As this week comes to an end, I look back at what I accomplished as well as what my group accomplished. For starters we completed our radio show. We worked really hard on this project, and I think the finished product shows for our efforts. We used many different applications to create our show. We used to find music for our radio bumpers, we used to write our script for the radio bumpers, and we used both of these applications for our intro and outro. We used Audacity as our main application for recording our radio show. We recorded all of our parts in Audacity, as well as uploaded all of our radio bumpers, intros, outros, and commercials. Over the course of DS106 I have begun to really like using Audacity. It is simple to navigate and can create a lot of unique recordings that I never imaged I could create on my own. Overall, I think the project went smoothly and there wasn’t much trouble/conflict. The only “trouble” we had was just rerecording what we were going to say because we messed up or forgot what we were going to say. I think our final product is great and is definitely worth taking a listen to. Besides the radio show we had two daily creates to complete. I would have to say my favorite of the two I completed was the one about my least favorite chore. Everyone has that one chore they don’t like doing at all. Mine least favorite is doing the dishes. To make doing the dishes go by quicker me and my brother race to see who can do the dishes the fastest and the fast time is the winner. By doing this we get create a fun game out of doing something we both don’t like doing and it gets the chore done at the same time. Overall, this week was a little stressful with the radio show, but it was a fun and memorable experience completing it. Until next time!