1 Second Video – Assignment Bank
Spent more than a second figuring out what I could do within a second and lots of time limiting the video to a second. This was one of the ones I did relating to my character Max, this is her during her learning process of hacking, so although it’s simple since it’s only one second, I think I got the message across. She was learning about destroying firewalls.
sixteen year old me – Assignment Bank
This is the second one I did relates to Max Matrix, at this point I need to make a full tag for her. Still for this one I used Picrew once again the three I used were https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2279033 https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/2439614/complete?cd=CZejO11znX https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569 These three allowed me to add a visual to my narrative つな, Weewa, and ヨイコ are the creators of the customizers. I interpreted the prompt as a call to a younger self not just a 16-year old self. In the end it can out cute and made me consider looking up ways to give Max her own voice.
Favorite Moments in College – Assignment Bank
Finally, this was a nice personal one I definitely plan to delete after this week since I don’t like putting myself or my families face on the internet for too long. Precious memories should be cherished and saved. Anyway, these are all the images I have taken since I enter college that weren’t deleted to make space.
Had a stressful week unfortunately finally I can breathe tomorrow.