Author Archives: Rebecca’s Radiant Realm

Daily Create 1/20/25

My contribution to todays daily create was more difficult than I expected it to be. It was my first post and I found myself freezing in what to create because I was scared to get the wrong answer. After some minutes I came to terms with the fact that there are no right answers so I decided to make a little cartoon that shows a coincidence that we know all to well.

That classic moment when you show up to a function wearing the same thing as your friend! Someone oughta change, and its not you.

Weekly Summary #1

As I wrap up my ds106 assignments for this week I feel accomplished. When I first got the canvas page and went to the courses main page on I was very overwhelmed and lost. I no idea how to navigate the website and I didnt know what I was getting myself into.

Once the website was updated with this weeks assignment and I had the time to sit down and actually read what needed to be done I still felt overwhelmed but understood what I needed to do and I was able to set aside time in the week to get them done.

I split my work into two days. The first day was just to set up the accounts I needed to and get familiar with them. I stopped on step 7 of the assignment so that I could get all the deliverables out in one sitting. Im not sure how that flow would work going forward, since this was the first week and there is just a lot of set up but I will continue to take things one step at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

I enjoyed the assignments of this week and I really liked how they are sort of personalized. there are requirements but you can chose how you meet those requirements and I appreciate that. The assignments completed this week were the Film Review and the ds106 goals. I feel good about how these assignments went and it makes me excited for the assignments that are to come.

ds106 goals

My goals for this class is to learn more about digital media and learn how to be more proficient with technology. For example, Im still learning how to use WordPress and this blog post is still taking me a while to set up because I have no idea how to use this program, but I’m learning! My goal is also to stay on top of the weekly assignments and to not fall behind.

Film Review

I chose to watch Black Mirror on Netflix. I chose this because I had already watched a couple episodes but haven’t watched them in a year so i felt it was a good time and excuse to get back into it.

My thoughts and reactions to watching Episode 4 Season 3 “San Junipero” were more emotionally charged than I thought they would be. I think that Black Mirror does a great job in letting the viewer care for the characters in the episode and learn from their mistakes and doings while also being subjected to the horror aspect of the show. I felt that even thought our society now does not have the technology to really make a world that is digital and you are able to make a life outside of the life you live, the concept is easy for the audience to grasp and be immersed in that world. Therefore all of the classic horror tropes are more phycological which I feel gets us to care even more than usual. Overall, I really liked this episode and plan on continue watching.