Author Archives: Flower Bed

Week 7

It’s the week before spring break, I have been very involved with Canva this week using it for almost every project, so that was interesting, I have used it throughout college be consistently forget how helpful it can be, mostly cause a lot of it requires getting the subscription and people tend to remember the bad and forget the good. The daily creates this week were good too nice to have options of what fits best with a schedule or what interests you most so that’s nice. I enjoy simplicity so I do actually quite like my propaganda. This week is much better than last week energy wise, so I was able to enjoy the work I was doing yay! Me and Canva became buddies I look at way too much propaganda and I got to read some funny work and comments. Going spend my spring break doing papers though sigh, won’t stop me from lollygagging though! 6 to 9 page paper nah more like 6 to 9 days getting it done, pfft kidding kidding.

Hopefully everyone goes out and does something fun!

Have a great spring break!

I made a logo in Canva too pfft


I held onto the Technoir theme of surveillance, I was inspired by the modern problem of being over reliant on phones. They just seem like devices to keep people distracted from reality at times. So that was what I went with here, other version included keep your head down and ears covered but that seemed a little on the nose, I used elements from Canva to create this, should really use it more often. The eyeball I added was purposefully discreet since surveillance tends to be.

Going off that definition I lied, nothing is fine, you simply don’t notice things are wrong till it’s too late.

Breaking News

I used Canva to craft a newspaper article about the movie The Groundstar Conspiracy, after going through the movie it really was the best scene to make a movie about. The images were never clear, so I decided to make that a factor in it and treat them as if they were secret photos so naturally, they are blurry. Gotta expose the underground secrets~ the reporter definitely vanished after putting this story out though. Lots of clipping to make sure they fit.

Weekly Summary 6

This week had good options and was fine, just hanging in there till spring break. Still thankful we only had to do 2 daily creates class wise good week personal wise less so. Still hopefully everyone else has a good week. Got stuff done and spent time editing videos in bed which was nice cause I needed it my stress levels are literally off the charts. the norm is 1 I got a 19 I need to take breaks.. Anyways Um yeah work hard lots of work love college yippie I guess.

Video Assignments

1 Second Video – Assignment Bank

Spent more than a second figuring out what I could do within a second and lots of time limiting the video to a second. This was one of the ones I did relating to my character Max, this is her during her learning process of hacking, so although it’s simple since it’s only one second, I think I got the message across. She was learning about destroying firewalls.

sixteen year old me – Assignment Bank

This is the second one I did relates to Max Matrix, at this point I need to make a full tag for her. Still for this one I used Picrew once again the three I used were These three allowed me to add a visual to my narrative つな, Weewa, and ヨイコ are the creators of the customizers. I interpreted the prompt as a call to a younger self not just a 16-year old self. In the end it can out cute and made me consider looking up ways to give Max her own voice.

Favorite Moments in College – Assignment Bank

Finally, this was a nice personal one I definitely plan to delete after this week since I don’t like putting myself or my families face on the internet for too long. Precious memories should be cherished and saved. Anyway, these are all the images I have taken since I enter college that weren’t deleted to make space.

Had a stressful week unfortunately finally I can breathe tomorrow.

Revisiting goals

Well, my goal was rather simple and to the point while remaining open ended to revise them would be to simply add more about what I am interested in. Currently I am still fascinated by the art of lighting in movie creation and then additions of sounds. So, I guess I am interested in more technical details about the creation process of many things. I have always loved breaking things apart and learning to put them back together.

I have never been someone who challenges myself to be completely honest waking up and eating is hard much less pushing myself into an uncomfortable position to satisfy others. Regardless I do my best just like anyone else no matter how far back that starting line is I’m going to take a breath and just keep running. My work speaks to who I am, all over the place but happy to be here. No matter how much I hate the sound of my voice I will keep rerecording no matter how insecure I am I post my work feeling a sense of pride, and make sure to put my best foot forward.

I started off confused and lost simply doing what I assumed was expected of me feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

Worried if my work was too much or too little. Slowly I realized that I was stressing myself too much and needed to take a step back.

I stressed about the first two weeks till I got a fever

I finally managed to relax after the fact and began to actually enjoy the work.

Overall there’s always room for improvement

Video Essay

The Groundstar Conspiracy – Wikipedia

Daily Creates

This week felt very poetic what’s up with that? I am actually very proud of the bird poem. Thought out and actually matches the whole opposite theme thing going on. Less proud of the second one though ahahahahahaha. I was snowed in so just kind of looked at everything in my room and bunched it together.

Week 4 Summary

I admittedly was trying to avoid doing audio assignments since they required me to download stuff but looks like I couldn’t avoid them in the end. Since I was busy, I had to get them done within two days.

I was lost for this since it was such a wide range of possibilities, I am not someone who knows much about radio I only listen to music and its ad free, so I don’t even get breaks for ads anymore. Still, I tried to have multiple ideas since it was plural the first one was the best.

Did the audio story telling assignments and was shocked by the moon graffiti I didn’t really understand the title until I finally listened to it. I was fun discovering how many sounds I unconsciously recognized.

Lots of drawing this week, and then there was one I didn’t understand at all so I didn’t end up doing to at all.

Radio bumper was not my favorite part of the week, but I managed to get it done, getting through something even when it doesn’t interest you take a lot of energy out of a person.

Overall, this week’s audio-based elements were a surprise but not a bad one exactly. Got to try new things and experiment with new programs that I haven’t used before. So, it was a great experience learning to use more to add elements to the stories I create and to appreciate the small detail others add.