Assignment #3 from the Video Assignment Bank this week; Where do you want to go?
The places in this video are all of the places that my character wants to travel too for her various reasons; To Giza, Monaco, and Tokyo. I chose these places for Sapphria because they are either exclusive, expensive, or entertaining to her. Sapphria loves secret treasure and will go on a risky mission to find it. She also loves living in lavish with other people’s money. And she thrives in the fast lane giving her many things to keep her busy.
I created this video on Canva, AND I successfully added music/sound effects to it! I found the sound effects on For each slide I added a fitting background color to it, I also added pictures of each place, and I added pictures of my character, her beloved sapphire gems, and airplanes or travel photos. For each different place I added a new font that I felt was themed or appropriate for the place.