Author Archives: Home of Confusion

Weekly Summary #4

This was a pretty busy week getting to understand the audio stuff. By this time in the semester, I think we all can really feel the work starting to pile up. I like to start in number order usually with the assignments so got going with messing around with Audacity and put some on my personal SoundCloud account I already have had since middle school. I then went into the art of this audio making by watching the videos and listening to Moon Graffiti which was absolutely amazing. After that I figured I try making something myself and worked with Dr. Oblivion on that and also just googled around for sites on where and how to do that kind of stuff which will be cool to work on later on in the semester.

The ds106 radio wasn’t working for me (which was probably something on my part), but I went back with the help of Professor Bond and listened to the one on the Barnhouse effect which was super interesting. Then I worked on my sound bumper story which I kept basic and did brushing my teeth and using the bathroom in the morning. It was pretty difficult. I then commented on someone’s post about their radio show ideas and brainstormed some of my own in a blog post. After that I worked on 3 audio assignments which I actually didn’t see to include my character in which I wish I would’ve seen I think I would’ve done way better and cooler assignments. I then worked on the daily create for today and double checked everything and read quickly over next week. I’ll definitely start next week earlier and am excited for it.

Daily Create

I’m a big procrastinator and its showing in the work for this course sometimes, mainly in these daily creates that I keep forgetting to briefly log on and do because they’re so small I keep forgetting and pushing them off. This week I only got to today’s Mutsuacen one which was super fun to mess with in creating a blob of randomness and actually creating order in the chaos and uncontrol. Here is a gif of my floating empty yin yang.


I’m pretty easy to work with so I’d do a radio show with anyone on just about anything (especially since I’m not very competent in technology), but some ideas I’d be really interested in would be talking sports or music, ranking sports or music, talking about art, a gym radio show, or like a life at UMW one. I don’t have many ideas and I’m down for just about anything, but these would be some things I’m interested in that are in ranked order.

ds106 Radio Experience

My experience with the radio was a bit odd. I tried to get in on the session on earlier in the week and the audio wasn’t working for me. I pressed play on the whatever was in the middle of the screen and turned my volume up all the way on everything and still nothing came out. I then pulled it up on my phone and the same thing. Then I tried on Wednesday night, and it did the same thing. I wasn’t sure if it was just plating songs or someone was talking but I was bummed I missed out on the experience of the radio, but I’m sure it will come back later on for future assignments.

“Moon Graffiti”: Sounds and their ability to help us create mental schemas

Moon Graffiti was absolutely insane to me. It was intense and it had me locked in listening the entire time. The reason for that: the sound production. Their ability to maneuver and transition the sound helped me feel like I was there because there are no images, whereas images presented with sound do the opposite, they trigger cues visually and we correspond them to what we know that image sounds like. Jad Abumrad had a cool way of explaining it how we are the ones holding the paintbrush not him. Its honestly beautiful to see. It’s the manipulation of perception at its finest and a good exemplar of sensual learning. It’s a recognition process of memory that happens when we hear certain sounds that creates empathy for the listener as it enables one to actually place themself in a similar experience.

Weekly Summary 3: Experimenting

This week was really fun for me. I’m personally very artsy, especially for a male I feel like, so learning about posters of cinema and book covers while also doing two cool visual assignments from the assignment bank was super fun. I spent probably the most time I ever have this week messing around with ChatGPT asking it questions, basic and complex, to really see its artificial nature. It really stuck with me why they call it artificial intelligence, though it’s not so artificial. The other AI thing I messed around with an AI image creator. I spent time throwing it stupid and cool ideas to see what it would come up with. I learned that you really got to be specific when giving AI instructions or it won’t produce the results you want. This AI stuff is pretty fun when you actually start using it. ITs also really fun to look at the amazing stuff my classmates make. I’m hoping one day I can be as creative as them. I have to say it was a successful week for me.

Photoblitz 7

I honestly think i did this completely wrong and I had no idea where to get a code, but I took the pictures of what the Photoblitz website gave me. I was slightly confused, but here I go. The seven tasks I was given are in a picture below. My pictures aren’t very fancy or anything, but I got the assignment done.

Visual Assignments: Assignment Bank 101

For my first assignment from the assignment bank, I did a visual assignment where I had to depict the four seasons anywhere I wanted in some way. I chose to do it in vintage New York. This brough some nostalgia to me and I enjoyed it. For the second assignment I did another visual one that added other personal characteristics to Bob Ross paintings. I decided to add Bob Ross painting Bob Ross.