Category Archives: limetown

Do you see what I hear

We had our first night of collaborative listening on ds106radio tonight with a small but active group. We listened to the tale of Limetown, and heard voices and background music used to great effect. What I find more interesting though are the subtle noises, and just how much they let us visualize the scene, whether it’s day or night, or the size of the room the characters are in, or who’s on the other end of the phone.

We could also ask, What makes this tech noir? There is a mystery, the disappearance of the entire population of a small town, and powerful unknown forces behind it. The main character is an investigative journalist who seems to be getting caught up in a situation beyond her control. Not exactly an innocent bystander, but adjacent to the archetype. Thanks to @PreRandom and @ryee for joining in, and we hope to me more people join Tuesday evening.