Author Archives: Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

Tips From Your Local Femme Fatales

For one of the assignments that I chose to work on this week was the 10 tips Assignment from the Video Assignment Bank.

The 10 tips in this video clip are from my character Sapphria Mae and all of her femme fatale friends.

I created this video using Canva. I found a bunch of other femme fatale inspired photos on Google and used them throughout the video. Then I came up with most of the content for the tips but used google for some inspiration for a few of them as well. In Canva I found 10 video clips that I liked and tried to diversify each one with new designs that were fitting to the tips and the pictures I added to them. Then I added the tips and pictures in and then customized each page. Most pages already came with text boxes, the specific fonts, and the designs/art on them as well so I didn’t really have to focus on that too much.

After completing that, I did some final editing to the number of seconds on each clip. I did about 8 seconds per slide because I figured that would give people a decent amount of time to read the tips and view the pictures. I uploaded the video to my Vimeo account and then linked it here to this page.

I hope you all enjoy the tips from Sapphria Mae and her friends 🙂

Week 6 – This week’s assignments had new challenges for me to overcome! I did have fun though :)

I completed my Daily Creates and had fun communicating with my peers. I also had fun looking at others work and commenting on their pages!!! Great job on the video essays everyone!

The video essay was a little challenging for me because I hadn’t done one of these before, but I quickly got the hang of it and found a solution. I did my essay on the Black Mirror episode “Hated in the Nation”. I’ve watched other episodes of Black Mirror but hadn’t seen this one yet, so I enjoyed watching this episode and getting to pick apart a scene to analyze.

The material and readings this week were very relevant and helped me created the analysis for my video essay. I loved learning about how to capture an emotion! That was my favorite part of this week’s readings. I also enjoyed relating our Technoir theme to my essay and kind of putting all the puzzle pieces together.

Lastly, I enjoyed voting and checking out everyone’s work for this week! I found some new techniques or processes that I may try for the week 6 assignments from looking at my classmate’s work. Thank you all for including what you did and how you did it.

Happy V-Day! 🙂

Hated in the Nation – Scene Analysis

I did my video essay on the Black Mirror episode called “Hated in the Nation”

I thought it was interesting how camera shots and angles can create an invasion of privacy, secrecy, and exposure to the viewers in this scene. I got to analyze how the views of the camera effected the both the viewer and the characters emotions. Also, how different shots can magnify, intensify, and capture how characters feel in the film. It’s really something that I never had to think about but it’s quite interesting.

One thing that I really liked learning in the materials from this week is how to capture an emotion. It’s really a lot to take in and apply on your own because there are so many different things that go into this process. Although, what caught my attention the most is how emotion takes time to capture. Depending on how long a scene is, is one of the factors that depends on how the viewer will capture the emotions. You could play the same scene twice, and speed one video up and slow the other one down and it can change the entire emotion. It was interesting trying to find that in my analysis. The way the camera stood still and exposed the woman’s dead body in the scene, the way the detective was looking back and forth at the body and at the doctor for more information, and the other lady’s eyes seemed to stay more peeled on the lady’s dead body than the doctor in some scenes.

It was also interesting to tie into how this scene represents tech noir. This entire episode really represented tech noir by blurring the lines between humans, insects, and machines, and AI and robotics. The government tried to come up with another solution to bees becoming extinct by creating these “ADIs” automated drone insects. Long story long, a few people died because of the corruption of the drone insects. It really built a relationship between the natural and the artificial and how the natural can corrupt the artificial. I guess they were just a product of their environment. If used correctly it would have been a great idea, but because of human corruption, they became detrimental and disrupted the sensory capacity of human perception. It really pushes the line that is drawn between how much humans should depend on AI, robotics and automation to do natural processes.

I haven’t done a video assignment like this before, but I create this video on iMovie to upload the video recording and then do a voice over. I then uploaded it to Vimeo to share it here.

Thanks for tuning in.

Daily Creates Week 5 :)

Daily Create #tdc4778

My first Daily Create – A Found Poem, I was inspired by the idea that Sarah Honeychurch had done for her poem. Sarah used the first words of the subjects of the emails that were in the inbox folder for the day. I basically did the same, except for a few of the poem lines in mine I added the second word to the subject email.

