Author Archives: destiny

Terms and Conditions Apply – Radio Commercial

Today, I worked on a Radio Commerical for Ravioli Radio! I don’t think we will end up using it, but it was fun to make regardless!

The Assignment in the Assignment Bank that I followed as this one, which stated,

When you are driving in the car and a radio commercial comes on you might start to tune the radio out. But, if you were the person selling what the commercial was offering would you want people tuning it out or listening intently? Well, I would want people paying attention to my commercial! So, for this audio assignment pick a product or business you would like to promote and sell! Use a audio recording software such as soundcloud to record your commercial. Add in background music, edits, and provide full information of the business/product/services you are advertising. Try to create a radio commercial that grabs and maintains the audiences’ attention. On the side, write why you chose the object or business you are promoting and the process you used to create your commercial.

Part of Dr. Ravioli‘s whole story is that he rides a moped, he gives away mopeds at his Radio show, and they are just apart of his identity. We already have a Moped Commerical that we will be using, but this is just another if we need to throw one in for more time or anything! So, everyone gets a free moped (terms and conditions do apply)

I used FreeSound to find a commercial-sounding audio that was a little upbeat and motivational. Get you inspired, make sure you want that free moped and you will go get that free moped. So, I used this audio for that tone and mood.

I ended up using ChatGPT and my brain to come up with a fun, inspiring script to follow, and then used the ElevenLabs voice Jessie for the voice. I like this voice, I think it’s pretty funny. Originally, I was gonna voice it myself, but this one is just so funny, and it actually added character to some of the words instead of just reading them boringly.

I put this all together in Audacity, but I really feel like some of the voice audio’s could have been closer together, but I didn’t feel like it fit with that part of the song, so I don’t know. Regardless, it was fun to put together! Really easy stuff, mostly just twiddling with the spacing, making one audio quieter and the other louder, and then adding a fade out at the end.

But yeah! This was fun! You get a free moped! (not from Dr. Ravioli… so no guarnatee that it works… this is real sketchy).

Week 9 Daily Creates

Let’s get into it!

On Wednesday, 3/20, the prompt was,

“Here is a prompt from @MagicRealismBot: ‘A witch smokes a cigarette in a city. She is thinking about the letter ‘C’. There is a hobbit standing right behind her.’ … your challenge is to tweet out what happens next, in words and/or images. What does your mind’s eye say?”

I decided to just let myself write without really thinking about it, so here’s my post,

A witch smokes a cigarette in a city. She is thinking about the letter “C”. There is a hobbit standing right behind her.

“The cafe’s across the street,” the witch says through a puff of smoke.

The hobbit shifts to stand slightly behind and to the left, so that he can see past the witch, but not get too close. “Do you think she’s in there?”

The witch flicks the cigarette to the ground after breathing one more cloud of smoke. “Certainly.”

This was fun! I imagined they were teaming up, but the witch obviously had a lot of power over the hobbit. The hobbit wants to be helpful, but doesn’t want to overstep, in fear of the witch.

Another detail, the “she” that they’re talking about is someone named Cora. I couldn’t fit it because of word count, but it doesn’t really matter! It’s open to interpretation who that is and why they want to see her. I just needed a name with a C.

I tried to use a lot of c’s in this, which was actually kinda fun! I like these Daily Creates where I get to write stuff, it makes me happy.

On Thursday, 3/21, the prompt was,

“World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March, and was declared by UNESCO in 1999, “with the aim of supporting linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard”. (Wikipedia) Share an endangered language poem (yes you can make it up, it’s ds106!).”

So, I went into a rabbit hole of endangered languages (this stuff is so interesting yet so sad), and here is my post,

“I found this poem written by Mikeas SĂĄnchez in the language Zoque, from Southern Mexico. This is the English translation:

Somos Millones [We Are Millions]
”Come to my land,
Set up your anhillitaing machines
Tenderness anhilitors,
show us the pain and desperation,
the bullet-holes. We are millions,
and we are not afraid of you”

The history involved building and expanding the roads/buildings when there was no welfare for it. Very inspiring.”

I wanted to share with you guys the actual poem, which I found through an article revolving around endanged languages:

Minä’ äjn’ najsomo,

nijpya’ä mij ntänh’kutyam


Ntä’ isanhdziramä’ te’ toya, te yajxu’ijtkuy,

te’ tujkuyis pyämi’.


jinh’mi’ natztame’”

It’s actually so inspiring, just knowing that this writer wrote this in retailation towards the government, and how the poem is not only about saving the language, but the people. I don’t know, I just think it’s really cool.

