This week we had a few different tasks to complete. We had The Daily Creates, assignment banks, course character, responding to The Techno-Optimist Manifesto, and re-writing the film review.
My daily creates can be found on my Mastadon @altanmurray. I did five this week and they can be found here, here, here, here, and here. Honestly, I found these assignments way more interesting than I had initially thought they would be. I am not an expert with poetry or digital art, but I had a fun time exercising my creative muscles to complete each task! I struggled a bit at times deciding how I wanted to approach it, but I think I figured it out as I went!
The assignments from the assignment bank can be found on my website, but are also linked here, here, and here. I really had to challenge myself to complete these, and used AI to generate an image as well. This was a first for me. I liked the AI component required for at least two of them, which made me think in a different way about each assignment. I found it all super interesting and ended up actually using an AI art generator for some of the subsequent assignments like the course character.
Speaking of – here is mine! This was a very interesting assignment to me, especially since I relied on AI to show me someone to make up a story for. I had never done this before, but I found it enjoyable despite struggling at first to figure out how I wanted to approach the assignment. I let AI sort of lead the way for a little bit before taking over and making the character, Düşünür, my own.
Responding to The Techno-Optimist Manifesto was my favorite assignment of the week. While I was reading it, I knew I had some strong thoughts about it, which can be found here. I did not really struggle with this one, but really liked “discussing” the article with Dr. Oblivion who I had not interacted with very much previously. If you look at any of my article, I would suggest this one!
Talking to Dr. Oblivion about the film review was also exciting since he mentioned things that I had not considered, which is the whole point! Fun to see that work out how I was hoping. I opted to add what he opened my eyes to at the end of the article to show the difference in what he pointed out compared to what I had initially thought. It feels peculiar listening to AI discuss the dangers of AI though…
I interacted with the class by reading through the Daily Creates that people were submitting and looking through a lot of the blogs that were posted. I was relieved to see that other folks were having a similar second week and also stressed about some assignments! It definitely makes me feel better not only about this class, but also the start of a new semester as a whole! I hope to respond more in the coming weeks to my classmates and really enjoy reading the comments left on the work that I do, which is unique to this course!