Changing one letter can change the whole outcome of the sentence. Especially when it comes to books, it can change everything. I could not think of a letter change that would drastically change a book. However, to twist the topic a tad, I decided to change a whole word to a book title. “Diary of an Awesome Kid”. This would make the readers of this book believe that the diary is for a kid that is awesome, not wimpy!
Author Archives: My Blog
Radio Show Week 2
This week has been very eventful in DS106. I have thoroughly enjoyed the process of becoming a radio show host. A lot of unseen work occurs in the process of making a radio show. I am extremely impressed with how radio host make it seem so easy. Especially nowadays with live radio, these host are not able to make mistakes. During our radio show there were many cuts and retakes during the process. However, we persevered and came out with an outstanding final product.
I am very excited to hear everyones reaction to the lives Himothy, Leo Storm, and Jonathan go through on a day to day basis. I hope everyone enjoys “Three Point Chatter”.
Weekly Summary: (Week 9)
This week has been very eventful. I have enjoyed working on my radio show and I am excited to see what we have in store for the next week. I am excited to talk about Himothy. I think people are going to be astonished with what he goes through on a day to day basis.
I am also very excited to hear about Jonathan and Leo Storm. From what I have heard they are also very impressive and their lives are very entertaining.
Radio Show Week One
Week one was very busy for me. I had a lot of work to do in other classes and was honestly slightly distracted in this class. However I was able to recover and get a bunch of my work done for this project. I have really enjoyed working with my classmates for this radio show. I am excited to see how our final project turns out, but I am feeling very confident due to how far we have come already.
I am super excited to be able to talk about my character, Himothy. Himothy is a one of a kind AI who is capable of doing things no one else can. He has the capability of creating cars in an instant. I can’t wait to share more about Himothy on “Three Point Chatter”!
Radio Promo
This is my advertisement for my radio show, “Three Point Chatter”. I used Canva to create this advertisement. Himothy, Leo Storm, and Jonathan are the AI characters that will be discussed during this radio show.
Radio Outro
This is my outro for our radio show “Three Point Chatter”. I used for the background music and for the AI VoiceOver. I meshed the two audios together and created this relaxing outro. I hope you enjoy
Daily Create 3/22/24
Finish the prompt..
A witch smokes a cigarette in a city. She is thinking about the letter “C”. There is a hobbit standing right behind her… She is blind and is unable to sense the hobbit behind her.
I found this daily create interesting as I was able to be creative and finish the sentence with anything I wanted. Was anyone expecting the witch to be blind? I didn’t think so…
Daily Create 3/18/24
I made this picture using the bead art lab on I found this website very fun and used other images just to see what they looked like for fun. I enjoyed this website and I recommend it to everyone.
Daily Create 3/22/24
This is the modern version of a bicycle that I am envisioning for the future. I looked up on the internet “bicycle with turbo”. This bike can go speeds up to 50 miles per hour and will be a very efficient way of travel in the future.
AI Image Generator
Aggressive Technologies, please consider incorporating this tool into your database. This is an AI Image generator. All you have to do is type a description into the text box and an image will appear. For example, if I were to say “show me a picture of a donkey and a panda playing basketball” the picture below would pop up. I could see this tool being useful for many people across the world. Illustrators for a book can also use this as a reference point for their drawings.