Here is my poem 🙂

No Reply
Taking Leave

Daily Create #tdc4779

My second Daily Create – Put it elsewhere, I found a photo of the desert with the statue of liberty cropped in the picture. I chose this photo because it gave me tech noir vibes and it was fitting for the daily create task. The photo seemed a little darker and black around the edges and the statue of Liberty was not green but a tan-ish color with little pebbles of blue sparkles around it. Here is my photo:

Weekly Summary

I had a lot of fun with the audio assignments this week. That was one of my main goals of taking this course; That I will get more comfortable with recording myself/my voice. I accomplished that!

The first assignment I started with was creating a radio bumper for the DS106 radio station. I’ve never made anything like this, so the material was new to me. It took me a little while to get set up, but it wasn’t too bad.

My favorite part about this assignment is that my bumper got played on the DS106 radio station. How cool is that?!

Listening to Moon Graffiti & Other Weekly Materials:

I’d never really thought about how important and powerful sound is in storytelling. While listening to “Moon Graffiti”, I could tell you what the setting was, the tone/atmosphere, how the characters feel, and overall, what’s going on just by listening to this audio story.

Abumrad’s videos were very insightful and broke down sound, storytelling, and creation down to its core fundamentals. Very intuitive videos!

I talk more about the reading materials in my post.

Sound Effects Story – Assignment Bank

I created a Sound Effect Story where people were having fun on a roller coaster ride. The sounds I put together were of people screaming, laughing, talking, clapping, and having fun with rollercoaster sound effects.

This was my first time creating something like this and playing around with all of the other tools on Audacity. Click the sound effect story link above to learn more about how I created the sound story.


This radio experience was awesome! While listening to the radio, we also collectively had a discussion on discord about the material.

And my bumper was played on air!! It felt really good to hear my work on air and to have other people listen to it too.

I talked more about the different types of sound effects and how I used them in my post.


I chose to complete the Sick beat – Assignment this week. The only real requirement was to “just get groovy dood.” I enjoyed making this beat, so I hope you guys like it too. Check out my post for more info.

Sapphria Mae’s Favorite Mashup

The last creation I made this week was completing the P!NK’s Emotions Assignment. The inspiration behind this assignment is from my character Sapphria Mae. I wanted to use this opportunity to build her personality a little bit more through music.

I used Audacity to create this P!nk Mashup. I used different songs from P!nk that I felt were inspiring and relatable to my archetype character. I felt these songs would be relatable on an emotional level.

Daily Creates Shenanigans – Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

I made 3 daily creations this week. I also tried to up my commenting game and become more engaged with other through commenting and liking post.

In my post with the link above I have each individual daily create with the inspiration to it. My favorite DC this week was the antispam word poem.

Radio Show Ideas – Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

Last but not least! I came up with some radio show ideas for our future assignments. I think this group assignment will be a great experience. I can’t wait to meet and talk with my group members and use some of our ideas together to create our radio talk show! My ideas are posted in the link above.


I lowkey thought I would have a really hard time this week’s assignments because I wasn’t familiar with the material. Although, it all came to me really quickly and I learned a lot about audio storytelling, the power of sound effects and music, and so much more. I also got the opportunity to build up my character a little more which I love!!

Oh, and I didn’t forget to vote on my FAVE post this week! Great job everyone! Thank you all for another awesome week! 🙂

Radio Show Ideas

Couple show ideas I could think of:

  • Radio show where a group of college students start a radio show together. They start making millions of dollars and then they try to steal the show from each other or sabotage each other on the show. Maybe they start making comments like “Hmm.. We all know someone who is selfish” and it gets quiet or awkward and then the chill one out of the group is like “Hey you guys shut up, we have a new song to share with the people, hahaa” and then a 20-30 second snippet of a beat/song plays. And so on and so on.
  • A lifestyle radio show where the group will talk about random topics as if they were the actual archetype characters. Topics like dating, eating healthy, or we have people “call in” and tell us about their crappy roommate and we all give them a piece of unsolicited advice. I know this sounds simple, but I think it could actually turn out to be really funny. Example, someone calls into the radio show and is like, “I have a question for Ms. Femme Fatale” and they ask a question about dating advice haha or someone else calls in and asks the Mastermind Bank Heister how he makes an honest living. Mainly the show will be for entertainment purposes and will intend to be sarcastic, humorous, and things like that.

