Author Archives: Flower Bed

Sound Effect Story

One assignment everyone must do is the sound effects story: This is a challenge to tell a short story (no longer than 90 seconds) using nothing but sound effects! And make it something more interesting than waking up, taking a shower and eating breakfast. We highly recommend using to find free sound effects for this project. The BBC Sound Effects archive is another good source.

These are the elements I used to create my story it is in fact a drama yes! Going to be a murder drama but I deemed that to be inappropriate so it’s just an unfortunate accident. There was no inspiration just hopes for something sad. Took a while to find a good balance of sounds and what can and can’t overlap. Like the live story I heard Tuesday I wanted to add extra elements to make the story feel more real. For this I stuck to Freesound for my effects. Hard to find a good door opening sound though almost made my own.

Live Listening Session

Participate in a live listening session with ds106 radio this week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 PM. We will be listening to audio productions and sharing our thoughts on what we hear. You might even hear your bumpers. We will use the #ds106radio channel in Discord for our discussion. If you didn’t get the Discord invitation in week 1 let us know and we’ll resend it. Blog about the experience and tag it ds106radio.

Tuned in at 7 to a nice song about being free, Lime town, a small town in Tennessee where everyone suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I ended up paying more attention to the story then the sounds for a while but managed to snap back to attention. There were many sounds that triggered certain emotions and memories. Clicks of lighters, bangs of movements, soft sounds, and tones of voices. The story was full of sounds of atmospheric music and plenty of other things. Snapping wood in half sounds like that? I never really paid attention. Despite the abrupt end it was a compelling story you couldn’t pull away from. The sounds pulling you into the story and driving your imagination the entire time. Adding deeper elements to a story and really bringing it to life.

I managed to tune in 2/4/25 on Tuesday a bit upset to realize I was dropped into an ongoing tale.

Radio Bumper

We will be working with ds106 radio this week, and in some future weeks, so we want you to try your hand at making your first radio “bumper” – a 10-30 second short audio that announces the radio station that is played between songs to remind listeners what they are tuned in to. This should be saved as an MP3 file, and then upload it to SoundCloud. Make sure in Soundcloud that you enable the option to allow downloads (so we can add it to ds106 radio!) Your audio must be embedded in your blog post summary of this assignment. You can embed Soundcloud audio by putting the plain text URL on its own line, and when you publish, WordPress will create a player to allow visitors to listen. The radio bumper is an assignment in the Assignment Bank, so you should tag your blog post correctly when you’re done. You may be able to get Dr. Oblivion to help out, if you ask nicely. Tag: radiobumper

For this I naturally had to go for the Technoir vibe my first thought was all about industrial sounds however I switched to thinking more along an unsettling vibe. I used one of the sounds from freesound made by a creator called looplicator. It was just perfect with some additional modifications I made it more unsettling. I was far less sure of what to actually say unfortunately.

I did try to look ups some examples after a bit of trial and error I ended up with this.

It took a few tries, but I managed to get it done. Ended up coming out far shorter than I wanted since I wasn’t the most inspired and did not know much about radio going in. So, mine is not cool or anything more about telling the viewers to relax and just enjoy. Since my original one was too cynical according to a friend.

Daily Creates

This week’s daily creates were interesting to say the least. Ahahaa the ones i drew came out pretty bad. I ended up using ai for the second one after looking through some other examples from other creators. Lots of creative people also learned that Bing makes Ai images. I ended up adding my own funny twist to the Trex after realizing how bad it came out. Overall, they were fun aside from almost forgetting to them. Had to borrow paper from work to make the Trex so I left him there for my boss to enjoy.

Audio Storytelling

Moon Graffiti by The Truth Podcast

Starting off did not love the fact I couldn’t figure out subtitles or captions, so I was a bit lost. Audio stuff is certainly not the best for me, but I can appreciate sounds since words never reach my brain right and come out even worse. The beeping was nice but I did not enjoy the radio sounds but that does tell how easy sounds allow you to imagine things. Hearing the crash and hearing the panic in the men’s voices was interesting. Weird to realize I recognized so many small sounds. Are you there mike with a soft buzzing that made you feel anxious. The sound of unsteady breathing, anxious breaths unsure of what was happening. Didn’t know kicking dust was so important. Rip to the cosmonauts sacrificed. After listening you can feel the emotions even without ever seeing face.

Audio storytelling creates an immersive experience that engages the listener’s imagination, making them active participants in the narrative.

The lack of pictures in radio storytelling encourages a listener to go beyond simply enjoying but allows their minds to craft a scene making it a work between the storyteller and the listener.

Sound is not just a background element but the driving force in audio storytelling, shaping the world, shaping the mood, and advancing the narrative. More than a boom and bang here and there.

Sound effects, changes in tone, music, and silence create a powerful sense of place and atmosphere.

Sound design allows the listener to feel the reality of the situation without seeing it.

Sound advances the narrative by introducing changes in the astronauts’ tone of voice, program alarms, and the Nixon speech.