On Friday, 3/22, the prompt was

The bicycle is a nature friendly and healthy way of transport. Show us a new design for a bicycle. Tricycles, quacycles are allowed too. What modern features should it have?

So, here was my post,

Have you ever been wandering around on your bicycle and suddenly, there’s a pesky lake in the way?

Well, fear not! With this new design, the water isn’t an obstacle in your path now! Go straight over it with our all-new inflatable wheels, designed to cross over any body of water!

I don’t know why I thought of a bicycle on water, but it was the first thing to come to mind. I wanted the post to also sound like a commercial (maybe because I’m inspired from the radio commercials we’re making).

I ended up using an AI image generator called Deep AI, to my own disappointment, and the Fantasy World Generator with just the simple prompt of, “riding bicycle on water” for this. I generated a lot of different options, feeling uneasy the entire time, but I think this one is pretty. I’m just afraid it’s stealing an art style from someone. But, I’m not using it for profit, so I guess it’s maybe okay. Still don’t like it, though.

That’s all the Daily Creates from this week! I hope you guys liked them, I think these were really eye opening for me and fun! Got my brain working

Where Creativity Never Sleeps – Radio Bumper

Today, I worked on a radio bumper for our radio show!

This might be the first time I’ve ever heard Dr. Oblivion sound a little enthusiastic! (I put the same prompt in over and over until he didn’t sound dead inside)

I use the CC Search and looked up “futuristic,” originally for inspiration, but then I found this which linked me to a Freesound audio that I ended up liking enough to use! It’s the only music I used, and I only really fiddled with fading in and fading out at the start, start of Oblivion’s message, end of Oblivion’s message, and the end of the bumper.

The only other thing I did was talk to Dr. Oblivion and convince him to give me a radio bumper and end it with the familiar phrase “ds106 for life!” This took a while, because sometimes he told me he couldn’t do it, other times he would, and other times he’d just spit out something that wasn’t quite what I wanted. I ended up using two different responses he had, both where I had to tweak a little to get the sort of message or tone that I wanted.

I put everything together in Audacity. It was pretty simple, but I wish I could get rid of the slight background noise for Dr. Oblivion. I also wish I could just make him speak with a little emotion . . . but I know, he’s literally an AI, of course he’s not gonna be full of emotion.

Not sure what else to add for this, but it’s what I’ve made!

Pre-Nap Weekly Summary – 3/11-3/15

The nap I am about to take after I finish this and my final homework . . . (it won’t be a nap, I will be going to bed).

In this class, this week was actually kinda fun! I met my groupmates!! I’m actually really excited. Sol might be being interviewed by Dr. Ravioli on Ravioli Radio along with Natasha Sidorov, Dolly, and Lady Alice. Very excited to see what we’re going to come up with!!

Other than that, I didn’t do a whole lot for the class, but here are my posts!

Daily Creates

I talked about the Daily Creates in the post, and you can see them all! They were all fairly simple, either just fiddling with an art program, thinking about my cat, or clicking some buttons on Canva! Honestly, a typical week of Daily Creates for me. Nothing stood out, so I don’t really have much else to say!

AI Pitch

First thing I want to say about this, is that I did it wrong . . . I have so much to do after this assignment, so I just did not process the instructions correctly. I thought we were using AI to explain why our character should acquire Aggressive Technologies or should put Aggressive Technologies out of business, not use AI to explain why Aggressive Technologies should acquire the AI or put the AI out of business. I guess I just am letting out my inner Sol and hating Aggressive Technologies too much that it’s impacting how I read . . .

I really had no idea until I was doing my commenting and I was like “oh this person did this assignment wrong” and then I clicked at another person’s and saw that it was the same and I started scratching my head.

Anyways, it’s too late to change it, so I’m keeping it and that’s just how it’s going to be.

I used a video creator AI to explain why Aggressive Technologies should be put out of business, creating a TikTok-esc 1-minute video about how Aggressive Technologies threatens human creativity. Sol made the script, and used the AI to show that there are some things that AI can be good with, like creating text to speech, but there are other things that AI goes too far on, and that’s when it becomes a threat.

