One assignment everyone must do is the sound effects story: This is a challenge to tell a short story (no longer than 90 seconds) using nothing but sound effects! And make it something more interesting than waking up, taking a shower and eating breakfast. We highly recommend using to find free sound effects for this project. The BBC Sound Effects archive is another good source.
Freesound – Coughing 001.wav by frenkfurth
Freesound – Heart Rate – Normal, Increased Rate, Cardiac Arrest, Flatline.mp3 by thegreatperson
Freesound – Choking #2 by Universfield
Freesound – Kid running down the stairs by pfranzen
Freesound – Slam door.MP3 by SoundsForHim
Freesound – scream_male_Bram_AAH_and_OH.aiff by thanvannispen
These are the elements I used to create my story it is in fact a drama yes! Going to be a murder drama but I deemed that to be inappropriate so it’s just an unfortunate accident. There was no inspiration just hopes for something sad. Took a while to find a good balance of sounds and what can and can’t overlap. Like the live story I heard Tuesday I wanted to add extra elements to make the story feel more real. For this I stuck to Freesound for my effects. Hard to find a good door opening sound though almost made my own.