily Create #2, was completed on Sunday. This daily create had us use a spot image generator and create an image using spots of various sizes, colors, and dimensions, and we were tasked with coming up with a cool design with interesting colors. From my post, you can see that after messing around with the tool for a little while, I was able to come up with something enjoyable to look at and I really enjoyed this one because I was able to mess around with the tool for a little while and create something unique and interesting. Finally, I finished off the week with some commenting so that other people could get positive feedback on their work. Last but not least, you can listen to my groups radio show at the following link.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating and editing the radio show was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create a radio show and was finally able to use all the skills that I had garnered over the past couple weeks and put them use. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was the radio show. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing I think I did really well this week was use my previously gained skills in Audacity and put them to good use because I was able to edit together all of the various sound clips, radio bumpers, and commercials with merely no hiccups and so I am happy with that result, as well as how the radio show turned out. .
Week of the Radio Show Completion!
So this week was our second week when it comes to working on our radio show project. This week was meant to be used to put everything together and come up with a final product that we could upload to YouTube or SoundCloud. Furthermore, one of the assignments that we had to do along with completing our radio show projects, was to write a blog post that talked about our progress that we made on the project as a whole. Going into this week, my group and I were very clear on what needed to get done and what still needed to be fixed up in terms of editing the final product together. Since everyone had made their bumpers and commercials last week, we decided to use this week to record our lines from our script that we created and then use those recording within Audacity to put everything together. As a result, the first thing each of did was record our lines and make sure everyone had around 6-7 minutes of talking time including the bumper and commercial to make sure that we would reach the 20-minute radio show requirement. All of us, ended up having to add some more to our lines to fit this requirement but nothing that caused too much of an issue. We then sent all the files to one person, me, since we were not all familiar with each other and were local to each other. Once I received the files, I was able to pick apart the audio files based on the script and cut and paste them into an new audio track that had everything in order based on the script. I was able to add some intro music, a extra transition into a commercial, and some outro music as well to make the podcast feel more legitimate. Once everything was put together, which was pretty simple to do since I had already used Audacity quite a bit this semester, I was able to export the file and send it to the rest of my group members for their feedback and approval. Once I gained approval, I uploaded it to SoundCloud for the final part of the project and that it where the project stands as of now. I enjoyed creating this show for the past two weeks and really showed off how the skills we had been learning for the previous 8 weeks really came into play when designing and producing an entire radio show like the one we ended up having. All of my group members were cooperative and I think we worked pretty well together as a team.
Daily Create – 3/24/2024

Today’s daily create was to create a splatter art work using a splatter art website. The picture you see below is what I came up with and I think it turned out pretty good because I was just messing with the colors, size, wobble, and the number of dots and finding something that looked cool and interesting. I chose the big spots because I felt like the small dots left the canvas a little bare and it could have used some more color so I used bigger dots.
Daily Create – 3/22/2024

Today’s daily create was to create a new design for a bicycle and so you can see below that I just added a motor to it. The rest of the bike looks pretty simple with the handlebars and brakes and everything but the legs rests insinuate that an engine is present since they are not pedals like they normally would. The bike even has some shocks on it for some better suspension. I think the image was pretty good and turned out pretty close to what I wanted it to be. Furthermore, honestly, if this bike was a real thing, I would 100% buy it, I mean it looks really cool the longer I look at it.
Week 9 All Over!!
This week went by pretty quickly and was pretty smooth in terms of getting work done while also meeting the necessary requirements. Starting off the week, I decided to get started on my daily creates and for this week, we needed to do 3 of them. On Friday, I did Daily Create #1, which required us to add a modern appliance to an old image. As a result, I decided to take a photo of an old house and then add a dishwasher in the kitchen area since I imagined that not that many people would use dishwashers back in the day. You can click on the link above to go view that post. I think it turned out pretty good overall and was happy with my final product. I then moved onto Daily Create #2, which had use create an image that represented the statement “Resistance throws you into time. Acceptance discloses the timeless.” Inside the clock, there is some nature which almost makes one feel like they are getting thrown into the clock or into resistance. I could be reaching though. Also, the clock represents how time still passes when you are resting something and eventually it will catch up to you. I really enjoyed making this one because it really made think about what the statement meant and what was the best way to represent something like that was. Finally, I moved onto Daily Create #3, which had us take a photo that we had and make it into bead art using an online tool. For this one, I decided to use a picture of a red Lamborghini that I took when going to the mall at home. It turned out pretty cool and was happy with my final product. Once all my daily creates were out of the way, I decided to move onto the actual assignments for the week. I started with creating the radio show bumper and commercial for the radio show project that started this week. For my radio show bumper, I made a script for me to read and record myself using Audacity. Once that was done, I was able to find some cool sounding audio to throw in there to make the bumper flow more smoothly and sound more complete. The next assignment that I did was to create the commercial for the radio show. This commercial was for a company called BetterHelp, a company that specializes in mental therapy. I have heard this commercial a lot on various podcasts and thought it would be cool to incorporate it into one of my assignments. It is also important to note that both of these assignments were used to fulfill the two audio assignments that we needed to complete this week with an added twist, since the radio bumper assignment was to create a bumper for the DS106 radio station and the commercial assignment was for an 80s product. Therefore, I bent the rules a little bit and made it work for my radio show. Finally, I finished off the week by creating a post that detailed the progress that was made on the radio show project by myself and the rest of my group and the game plan that we came up with to attack the project. That post is located here. At last, I came to the final assignment for the week which was to create a logo for our radio show project and that post is located here.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the commercial for the radio show was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create a commercial for a product that I have heard so much about and was finally able to create a commercial of my own. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was the commercial for the radio show. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing I will focus on in the future, is to just make sure that I am doing a goof job of communicating with my group members so that the project is completed efficiently and everything runs smoothly.
Radio Show Logo!