It was fairly easy, nothing really deep or big about it! I enjoyed the assignment all up until I realized I did it wrong (but I’m exaggerating, I’m not too beat up about it).

NEXT WEEK GOAL! Learn how to read the instructions and start my work in all my classes earlier so I don’t do everything at 7pm on Friday when everything’s due. Or just tell my job I can’t come in every other day this week in the morning when I usually do my homework.

That’s it, I have to get to this assignment before I explode okay bye see you next week

The Silent War: Exposing Aggressive Technologies’ Assault on Creativity and Freedom

Sol has made a video pitch on why Aggressive Technologies should be run out of business. We all know that Sol has no hope for Aggressive Technologies and does not have faith that they will be good for humanity, so they have finally stepped foot to try to make a change.

Here is the video pitch:

They wrote the script for the video pitch, but utilized what they consider a good form of AI to create text to speech, because they did not want to reveal themselves quite yet and wanted to keep anonymity.

The pitch is more to start a movement, to gather people and gain more voices against Aggressive Technologies. Sol really wishes they could explain how the first red flag should’ve been the word Aggressive in the title . . . foolish of them.

While they’re not human, they understand how important human creativity is, how special it is, and that is why Sol is speaking out about it. If the humans do not realize, they will shove the truth in their faces until they finally understand.

Sol probably is getting tired of this and wants to get back to focusing on sky paintings.

I chose to use Fliki for this project. I had never heard of it before, but it was fairly easy to make without me having to do much at all other than some easy tweaks. There’s something really ironic about using AI to condemn AI . . . but I didn’t make the assignment.

I meant to copy the exact prompt I gave it for this, but it finished generating before I could copy it, and then it wouldn’t let me go back to the prompt (I was afraid it’d delete it if I went to the previous page). But roughly, I put in “generate a video pitch in a passive aggressive tone that explains why Aggressive Technologies (a company that is gaining control of most of the technology in our world) is a danger to artists and humanity and individuality and should be put out of business.”

I kind of like the more TikTok-esc style of video it went with. I couldn’t edit that, and I couldn’t edit the voice either (unless I just couldn’t find it) but think it was fine! I feel like this style of video is something that this generation is becoming a lot more familiar with, and it’s good to use familiarity in a pitch that’s meant to start a movement.

I’m not sure what else to say! There really wasn’t much that I did with this! I don’t hate it but I’m not a fan of it (I feel uneasy whenever I have to use generative AI). It’s done, though!

EDIT: I have done this assigment wrong . . . I misread the instructions, I thought we were putting Aggressive Technologies out of business, not having it put the AI we used out of business . . . well, it’s too late now, I hope this is fine!

Week 8 Daily Creates

No time for fun intros! Here are my Daily Creates!

Wednesday, 3/13‘s prompt was,

The Zazow Mandelbrot Fractal art tool is strange (so, you know, perfectly suited for The Daily Create) and using its various tools and sliders (suggestion: click “advanced mode”) is sure to send you down a rabbit hole of color and fractal-ish design.”

So here‘s what I did! (and here‘s my second comment because I continued playing after I posted already)

Don’t get dizzy (I’m getting dizzy and I’m not even looking at it, it’s just above my text.

There really isn’t a lot to say about this, except that it was really cool to explore!! I said that the third one reminded me of The Great Gatsby, but I couldn’t think of why. My point still stands!

Also, there really isn’t a story for this one, it was fairly simple and just play around with the website.

Thursday, 3/14s prompt was,

Everyone is addicted to something. What is something you could not go one day without and why?

Which, I replied with, “I think the obvious answer is my phone, BUT I think a different answer is my cat! I’ve talked about her before (her name’s Cat if you remember), but I need to just be with here at least once during my day and just cuddle her. It’s like my therapy. She’s getting old now, though . . . but no negativity!! she’s my baby still”

I have this picture of her from an older post that I didn’t attach to the post on Mastodon, but you guys can see it here

oh my baby . . . what would I do without you? She sleeps curled up with me every night, it’s just so hard to imagine being without her!

Because this DC was just text, there really is no story, but just lots of love for my baby baby baby Cat.

Friday, 3/15‘s prompt was,

Put a modern appliance in an old photo or an old painting.

I knew exactly what I had to do.

(open canva)

So, through Canva, I very simply put some airpods in Lincoln’s ears

Why Lincoln? I don’t know, he was the first person to come to mind. Why airpods? Because for some reason, it is really funny to imagine airpods in really old photos. Especially Lincoln having airpods. Like why would he have airpods?

