Category Archives: Design Assignments

A house

I used AI in Canva and asked it for a stencil of a house. IT gave me a great house. I then downloaded it and put it in Photoshop and took half the house away. I then cleaned it up by getting rid of some of the sketch line the AI had put in. I then put it in Illustrator and reverted the colors from black on white to white on black. I copied the image and put it in the paint program that comes with windows. There I played with the colors.

It is hopefully the start of a logo for a friend. Words will be placed across the house.

I am not happy with the placement of DS 106. I wanted to give you an idea of what it could look like. 15 weeks ago I would have not been so comfortable with creating like I am now. It had been years since I had done anything art on the computer. Now I do it every day.

Radio Ravioli Promo Poster

I knew I wanted to make a promotional poster for the radio program. So, I did. I used Adobe Firefly AI to make the basic picture I wanted. I am getting faster at getting the results I want with it. OR perhaps it is learning what I like? After I had a picture, I downloaded it and opened it in Adobe Photo Shop. From there I spent at least an hour playing with fonts, colors, sizes, and placement of words. I then went to go find an assignment in the assignment bank that fit with what I made.

It took me a minute, but I found the assignment I did. Promotional Flyer. DesignAssignments1521

AI are people too.

After I read the assignments for the week, I was actually pretty excited. I wrote infomercials as a kid for fun. (By the way I am older than Google so there was no YouTube) I thought about the different advertisements used over the years and which ones keep showing up over and over again. What buzz words are popular today. What was successful?

I went with and advertisement that is selling something at the same time promoting social change. I think it hits emotions in a more subtle way. I used Adobe Firefly and gave it the prompt: robot family and children sitting down to eat a large meal together at a table in a house in the style of Norman Rockwell. I then used adobe express to add text. I really like how it turned out.

link to image

While I think Lady Alice would enjoy having an AI robot as a companion or friend, I do not think she would agree they were on the same level as people. Then again, she does find everyone to be stupid so she would probably value AI above most humans because she would see then as better. If she owned the AI, she would see it as important and value it. She already sees people as expendable. I guess to Alice we are all on the same level but at least you can back up a computer.

You will also notice I made it an ad for Aggressive Technologies.

Aggressive Technologies – we are here for you.

PSA Evil Bricks!

On Tuesday the 30th of January I was the victim of an evil brick. I tripped walking to my car after class just before 7:30pm walking to my car. It hurt me. I Want to bring awareness to the issue of good bricks turning to a life of crime and violence. I chose to make a billboard Public Service Announcement to help spread the word.

Bricks are everywhere! As humans expand their habitat, we also expand the habitat of bricks. With age comes the increased risk of bricks becoming evil. Young bricks have an increased risk when installed incorrectly. We as humans can do better and be better.

I made this using Adobe illustrator, Adobe Firefly, Microsoft paint program (whatever comes with windows) and picture I found on the internet of Arrington Hall.

The brick path image needs to be cut down, but I have reached my limit on the use of my right hand. When I fell, I caught most of my weight on my right hand and left knee. I scraped my head on the bricks when I fell. I fell on the path in front of Arrington Hall on the path to the parking lot. I learned you can yell expletives, and no one will care on campus. I also learn I do not scream as I fall just yell in anger. My heavy backpack only served to destabilize me and smash my head to the ground. I luckily did not get a concussion. I think I fell because I was getting sick and did not get sick because of my fall. I am on antibiotics and under doctor’s orders to rest. I could not type at all Wednesday or Thursday due to the swelling in my hands.

This is my head close to 24 hours after the accident(above).

Be safe out there walking is dangerous!

Design Assignment 2, Week 3

So first I thought it would be funny for an assignment called Contradiction Creation to make my title a contradiction of what we are supposed to do. Instead of a flashy fun title, I went with a literal boring descriptive one. Funny right… no… ok well here was the second design assignment.

As stated above I chose to do a contradiction creation. These are fun because they always make me chuckle no matter how lame or amazing they turn out. I decided to do 2 just because they aren’t really challenging, and I wanted to see what i could come up with.

First one I decided to do was with a picture of the lovable quokka and add a word that literally nobody would associate with it, VIOLENCE.

An entire internet trend was started because these little guys are considered the happiest animals on earth, and they do not look like they are capable of violence. There are about a dozen or so incidents every year where they are involved in injuring someone but look at that face! I do not believe it!

For my second one I just had the phrase I wanted to use in my head, run fast, eat trash. It is referencing a raccoon and I tried to think of the thing most opposite of our little trash gremlins, so I thought of an elegant dinner. The result:

Again, these are not too difficult, but I had a good time thinking of what to do. If you put things on a spectrum in this way, you can come up with some fun stuff. I enjoyed doing this one and I recommend taking a few minutes to think of some good ones.