One of the assignments we had to do this week was to create a visual that could be used as our radio show logo or bumper sticker. Along with the radio show bumper and the commercials, we needed something that we could use to help represent the radio talk show. Now in most cases, people would normally have the name of the talk show in the logo, however, I decided to get a little bit creative and experimented with logos that had had text and ones that did not. I finally settled on the picture you see above, and as you can see it does not have any text. I think the picture without any text makes it look more clean and elegant compared to the ones with the text. I decided that this picture was the best fit for our show since we would be focusing on topics such as AI and Aggressive Technologies and the role they play in the field and so the background being futuristic and high-tech really made the picture come together as a whole. However, I also wanted to include the hosts of the talk show as well, and since we have three people in the group, I added three people and had a fourth since the radio show may contain guests if needed. I really like how this turned out and the process of making it was quite simple. I used an AI chatbot to generate the image and had to go through a few iterations to get to this final design. Originally, the pictures were very old-fashioned and looked too much like cartoons and so they did not really fit the theme of the radio show or the project itself. Once I was able to tell the chatbot to give me something more high tech and have it fit the theme a little more, I was able to easily decide that this picture was the one that I would want to be using to try and come to a decision with my group members about which of the three designs should be the final logo. Especially having the really cool looking skyline in the back made the picture that much better and really helped me realize that this was the picture I wanted to go for. The picture is located above and let me know your thoughts.
The Beginning of My Radio Show!
So, this week was the first week in terms of working on our radio show with our groups and getting the ground running. Therefore, it was pretty easy to understand what needed to get done this week and what was at utmost importance. The first thing we did at the start of the week was introducing ourselves to each other and creating a discord groupchat that would allow us to communicate with one another efficiently since we did not all know each other before this assignment started. The next thing that we did was, we decided that it would be easier for all of us to create a radio bumper and commercial by ourselves since the show needed three of each. Therefore, over the weekend and throughout the week we spent some time working on this task and making sure everyone had that completed. Furthermore, we realized then, that we each needed to create a logo for this radio show as well and so, we each, once again, created our own logos and would then decide which logo to use at a later date so it was not too much of a hassle right now. Finally, for the first week we agreed that we needed to create a script for the radio show and that it would go by a lot smoother if we knew what was going on and what needed to be said by who. Therefore, we spent a majority of the time during the week working on the script to make sure that the show ran smoothly and everyone was aware of what needed to be said and when. We all agreed that the script would make things a lot easier and more efficient when it came time to record the show and overlap the answers and music as well. We would know exactly when the radio show would break and when there would be silence so that we can fill in those gaps with other audio to keep the show interesting and engaging.
Commercial for Talk Show!
My second audio assignment for the week was to create a commercial for an 80s product. I decided to do this one because we had to create a commercial for our radio show anyway, and so I decided to be a little bit more efficient with my time and just knock out two birds with one stone. My commercial has a little twist to it because I decided to create a commercial for a more modern product since that is probably more appealing to my listeners than something from the 80s. My product was called BetterHelp, which is an online therapy service that allows individuals to connect with licensed therapists to help their everyday mental health needs. In order to create this commercial, I create a script with the help of other commercials done in the past, and used Audacity to record myself speaking out the script. Once I had that audio clip completed, I was then able to move onto trying to find a music clip that I could play in the background so it is not just me talking. I found this soft, warm sound that I could use in the background and so I inserted that. However, I come to find out that the sound is way too loud for my voice recording and so I ran into a little hiccup trying to figure out how to deamplify the sound of the music. Once I was able to figure that out, however, I was able to continue finishing up the commercial. Once finished, I listened to it and realized that I was happy with the final product and decided to call it there. You can listen to my commercial down below or on my SoundCloud page. I hope you enjoy!!
Radio Show Project Starts Now!
This week we get to start working on our radio show projects and as a result we needed to create at least 3 radio bumpers to incorporate into our project, I created one that helps introduce the show and what the main contents of the show will be about. I have created it and uploaded it to SoundCloud, but you can also listen to it below. I used an exciting intro sound to try and get the listeners more engaged and exciting for what they are going to listen to while also giving them insight into what to expect on the show. My group will be talking about AI and the various news that are related to the field so I made sure to include tha topic in my introduction as well as the characters and their experience with Aggressive Technologies because that is another reason why these three specific characters were brought together. I did my best to try and find a sound that fits the radio bumper and so the initial sound that is used is very upbeat and meant to try and get the listeners hyped for what is to come. I enjoyed making this radio bumper and the process went a lot smoother since this was my second time creating one since we had to create one for the DS106.1 radio station earlier in the semester. Also, we were required to complete two audio assignments this week and so one of the audio assignments was to create a radio bumper, and added my own little twist to it because I made it for my radio show project and not the DS106.1 radio station. Feel free to listen to my radio bumper below and I hope you enjoy it!