What kind of music would he even listen to today?

Something’s telling me he loves rnb . . . but you just have to trust me.

But yeah! This was easy to make, just grabbed the photo of Lincoln and a photo of airpods on Google, and mashed them together in Canva! Easy peasy, took barely 2 minutes.

Job well done is all I have to say

Sol is an AI Hater

I don’t blame them.

Sol did view this poster about “The Only Thing Better Than AI is Aggressive Technologies,” which they immediately rolled their eyes to. Of course, Aggressive Technologies is trying to one up their own source of money. Sol thought that it really felt like Aggressive Technologies would be the future, and not a good one. Aggressive Technologies seemed egotistical, powerful, and only searching for more power. Sol is not a fan.

Sol felt a little iffy on this use of AI for surveillance. Without a lot of context, they thought this may be really good and can protect people. However, they did start thinking, “how does the AI decide who is good and who is bad?” and “how does the AI determine if a familar face is safe?” They think they would need to do some more research on this to really understand, but they also think that this does not really even apply to them, so why should they even care?

Sol thinks that there are some good things related to AI, however. They heard the PSA about Dr. Ravioli (who they will admit that they are a big fan of) and Dr. Ravioli’s new AI moped, and they were thinking . . . huh, maybe AI can be a little harmless! They are considering that this is something that could be useful for AI, but they would prefer if this was the norm, not AI taking jobs.

Sol was a big fan of this one! Obviously an artist is going to applaud a PSA about art and how Aggressive Technologies can be a threat to that! They were nodding over and over watching this one.

PSA! Aggressive Technologies – Redefining Tomorrow, Today!

Have you heard the recent PSA on the radio about Aggressive Technologies? They sound very hopeful, but it still feels eerie, like something isn’t right . . . Here, let me share it with you,

I’ll say, I didn’t put as much work into this one as I had other assignments, because the AI voice generator that I was using (ElevenLabs) told me I needed to upgrade to continue using it so it made me mad, so I couldn’t keep exploring the voices. I would have gone with a different voice, but this one will have to do.

I actually did not write the script, good friend ChatGPT wrote it for me. I prompted it, “create a 1-minute radio public service announcement about Aggressive Technologies becoming more widespread. it is propaganda and the psa is coming from Aggressive Technologies themself.” And it spat out,

Greetings from the forefront of innovation! This is Aggressive Technologies, the pioneers of a bold new era. We’re thrilled to share exciting news with you, our valued listeners. Brace yourselves, as the groundbreaking advancements of Aggressive Technologies are spreading far and wide, shaping the future of creativity!

Aggressive Technologies is no longer just a name; it’s a movement, a force for progress, revolutionizing how we perceive and interact with technology. Our cutting-edge solutions are becoming more widespread, touching every aspect of your daily life.

Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the impossible is within reach. Thanks to Aggressive Technologies, that future is now! Our innovative technologies are reshaping industries, powering your world with efficiency, inspiration, and boundless possibilities.

Join us on this journey towards a future where Aggressive Technologies empowers everyone. From smart homes to advanced workplaces, our influence is felt everywhere. Together, we’re creating a world where innovation is not just a luxury, but a way of life.

Embrace the wave of progress! Aggressive Technologies is here to lead the way, ensuring a brighter, more connected future. Visit our website, engage with our innovations, and be a part of the revolution that is reshaping the world.

Aggressive Technologies – Redefining Tomorrow, Today!

Which I thought worked pretty good! I like how it was enthusiastic! I really wanted it to sound inspiring and convincing, like people aren’t quite aware how much Aggressive Technologies is taking over. People want to join Aggressive Technologies because it is the future, they just don’t quite know the costs there might be. Propaganda!

I used Freesound for the audio and used this sound looped over and over and over for the backtrack. I wanted it to sound like it was interrupting the news, so I kept a news-type of jingle and vibe to it.

Really, this was easy. I used Audacity to mash them together, and all I really did was make the voice louder and the music quieter, as well as making the music fade in and out. I would have added more, but I wasn’t sure what else to add, so I left it at that.

This was a chill assignment! I wish I put more work into it, but I’m kind of uninspired and tired and want to go to bed.

