This week was the final week for the class and so we were tasked with creating a short, less than two minute video that allowed us to reflect on the class as a whole and individually. We were asked to talk about what the favorite thing that we saw in the class was along with what our favorite individual assignment was. For the class in the general, I talked about the radio shows and how they represented the creativity in the class and the opportunity for people to come together to create such an appealing project. It added a nice touch to the class since at the beginning it was all by yourself and to allow groups to come together and work together and allow themselves to experiment with different ideas with the different course characters and the various topics that were discussed in class was nice to see. It also allowed the students to create fun and creative projects out of it. For the individual part, I talked about how my day in the life video was the best thing that I did all semester. This is because it was my first assignment in which I needed to use various visual applications that did different things. I had to use all of these different applications for the first time and so I was proud of how I was able to steer myself through the creation of the video and allow myself to create a final product that I was happy with. I really enjoyed how it was so open ended and I got to choose what was and was not included in my video and so I enjoyed that part as well. Finally, we had to include a section that talked about why Aggressive Technologies should support DS106 and so I chose to talk about how DS106 is working to make the world a better place for everyone and allows the world to become a better place with the incorporation of AI as well. I argued that with both the help of DS106 and Aggressive Technologies, we can change the world for the better and ensure that everyone is better off. Another reason they should support us is that we have done nothing but good for the world and so there is no reason not to trust us and we would put in a good word with the public for them so that they reputation does not continued to be ruined. I enjoyed my time in this class over the course of the semester and would recommend it to anyone that is thinking about taking this class. For the final time, Rishi signing off! Have a great future everyone!
Category Archives: assignment
Week 14 Just One Week Left!!!
This week went by pretty quickly in my opinion. All we really had to do this week was to put together our final project and make a weekly summary post like usual. I started the week by getting all our audio files into Audacity so that we could begin making the final product for the project. I started by creating my radio bumper and commercial for the project and we used Eleven Labs to create my recordings for the scripts for each of the pieces. Once we had all the lines figured out and recorded, we were able to start putting together to the final product. We used the script that we made last week to make sure that all the lines matched up with our actual show. We also used the free sounds website to add music to our bumpers and commercials to try and add some more interest to the show and to keep the viewers and listeners engaged. Like past weeks, in order to create my radio bumper and commercial, I used audacity to take the recorded lines and the background music to put them together and create one audio file that was put into the entire show at the end when the show was being put together. The same process was applied to the creation of the commercial. Once we were able to get everything up into Audacity, we listened to the show back and decided that everything looked and sounded good so we uploaded our show in each of our respective weekly summary posts. I think this project shows a lot about everything we learned over the course of the semester because we used our audio editing skills that we gained over the course of the semester to make this whole radio show happen. I think that without doing the previous projects and audio assignments, this assignment would have been 10x harder because we would not have any experience with Audacity and we would not know where to begin or what to include in a project of this manner. I did not get a chance to post a progress post this week as my schedule is still very hectic and have not had much time for anything outside of school and tennis.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the final project was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create a talk show for the two characters and have them interact once again. I anticipate that people will enjoy this talk show since it is shorter, and will allow them to stay engaged for longer to truly take in all the information being given. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing that I think I did well this week was managing my time yet again. Like last week, the end of the semester is getting hectic and things are starting to get a bit more bust especially with tennis and school ramping up. I think that I still did a good job managing my time and was able to getting everything that I needed to get done, done. Overall, I had a really positive experience with this class and think that most of the people in the class would agree with me. I gained a bunch of new skills and enjoyed working on the assignments and getting a chance to see how creative others got with their work and how they went about the process. That was cool to see and read about the insights into which people were getting their ideas from and actually completing their work. Like stated before, I really enjoyed the class and would recommend others to take if they have the time.
Daily Create Week 13:
by Greta Hammen
On Mastodon, I added to the creates from others
Week 13 – Final Project Work!!!
So this week was very, very light on the work that we needed to do in order to meet the requirements for the assignment. The basic idea for the next two weeks was to work on our final project to round out the semester and so that is exactly what I did. I decided to work with Peter once again for the final project and we decided to another radio-show type thing for our final project. Our show is called “Tech Insights” and the episode that we are creating talks about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and how people may view the game-changing technology. The shows dives into both the good and the bad and the hosts make sure to talk about each point completely to make sure that the listeners are fully aware of what is happening and being talked about. We also used the bumpers that we created from the Radio Show Project, along with the commercials that we both made to make the video project more appealing and realistic. We were also advised to make some progress posts throughout the week, however, as you can tell by me posting this on Thursday, that I had a very busy week this week and was not able to get to those progress posts and since it was not a requirement, I figured it would be fine. i will include the progress that we made on our final project within this post. As far as this week goes, we came up with the idea for the project on Monday/Tuesday and then started working on the script Tuesday/Wednesday and over the course of those two days, we spent some time trying to decide what pros and cons we wanted to use for the show since there were so many. After we were able to pick some out for each side, we started working on the script and it looks like we will have roughly a 10-minute show for this final project and since there was only two of us this time, we figured it would be more than enough. As stated before, we decided to add the bumpers and commercials to make it more interesting. One thing that we decided to do for this project was to use completely AI-generated voices to further push the narrative of AI and make the final project a little bit cooler to listen to. Next week, we plan on actually creating the audio samples, getting the radio bumpers/commercials, and background music all into Audacity and putting the whole thing together. That will be the main focus for the next week and the rest of this week will be spent on editing the script to make sure it is what we want along with making sure that there is nothing else we need to add or find before we start putting things together.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the script for the final project was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to create a talk show for the two characters and have them interact once again. I anticipate that I will enjoy creating the audio clips for the characters since we are using all AI-generated audio clips. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing that I think I did well this week was managing my time. Since the end of the semester is getting closer and closer, things are starting to get a bit more hectic and now that I am about to graduate, I want to make sure that everything is going well in all my classes and other activities and so I am busier than usual, but was still happy I was able to get all the work for this class done while going through the final few weeks of the semester.
