Week: 6

dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Week 6 was all about creating video and developing more of my course character through implementation. I decided to do more the Talk to the. . .
Here are my daily creates for Week 6! The first one is a poem about how nature was a teacher to me, and I wrote. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
As Hwei ventured on his quest for world domination through the harnessing of AI powers and creating life through his research, Aggressive Technologies was a. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
For my choice of assignment this week, I decided to do the Talk to the Bot assignment. I actually did the Consult with your doctor. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week I had a small issue in deciding what option I could do. I wanted to do option A. Talk to the Bot, it. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Dolly has started to work in Aggressive Technologies, she’s has been excited to work for this company and wants to help the company advance in. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
For this assignment bank, I did 8 helpful tips on how to use AI. I decided to correlate it to our theme for this course. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
For this assignment Bank, I had to create a Tiktok of my pet, with a silly filter, a trending sound, or voice over it. I. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
For this assignment bank, I created a commercial for a product coming out in the future. I used my Ai character to voice over it. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
@ds106dc #tdc4418 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is Nature split into two, life and death displayed in a cycle we all experience it,. . .