Author Archives: Sydney Says Things

Get Aggressive – Aggressive Testimonials Radio Bumper

For one of my audio assignments, I made a bumper for my group’s radio show. Aggressive Testimonials is still in development, but currently it is “a tell-all about this company’s intrusive tech, featuring 2 “neutral” employees.” I am very excited to see what it becomes and I think this radio introduction is very funny.

I was more creative in this bumper than I was with the commercial. There are several layers of audio; the AI-generated voice (meant to mimic the host of the show); a slight static noise to create a robotic effect; news music to give it a professional, muckraker feel; and a robot noise at the end to make it more ominous and to reenforce the technological themes. I did edit it in iMovie again, but nonetheless I am very happy with how it turned out.

Do I Even Know What Trivial Pursuit Is?

For one of my audio assignments, I made a fake commercial for a video game version Trivial Pursuit, but a fictional version where it actively teaches you things. I used TTS Maker for the voices and the background music from FreeSound.

My methods for making this were a little unorthodox. Because I still don’t understand Audacity and I was in no mood to relearn, I ended up editing this on iMovie. While the setup was not as professional as Audacity, the process was quick and I was able to do more since I already knew how to use it. Overall I think taking the easy way out was the better choice here.

Also, because I feel the need to explain myself, I chose Trivial Pursuit at random. I wanted to make a game ad for a preexisting game that I could edit.

Back From Spring Break and Back to Work – Weekly Summary

Welcome back from Spring Break! This week we didn’t have a ton to do, since this week mostly revolved around creating groups for the radio project. I am part of Aggressive Testimonials with Feli and Alton Murray. Aggressive Testimonials is a tell-all show about Aggressive Technology featuring two “neutral” employees.

Other than that, below is a summary of this week’s posts.

  1. I did three daily creates.
  2. I created an AI pitch about BeforeSunset, an AI tool.

Creating the AI pitch was a considerable process. First, I looked through this list of AI tools. I chose BeforeSunset because I wanted a program that didn’t generate text or images since I’d already worked with those before. I tested out BeforeSunset. In all honesty, it didn’t go super well for me and I am not planning on using it more. The program had several issues and I think it is easier for me to just organize everything my way, no robots needed.

Nonetheless, I wrote up a proposal. I then put it into Grammerly and did two rounds of AI editing, with the prompts “make it persuasive” and “make it professional.” I combined the results to create the final pitch.

Overall, this week didn’t have a ton of stuff but I worked effectively and I learned about a new program, even if I’m not planning on using it.

Back to Being Creative – Daily Creates

This week I did three daily creates. There were two image posts and one writing post. Below are each of my posts.

1. Fractalized Art

2. My Addiction.

Something I cannot live without (that isn’t a technical necessity) is my cat. His name is Moby and I’ve had him for a year now. He’s very silly (he’s orange) and even when he’s bothering me he makes me happy.

3. Old and New

Get Aggressively Organized – Georgia’s AI Program Pitch

Staying organized is a constant struggle for many people. BeforeSunset is an organizational program that combines a to-do list, calendar, and day organizer all in one. With its user-friendly interface and helpful AI technology, BeforeSunset is the perfect tool for anyone looking to streamline their daily routine.

The free version of BeforeSunset allows users to upload tasks with due dates, expected time to complete, and organizational tags. With just a click of a button, the AI helps organize your daily schedule to ensure every task is completed efficiently. 

While BeforeSunset is an incredibly useful tool, there are minor issues that can be addressed with the help of Aggressive Technologies. For instance, the program may show tasks overlapping with calendar events. Aggressive Technologies can quickly resolve this issue with minimal effort, making BeforeSunset an even more efficient and productive tool for businesses.

By investing in BeforeSunset, Aggressive Technologies can expand its reach into the lifestyle industry. BeforeSunset has the potential to revolutionize the way employees organize their daily tasks, and with Aggressive Technologies’ support, it can become a leading organizational tool.

In conclusion, Aggressive Technologies should invest in BeforeSunset. Let’s help the world get aggressively organized.

Another Week Down – Weekly Summary

Because we’ve already done design, audio, and video assignments, these assignments didn’t take me much time. I was able to combine the tools I assembled these last few weeks, including a video downloader, a sound website, and photo editing tools.

Here is a breakdown of what I made:

Overall I think this week was successful. I had a lot of stuff going on outside of this class, so I’m pleasantly surprised with how efficient I was. I have four exams this week and working on all of this was a nice break from studying.

What Would Georgia Do? – Character reaction to propaganda

I will be using the propaganda poster below by Greta Hammen to respond to. Georgia is, in general, a fan of using AI as a tool. She drank the Aggressive Technologies cool-aid a while ago. She agrees that AT’s AI is there to help, especially since she helped develop it. Georgia may be low in the ranks of developers, but she is still on the team and feels immense pride in being a part of the project. Since she is so proud of it, seeing a promotion makes her happy.

Images AND Text! – Daily Creates

This week I did three daily creates. This time they weren’t just images! I like making silly photos and it was surprising to see other types of daily creates. Maybe I’ve forgotten the non-image ones we did previously. Who knows?

Here is what I did:

1. Mouth Art

RuPaul walks the main stage.

2. Castle on the hill

I would like to go to the Trujillo Castle in Extremadura, Spain. Some episodes in Game of Thrones were filmed there and I think it would be fun to see.

3. Convey something pure

I always think of a lake that is completely still.

Aggressive PSA – I make a video

This is a PSA video for Aggressive Technologies. I downloaded the clips from Youtube using 4K Video Downloader+. The AI voice is from TTSMaker. Below is the link to all the videos I downloaded and the music, which came from Freesound.

This video was much easier to make than last week’s videos, both because it is way shorter and because I was able to combine all my tools! Last week I learned more about editing, using text to speech, and downloading videos, so this time it was easy to incorporate everything.

I also learned that propaganda is fun to write. Between this and my poster, Aggressive Technologies is spreading evil left and right. Yay!

I make a propaganda poster

Today I made a propaganda poster for Aggressive Technologies and their work in AI. It reads “We’ll think for you. Trust AI. Trust Aggressive Technologies.”

I chose this phrase because it was the most outrageous AI stance I could think of. It’s also very aggressive, which is fitting. I designed the poster in Canva. I generated the image of the robot on Craiyon using the prompt “AI.” The original image is below. I then put it into Photopea and deleted the background. I put two layers of a city skyline from Canva’s graphics in the background. The font is ITC Bauhaus.

Propaganda posters are very funny to me. They are both clear and conspiratorial, obvious and secretive. The concept is interesting and trying to make one was fun.