Author Archives: Here's The Thing

Week One Summary – I Figure Out WordPress and Watch A Movie

This week featured the uphill battle of trying to set up a website. That was the most challenging part. I spent a better part of Tuesday’s snow day working on it. It was unintuitive, but I manufactured something resembling a functioning site. While it was difficult, It was much more fun than I expected. I hope that’s a good sign of what is to come.

Throughout the week I continued editing, exploring the ds106 sites and working on the movie assignment. I watched Metropolis. Writing that review was a whole new challenge, as I somehow could not figure out how to add tags. I couldn’t find the editing bar to add tags, and it took me a solid twenty minutes before I realized it was as simple as pressing one of the top buttons. But I figured it out!

I’m excited to keep working and figure out what is going on. Wish me luck!

Metropolis: 100-Year-Old Robots Are Still Relevant

For the movie assignment, I watched Metropolis, a 1927 German film about a man who discovers the dark truth about the city his father runs. I chose this movie because I wanted to know what a film from 1926 had to say about robots and how those messages would read now.

This movie discusses how the government and those in power suppress the working class. In this, the leader uses a robot to impersonate the woman who inspires hope and motivates the abused workers. By stealing her likeness, they make it seem like she has turned on the cause, which throws the entire system into chaos.

This got me thinking about how people can use AI to impersonate someone. I asked Dr. Oblivion, “Can AI be used to impersonate real people?” It said, “Oh, absolutely. AI has made significant strides in impersonating real people. With deep fake technology, for instance, AI algorithms are capable of convincingly manipulating video and audio to make it appear as though someone did or said something they never actually did. It’s essentially the digital equivalent of identity theft. But hey, who needs trust or authenticity anyway?”

Recently, discussions about AI have mostly revolved around personal and creative use. We focus on whether to use AI to help create art, stories, essays, and more. This movie reminded me that people can use AI in much more sinister ways. To me, the main threat of AI is not in creative and/or personal use. This movie shows a world where the government uses AI to divide oppressed people and prevent rebellion. This is a real possibility, both from the government and each other.While this movie came out almost a hundred years ago, its message and concerns are still relevant – maybe even more relevant than when it was released. I enjoyed watching my first silent film and am thoroughly upset by everything it reminded me of.

Let’s Start This Thing

Welcome to Here’s The Thing, my website to share, discuss, and manage all the various things in my life. As of now, this blog will primarily discuss my work in the class Digital Storytelling 106, aka ds106.

My goal in this class is to become semi-acceptable at using the internet. I’ve always been passable with everyday tech but lost with anything more difficult than the Google Suite. I know technology will be important to the future and it’s high time I get on the bandwagon. I want to learn how to operate this website, understand how the internet works in conjunction with everyday life, and how I can make the internet work for me.

Outside of technology, I hope to improve my reflection skills. I have trouble being honest about myself and my own work. I will be constantly evaluating myself and writing about my process and experiences.

I am excited to get started and get working.