Oh, and about Sol, this is just more and more of the Aggressive Technologies that they run into. Like I mentioned in past posts, they don’t actually spend a lot of time on Earth, but man, do they really keep focused on what’s going on with people. I mean, they have to so that they can tell stories through the sky, but they are very annoyed seeing all this Aggressive Technologies ads. “Imagine a world where creativity knows no bounds, where the impossible is within reach,” the PSA said, but it just leaves a sour taste in Sol’s mouth. I can tell you, they’re not a fan, and they don’t believe what narrative the company is trying to send. They pity those who believe it, but Sol stays out of it.

Aggressive Technologies (thumbs down emoji) – Week 7 Summary – 2/23-3/1

This week was pretty fine! I had a lot of assignments in other classes with midterms and jazz, so I was so grateful to have a simpler week this week. I did leave all my work for Friday, but that was mostly because I had to so I could focus on my other work. It’s okay, though, because I do think I did pretty fine this week!

In the last few weeks, I was trying a new style for organizing these summaries, and I think I like that way better, so here it is!

Daily Creates

The Daily Creates this week were pretty simple and easy! They still prepared me to get to actual work and get a little inspired! I talked about it a lot more in the post so I’ll save you the yapping, but these were nice. I especially liked the Net Art one, I think it was fun to come up with a prompt and see how it would scan the internet to give you a new image with a crazy amalgamation of images.


This might be one of the assignments I’m most proud of. After stepping away and going to work and coming back, I’m looking at my propaganda poster, and I’m like, “wow, I did that!” I think it looks really good! I think I have an advantage with experience with graphic design from high school, but I do think this was really good.

Now that I am looking at it again, I do see things that I missed or could have tweaked, but I’m stil happy!

One last thing, creating a Pinterest board for inspiration really helped me, I think. I actually had a good time getting inspired looking at these, so I think for other design-related assignments like this, I want to make boards for them to see what I can find and get inspired.

Public Service Announcement

I lost all of my inspiration by this post and spat out a not very fun PSA. I really liked other people’s PSAs, I don’t know why I lost all my inspiration and couldn’t make a similar one. I think I feel bored and dull about my PSA because I used ChatGPT to write it instead of me . . . that’s not really my type of thing, but I thought maybe it could write something more intelligent! Which, it did, but I just don’t feel happy because it didn’t come from me . . . I don’t know.


Looking at all the posts for this week was really fun! I loved seeing where people’s brains went for these assignments. Everyone is really creative!

One problem I’m having is that I can’t quite figure out what personality I want Sol to have. Every time I’m writing, I feel like I might be writing as myself and not as Sol. I’m having a rough time getting in their head, and part of me regrets making a character that’s similar to me, but it wasn’t super intentional. I hope as I keep doing these assignments related to them that I find their voice.

This week was fun! It’s also interesting to me because we just recently talked about propaganda in my Social Psychology class, so designing propaganda was fun because I could understand just what people are looking for in propaganda and just what influences them.

Very excited for break next week though . . . everyone have a good spring break!!

Left in the Stone Age – Propaganda

I’ve designed some propaganda for Aggressive Technologies that I imagine they would post to all the walls around a city to get everyone to see it.

The phrase itself comes from what Dr. Oblivion offered in the intro video for this week, and I really liked how the threat here was that technology will continue to advance with or without you, and if you don’t join, you will be left behind, and the behind will eventually become the future’s “stone age.” It’s kind of scary!

I put together a Pinterest board filled with propaganda posters, mostly Soviet and Communism-related ones because I liked the colors and use of empty space, for inspiration for this. I kind of just pick and grabbed some ideas, but also went with my own thing! And I made this through Canva, of course.

I wanted it to feel old, yet new at the same time, so I put a lot of textures overtop to make it have that older feel, but I kept the text bold so that the message was new and very clear. Overall, this was fun to play around with and fiddle with.

Sol’s thoughts? They’re a hater. Like I said, I imagine this poster is pasted all over cities and its inescapable, and I’m sure every time Sol sees it, they want to slam their head into a wall. Join Aggressive Technologies? No. Be left in the Stone Age? What even is the stone age?

I’d imagine that Sol ignores the poster and all the other posters before it drives them mad, focusing instead on their own paintings and storytelling. I’d also imagine that this isn’t the last straw, but it’s nearing it. Sol definitely does not trust Aggressive Technologies, but they’re being wary and keeping their distance mostly right now.