First off, what-in-the-h-e-double-hockey-stick-is-a-photoblitz?! I’d never heard of that before, and this was the first time I got to experience something like this. I can only imagine what this would look like in an in-person classroom setting. I had fun with it and my inner child came out while I was running around trying to find things to take pictures of to match with the tasks in the time frame of 20 minutes. 10/10 for this assignment activity.
I found 3 assignments that I wanted to complete in the Design Assignment bank this week.
Before completing any assignments, I had gone through almost all of the assignments in both the Visual and Design Assignment Bank. I resonated with 3 assignments in the design bank the most.
The first one I completed was the tattoo designs assignment, which is based on âTattoos that Describe youâ. Instead of describing myself I wanted to build the image of my Technoir character, Sapphria Mae. In my post, Don’t Say the Word Destiny While Reading This Post, you can feel the femme fatale vibes through the description of the tattoos. It isn’t the actual tattoos by itself that will lead you to think “femme fatale”. But I also thought that it was perfect for this type of character because it’s a little manipulative. The tattoos look sweet and innocent or cute, but they can be fatal if you look Sapphria in the eyes while she’s pointing her finger at you, or if she can get you to say the word “Destiny”. Read my post for more details on this.
The second assignment was a missing person flyer. I also created this in honor of Sapphria Mae because it’s in her nature to go missing or disappear! My post talks about the circumstance for her disappearance being unknown. With added information about her appearance, what she was wearing before she went missing, and an image of her on a flyer with contact information if you see her. I had fun with this one and put the most effort into this assignment because I had to make many edits to the flyer template. So worth it though.
My third post is called, Let’s Get Some Dinner. Inspired by the menu design assignment in the design assignment bank. Instead of designing my own menu, I wanted to design a menu that I felt like my Greek Femme Fatal character would have liked, and with a story behind it! The storyline was of a local restaurant owner who fell in love with Sapphria in Greece (Her hometown) and let her make an inspiring menu for his restaurant for the weekend. I chose classic Greek dishes and beverages to put on the menu to go with my character’s theme. In my post I talk more about why I designed the menu the way I did. Go check it out.
Daily Create Shenanigans on Week 3
I posted 3 daily creates this week on Mastodon. Each post being very different from the others. For all three of these Daily Creates I used Canva to create them or edit them. To see each of these you can click on the header of this paragraph, or you can click on the links below for quicker access.
Me Then and Now Doing Technology ; This one was nostalgic.
Design Our Header Image ; This one I felt I was most creative with and put the most thought into.
Obviously Photoshopped ; This one I find the most humorous and I had the most fun with it.
I also did my best to comment more and make replies to my peers this week! You can also see my replies in my post.
Design Thoughts Reflection
My reflection post was mainly about Chipp Kidd. I found him to be humorous, intellectual, and creative. Overall, an awesome human being from what I could see in the materials I looked through this week. I loved learning more about graphic design, what goes into making a book jacket, and how 2 people can align to make an awesome creation together.
I also learned more about our DS106 Cyberpunk and Technoir themes. I look forward to implementing this material into my work in the weeks to come.
One of the last things I did was vote on my favorite post for the week. I thought this was fun and I can’t wait to see everyone’s top rated favorites (Hopefully we will see this) next week. I loved looking at my classmates’ characters, blog pages, and creativity!
Thank you all for taking the time to read up on Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush.