Author Archives: DK’s DS106 blog

Week 6

Week 6 was a relatively easy week, The daily creates were very intresting especially the one where we had to say “There has been a murder” in a scottish accent. I found that one a little diffcult because ive near tried to speak with any accent. The video assignments from the assignment bank were a little trick to find some that i could relate to the chracter DK. I used apples Imovie to create the 30 sec memory and put clips together using capcut to create the tiktok.

Week 5

Only having 2 daily creates this week was pretty easy, I enjoyed both prompts. For the video game i took inspiration from the eagles parade from there recent superbowl win and for the found peom i used works that i seen pop up on my

For the video essay I picked apart a scene I found interesting based of the music that was being used to create the scene I got the idea for the video about the marvel symphonic universe