For my third choice assignment, I felt inspired by the favorite song lyric assignment, especially with my course character, Lenore, in mind. She works in a music based subculture, so music is something holds very dear and close to heart. I went on a deep dive through all my playlists in search of the perfect lyric for her that would work as her favorite. I ended up settling on a ” ‘Come, devil, come’ she sang, ‘Call out my name’ ” from the song “Farewell Wanderlust” by The Amazing Devil. I felt like this lyric symbolized the way she battles and faces her inner demons and her past on a daily basis as it’s something that lives with her and always will, so instead of trying to push it away, she confronts them head on.
The next part of the assignment was to superimpose the lyrics over a background that represents the lyric. I chose a photo I took of the aurora we saw over campus last autumn. On the surface, it may seem like the background has no connection with the lyrics, but I used it very metaphorically. The thought process was that the aurora is something that is always happening somewhere in the world, it doesn’t often happen here, but it is always in existence. Sometimes it lasts in the sky for a long time, sometimes it stays for the blink of an eye. You may not know when you’ll see it again, but you know you probably will in one context or another at some point. I felt like that fit with the idea of Lenore’s inner demons and the confrontation of them. Sometimes the internal struggles lay dormant. They still exist, they just aren’t making an appearance. And sometimes they shine bright at the surface.
With the background and lyrics selected, I hopped onto Canva and put it all together. I chose a font that was sophisticated and elegant, but with a text effect that showed layers to symbolize all the different parts of Lenore under the surface. I also used some little elements like emphasis markers and devil horns to add character to the lyric and to attempt to visualize the way Lenore perceives the lyric in her mind, with extra emphasis on the “Call out my name” to show her unwavering demeanor towards confrontation.

I had fun thinking about all the little details and putting this together. It’s not the most intricate creation, but I think what really rings through is the symbolism and meaning behind each creative choice and how it relates to Lenore.