I mentioned earlier that Marie’s job wants to standardize AI in the call center, to help sort calls. The company that owns the call center that Marie manages was just bought out by the mega-multi-national corporation Aggressive Technologies. The company is now forcing its company to use its AI helpers to sort calls instead of the division of workers who normally do it. Normally, Marie is obedient and follows orders from above, but this is the last straw to break the camels back. Marie is against the new AI helpers because the company refuses to find the call sorting division workers new positions or provide a proper severance package. Having worked for the company for many years this is frustrating because she knows almost every person who works there and tries to develop a special connection to each of the employees she manages. Marie is now researching ways to postpone this Ai takeover and is making plan to reinstate the workers who will loose their jobs in new positions within the company.