Daily Creates Shenanigans

I made 3 daily creations this week. I also tried to up my commenting game and become more engaged with other through commenting and liking post.

My 3 DC posts:

Use Words to Draw a Body Part

Lips!! I made this on Canva. I chose a gradient back drop and then moved the words around to create the lips.

Strange Mini-Golf

I found this image on google. I couldn’t imagine playing mini-golf here!!

Anti spam poems

My response:

My antispam word was: hod quill. I’m really struggling to create a poem using these words. But this is what I came up with:

Kevin’s meandering mind moved homes.
His new home is online and named hod.
He moved because his last home “quill-ed” the vibe”

The end.

I did my best.

The End of the Daily Create Shenanigans haha!

Sapphria Mae’s Favorite Mashup

**Warning, music mashup below has explicit language**

I don’t own any of the rights to this music.

I would share this from sound cloud, but it won’t let me because I’ve used another artist’s songs, but I uploaded the mashup I created below.

The last creation I made this week was completing the P!NK’s Emotions Assignment. The inspiration behind this assignment is from my character Sapphria Mae. I wanted to use this opportunity to build her personality a little bit more through music.

P!nk is well known for being a rock-influenced pop singer with a distinctive powerful raspy voice. Sapphria Mae is intended to be a distinctive character and will use her voice powerfully, just in a different way. I feel like p!nk is also fearless in her own right and is absolutely stunning while rough around the edges, I mean this by saying P!nk doesn’t mind taking chances and going after what she wants. That is why I chose for Sapphria Mae to listen to music that will also resonate with her character; Fearless, breathtaking, edgy.

Another correlation on why Sapphria Mae listens to p!nk is because she can relate to her on an emotional level. P!nk doesn’t mind pushing boundaries or challenging authority through her music and image. Sapphria Mae’s character feels her emotions in the same way. Being told no won’t necessarily stop her from achieving her goals or going after something she wants. Sapphria also loves a good challenge and doesn’t mind challenging anyone.

I used Audacity to create this P!nk Mashup. These are the songs I chose with a brief description of why I chose these for Sapphria Mae:

  • Just Like a Pill (Escapism, vulnerability, facing frustrated fears, leaving and not knowing where she’s going, knowing how to set herself free)
  • Don’t Let Me Get Me (Self confliction, hazard to herself and she knows it, too powerful for her own good, she knows what she’s capable of)
  • F*ckin Perfect (embracing herself, perfection – Sapphria Mae is perfect, well she definitely thinks so and doesn’t care if anyone else thinks it)
  • So What (SO WHAT? – Confident, fierce, fearless)

Basically, Sapphria Mae didn’t choose this life – it chose her.

Hope you guys enjoyed the tunes and enjoyed diving deeper into my characters emotions and personality.


I chose to complete the Sick beat – Assignment this week. The only real requirement was to “just get groovy dood.” I made this beat using Audacity. I used 3 different tracks with three different beats that I chose from Freesound. I took small clips from each of the beats and made them cohesive to each other. I posted the beats I used below:

The picture posted below is what my Audacity screen looked like when I completed this assignment:

Hope you guys like it!


DS106 Radio Experience

I mean, WOW!! I had an amazing experience when tuning into the ds106 radio station last night. While listening to the radio, we also collectively had a discussion on discord about the material. It was impressive to pick and pull apart what we were actually listening to. I realized that sound, especially music, heavily impacts mood and atmosphere. Everything that I’ve been learning from this week’s material came to real life.

Also, I found out that I was the first one to publish a bumper for the radio station and my bumper was played on air!! It felt really good to hear my work on air and to have other people listen to it too.

The different types of sound effects that I heard that really impacted the mood, atmosphere, or setting were:

  • The different music that was played. Some music made the setting very suspenseful and thrilling. Nail biting, actually. Other types of music made the setting sound nostalgic, calming, or intuitive.
  • Sound effects like birds chirping, kids playing at a park, and traffic. I knew the characters were talking outside. I could tell when they moved spots at the park. Also, I know this isn’t really a “sound effect” but SILENCE!!! When there was no other sound when the characters talking, it felt intense at times and other times I could feel the characters getting a sense of comfortability with each other.

All in all, I had a great experience, and I can’t wait to tune in again soon.