Tag Archives: audioreflection

The Art of Voice

As an avid true crime podcast listener, I am constantly listening to the radio. I find that it helps me multitask and be able to slow my brain down enough to function. Something about the usage of sound effects, descriptors, and subtle sounds in the background is entrancing. The videos that I watched from Jad Abumrad How Radio Creates Empathy and  Digital Shamanism and Old-Fashioned, Newfangled Storytelling Magic really gives insight into how people on the radio create this effect and how I might go about doing this if I were to follow through with creating a podcast of my own like how I have been thinking for the last couple of years.

Abumrad says that it is important for good stories to put you in sort of a dream-like state. The story should be able to be portrayed through the sound waves through different techniques of voice and sound effects. It’s like they are actively painting a picture without surface or medium. The process behind podcasts and radio channels is very detailed oriented and able to grab and keep attention of listeners without being able to use visuals.

Moon Graffiti is an excellent portrayal of this. They were able to take me on an adventure through sounds. I was actually convinced at the end that I was taught history wrong for a second before I read the caption. The sound effects and vocal descriptors made it seem like I was right there with them with my radio dead, and stranded on the moon. The eerie music definitely helped with giving me a fright as well. I would definitely be panicking way more than they did but I guess when you are training to go to space you get familiar with the fact that you may die there.