I was looking back on one of my assignments from week 3 where I made an aesthetic song lyric image to represent my character, Lenore, and it had me thinking what other songs would represent her. With her working in a music-based scene, it didn’t feel right to only have one song that she connected with, so I decided to find another and create a lyric video snippet to showcase it.
I ended up choosing Demons by Empathy Test as the lyrics not only represent her troubled past and struggles with herself and her dreams, but the chorus provides a glimpse into the haven she’s made for herself and thrives in now. To get the right audio snippet, I scree-recorded my Spotify and converted it to an audio track that I then put into WeVideo as I have the most experience editing there. I chose a light background to compliment the soft sounds of the synths and vocals, and a dark font color coupled with a classy font for the verse lyrics to represent living in darkness on the inside, but never letting it affect her outward appearance. For the chorus, I added various fonts and colors as well as graphics to showcase a new vibrancy and variety that Lenore finds in her life.
The process of this was a lot more time consuming than I fully anticipated. Syncing up the text with the lyrics, getting everything stylistically correct, adding transitions to bring life to the lyrics, just creating a minute and a half of video took me about 2-2.5 hours. It’s a good thing I love this song and normally listen to songs on loop anyways because otherwise I would’ve gotten really sick of this song really fast.