This assignment to do a video essay was really fun! I enjoyed revisiting Black Mirror (as did a lot of student in the class).
The episode “Hated in the Nation” was freaky for sure. I did have to stop looking at some scenes for the sake of the intense builds, but I really loved how they did it. I think that Black Mirror does a great job creating a world that is distinctly not ours but could be.
Creating the video essay was tough at first because I wasn’t sure what scene to do. I liked the suggestion to do a scene that is, for lack of a better word, not important or something that doesn’t cover a big plot point. Because the point of this assignment was to focus on the film of it all not the plot. I also had a hard time getting audio due to Netflix’s strict privacy rules, so I wasn’t able to get audio for this assignment which really bummed me out.
To make this I filmed the scene I wanted on my laptop and put it into iMovie. I then recorded my script in Voice Memo all in one recording and spliced it in iMovie. I also went to YouTube and found a Black Mirror starting title and included that in the beginning and end of my video.
Overall, I had fun with this process. I don’t think I’d make video essays on my own time, but I do enjoy watching them so it was fun to be able to do one myself.