Jad Abumrad’s insights into radio’s power are applicable in the way “Moon Graffiti” uses sound to prompt the listener to create their own mental images. Jad Abumrad’s ideas on radio and sound are important in audio storytelling. He argues that the absence of visuals in radio is a strength, requiring the listener to actively participate in creating their own mental images. This co-authorship is essential, as the listener paints their own mental images based on the audio cues provided by the storyteller. The human voice, a fundamental element of radio storytelling, can convey significant emotional weight, emphasizing the immediacy and intimacy of the story. Abumrad’s ideas are demonstrated in the audio drama “Moon Graffiti,” where the listener uses audio cues to construct their own understanding of the story.

Radio Show Ideas

What to do when the power goes out, hackers become innocent by standers and politicians are blamed. Join us for ‘Stuck in darkness’.  A radio show that interviews citizen about a mysterious event that took place a week ago lasted only a day but caused lasting chaos.  

This show will interview the various characters taking time to learn a bit about their daily lives and how the power outage affected them. Through these interviews you will discover what lies behind the scenes of this so-called accident.  

Joke ending a rat bit the wrong wire 

Drama ending it was all a ploy to drag to the current politicians so they could be replaced by the Governers people  

Another idea is a segment called “alternate reality” this would be the characters talk about making a small shift in their lives and talking about how they think it would play out. For example, if they chose to get a job cleaning the streets instead of doing the crime. So just short audio dramas presented through each character.

Final idea, A murder mystery show, the intention is to play these characters and have them discover clues in a Technoir setting until they figure out who done it. Yes, it’s basic but also very on theme!

Audio Assignments

Soundtrack to Your Life – Assignment Bank

I decided to think back to all the songs that got me through life and showed I wasn’t alone to songs I just sung because they were complete brain worms. Took a lot of searching with lyric finders to compile this. I use YouTube music instead of Spotify and pandora, if I look back at either app, I am sure I’d get a blast form the past.

Auditory Hell – Assignment Bank

Well, I truly did not want it to be too long since it’s irritating in my defense, I get annoyed when something drops so doesn’t take much. So, I simply went with sounds that are annoying shoved them together and boom a horrible thing was created. Honestly harder to find bad sounds then good sounds. Still, I managed this took less careful layering since the intention was to make it sound bad.

Weekly Summary 3


This was probably my least favorite part of this week’s work, why read an article when you can create after all, so it ended up being my last task of the week. Probably should have skipped the money video I was confused and uncomfortable the whole time.


Honestly, I was at work when I was doing this assignment, so I had a lot and only a little to work with. So, they are very tech based in a way but that’s about it. I did it in the 20-minute allotted got confused how time works and took the second picture late or early I still don’t know. What do you mean it stops at 60 ugh, time.


So, most of my assignments were chosen based on existing images I had or ideas. It was done in the first few days since there were so many pages, I took time flipping through only to go back to the beginning in the end.

Daily Creates

This weeks daily creates I started much sooner, so I was quite pleased and wasn’t stressing over it daily like last week. My favorite was the Australia day one since mine came out quite cute.


I have been making sure to react daily or react to ones that I noticed.


For voting I went with this post Mickey’s Not So Scary Christmas Party – Rebecca’s Radiant Realm by Rebecca. It’s creepy cool and I love how it came out. I did have to make sure to keep it focused on this week’s work though I may end up voting again.


I did not know what to expect going into this and even while I was doing it I felt somewhat stupid. Though I couldn’t get all the prompts done I did multiple for one.

Honestly the prompts were odd for me and since I was at work as you can see the environment doesn’t change much. Image 2 was based on the idea of an urban jungle with the cord being a snake. The 3rd image was the photo of destruction a cord fill mess with no humans in sight. 7 and 8 represent the second prompt. For prompt 4 I did quite a few using a cord as a bow, holding it like a fish and other nonsensical things. For the shadow prompt I only got one and even though you can’t tell that’s my pet rock that I keep at work. The process was mostly tedious as I was a bit lost with the prompts, but I managed to get through it. None of the pictures are pieces of art unfortunately.


Cyberpunk: how to master the futuristic style

What is a blade runner? Unpacking Ridley Scott’s cyberpunk aesthetics

2001: A Space Odyssey – The Dawn of Man

A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd – The Marginalian

I’m going to level with you what in the world was that space odyssey mess-

Anyways learned more about what makes cyberpunk design cyberpunk the use of digitally modified typography mixed with the unique layouts made it stand out. Bold exaggerated colors pushed together used to make it stand out. Cyberpunk takes inspiration from multiple genres and have influences them as well. Combing gothic and film noir style influencing fashion and games. They mention that software like Linearity Curve is well suited to make cyberpunk art.

Aka pretty colors that make your brain go boom and ooo it’s like creating fireworks without the explosion and then putting it into art. Colo wise I mean.

I was most interested in the title sequence design because honestly you always see them, yet I have never once questioned the created thought process for them. Each one has its only spark and flare. Naturally I prefer the videos over articles despite the fact that I use text to speech lol. Anyways if this topic interested me more, I wouldn’t mind indulging myself in a bit of a closer read, but I really only enjoy Typography stuff lighting stuff just goes over head blue tone what- black and white imagery huh …yellow background????? Bruh I am totally lost.

I’m happy they seem happy though.