Weekly Summary 12:
by Greta Hammen
Favorite daily creates to do involve making art. I enjoy the websites that the prompts take us to, in order to have the desired art outcome. This week we had the solar eclipse, which is a rare occurrence and a reminder of what an amazing world we live in! I put together Daily Creates: Pockets Ablaze TDC: – According to Greta (, Psychedelic Art TDC: – According to Greta ( and
It has been beneficial to see and read what others in the class are able to do Comments to: Daily Create – 4/7/2024 – Creative Bytes: Exploring the World of DS106 (,, Daily Crate 04/12/24 – its_Senpai (, Video Project, Troubles As Usual – Abiotic Interface and Video Project: AI in Space & Skis – Tubba Talks ( Thank you, Professor Bond, for sharing about your recent travel experience to get the best view of the solar eclipse and for recording the sounds at the time it occurred.
My video, AI For Our Future – According to Greta (, can be watched here and a reflective analysis of the process is written. I plan to try the Wav2Lip application on a different clip in the near future, so that I have that sense of satisfaction that comes from achieving the goal!
AI For Our Future
by Greta Hammen
My video project is of Grant, an AI image generator of a man talking straight into a camera. I uploaded this image onto and gave him a profile with name and a pdf of text that he might say, if asked questions. Then, I was able to create the video on that site with my text and the lip syncing is done with the click of a button. I am happy with the results!
I originally worked on a video titled, Frank talks AI, FranktalksAI.mp4.3gp. I spent approximately 5 hours on the process of the video during this week. I downloaded it from House I Live In, The : Ross (Frank) Productions, Ltd. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive, then I uploaded it to YouTube, I thought that I should do it that way, but there are other ways of doing it. I imported it into Premiere Pro, cutting it down to a minute. I created the audio on AI Voice Generator & Text to Speech | ElevenLabs. Then, I did the Wav2Lip process four times. I got the green checks on the left for the uploads, but the syncing was unsuccessful and did not output a video.
You can view a clip of it here:
The lesson learned here, is that on occasion, even with considerable troubleshooting, sometimes you have to create a new plan and proceed.
Nonet TDC:
by Greta Hammen
I’m not a poet, but this nonet got me thinking about life and the parts that make up the whole.
Week 12 Done!
This week was pretty light when it came to work that was needing to be done. We just needed to create a post regarding out work on the video project as well as embedding the final product into that post. For me, that post is located at this link. We also needed to do 3 daily creates this week. Starting on Friday, with Daily Create #1. For this daily create, we needed to remix someone on a training card and so I decided to remix my training card to be Rafael Nadal, who is a professional tennis player. You can read more about this post from the link posted above. Moving onto Sunday, when Daily Create #2 was done, this one required us to find an image that could not move, but somehow make it move and I struggled with this one a bit because I did not have the skills necessary to make that happen and so I did the next best thing and found an image on the internet. You can find that post above. Finally, Daily Create #3, was done on Monday and this one required us to select words and then black out the rest of the test so that only the words that we picked would show through. I did not really have a plan as to why I chose the the words that I chose but at the end of the day it ended up looking pretty cool and it was interesting to see what kinds of words I chose and if they relate to one another. You can find that post above as well. I also spent some time commenting on other peoples post to make sure they were receiving positive feedback for their work.
I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that creating the video project was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to put all of the different pieces together and see how it turned out. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.
I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was creating the video for the video project. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing that I think I did well this week was using my skills with OpenShot Video Editor, because the process of putting all the various sound clips and video clips together was done with effort and very efficiently.
Video Project!!!
This week we were tasks with actually bringing out video project plans to life and so Julius and I decided to take a walk through a futuristic city that was filled with different AI elements to see how they impacted the world. There were multiple examples of how AI was being used in the city, such as within houses, the healthcare field, and finally, the entertainment sector. The video starts off with a cityscape were Julius and Xander are entering the city and they notice all the technology around them, they then move into a house where they examine all of the AI elements within the house. Second, they move into a hospital like setting where all of the AI elements that are being incorporated by the healthcare sector are being analyzed, and finally the entertainment sector is analyzed and all of the AI elements are pointed out to the viewer. While this is happening, there are various video clips playing in the background that are relevant to what the current talkings points are. The video has a clear title and ending to meet one of the requirements and any gaps in the discussion are filled with music so the viewer is not left with just bare pictures. The video itself was created through a series of medium-difficulty steps. The first step was to actually create the script and this was probably the easiest of all the steps and took the least amount of time. Following that, we needed to find a way to make AI-generated video clips that we could in the video and so we decided to use a platform called Runway, which allowed us to give the AI bot a script and it would generate a 4-second clip based on that script. Once the clip was created, we were able to extend the clip up to 4 seconds at a time and this was helpful in some situations where the clip needed to be on screen for more than 4 seconds. Once the clips were created, my partner and I used Audacity to record our lines and export them so that they could be used while putting the whole thing together. Everything was put together using OpenShot Video Editor, a application that we have become very familiar with by now, and following the script and the video clips we were able to seamlessly put the video together. This was the longest part because it took some time to make sure that the lines matched up with the actual clip being shown on screen. Other than that, the project went pretty smoothly overall and was able to efficiently use me and my partner’s time to make sure we got everything done. You can find the video down below. Hope you enjoy!
Psychedelic Art TDC:
by Greta Hammen

These types of daily creates are my favorite. The art is fun to make, and the sites have lots of options from which to choose. This was done on Mandelbrot Fractal :: Zazow. The post on Mastodon is here: