I made this news article from a template on Canva. Luckily, Canva seems to have improved since the last time I used it, where I described it as, “the worst website I’ve ever had the displeasure of using.” Currently, it appears very similar to Picsart, which I have been using for other assignments in this class. I unfortunately got carried away creating a news article for my story instead of a scene from a tech noir film, so the first row is about my story, and the second row is about the matrix. I wrote and edited the text, as well as the moving images and background. I wanted the news to appear as if it were on a screen, letting me bypass certain limitations paper has, which let me use glowing text and moving images.
Warning: Due to video size make sure to watch video in full screen mode which you can click at bottom right of the video to view better!
Video Process
I wanted to make a more modern style news article similar to what I would see while scrolling on my phone, so I used Canva to create my news video. The red and white color theme was used to make the announcement look more urgent while the audio soundtrack I added was to help with making it seem more like a realistic news article. The video of the shootout from the Terminator is a gif I found from MakeGif that I edited in. The process was fun and I love how the video easily transitions between each slide as if it was professionally made.
I chose to report from the scene of The Terminator after the police station shootout. I created this video using Canva. I used 3 different sound effects. I also recorded myself in a little bubble while talking about what happened at the shootout. Sometimes when I watch the news, I see that they show both, the news anchor that is talking, and the actual released footage that they can show to viewers. So that inspired me to do it this way.
**And yes, I’m using my hairbrush as a mic, lol**
Some of the information in this news-video is incorrect or not as telling as it could be… Not saying that news channels do this to us or will give us only the information, video footage, or parts of the story that they want us to hear or see… but this news video does that. I edited the movie clip to show basically only “The Terminator” and the police officers. I gave no other deeper background or context of the story even though I could have. I mainly showed the violence, the aggressor, the victims, and the gore of it all. I didn’t show Sarah once in this clip, even though all of this happened because the terminator wanted her dead.
Sometimes I feel like some people or context will get left out of stories because news anchors only have limited time to give whatever is deemed as the most “important” information. I made this video seem as if it was the terminator against the police. Not the terminator doing whatever he has to do to get to Sarah. Things may not always be as they seem at first. As a news anchor or news channel, this would give me the opportunity after this video released to get people hooked to the story and wonder what happened and why. Then I could release another video with more information on it. And so on.
I also tried to make this a PSA as well. At the very end I tell residents in California to stay home and be safe and things like that. I feel like news anchors also do that as well.
Overall, had a lot of fun creating this. I also got comfortable with recording myself on a video clip. Yay! Hope you guys like it.
For this project I chose the first video, Police Station Shootout from The Terminator (1984). This scene was definitely pretty intense, but a good representation of film noir. I was very lucky this week because I had an important presentation for another class and decided to do a free trial for a month of Canva. This website is great for creating presentations, flyers, papers, anything you might need for free; however, it is really great when you’re paying for it (or on the free trial). Because of that, I was able to create this beautiful newspaper!
I am struggling to upload files onto WordPress, so working on that is definitely a future goal, for now, enjoy my screenshot.
This is a tweet following the shootout at the police station advising people to stay away and making the public aware of the situation that has taken place at the station.
For this assignment, I wanted to do the Black Mirror episode we had to do a video essay on last week, Hated in the Nation! I found this episode to be very interesting, so I knew I wanted to do a news article as the events in the episode sound realistic to me (which is very sad). I used Canva in order to find a template, and then from there wrote an article that summarized the crimes committed throughout the episode. I found a photo of the main character, Karin, off of Google. The photo is of her in the courtroom, to show that the article happens after the events of the episode. I then created a title, which is pretty relevant to our class theme, Tech-Noir Times. Overall, it was fun to experiment with this template in order to get my message across!
I decided to analyze and create a newsletter from this scene from the 1984 film “The Terminator”
I have never fully watched “The Terminator” fully through, so one thing I had to do after watching the scene was fill in any missing pieces that would help me create the newsletter.
This consisted of looking up why the Terminator was looking for Sarah, where the film is based, who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist.
Here is the finished project
I created this newsletter using Canva. I used a simple newsletter template and adjusted the font, photos, and colors. I bolded and added the color red to give the sense of urgency and terror which is what I would personally feel if I had an encounter with the Terminator.
I added eye catching yet simple photos which is what I believe a missing or wanted poster normally looks like.
This was a very fun creative assignment. I’m absolutely loving editing in Canva especially.
I used Canva to craft a newspaper article about the movie The Groundstar Conspiracy, after going through the movie it really was the best scene to make a movie about. The images were never clear, so I decided to make that a factor in it and treat them as if they were secret photos so naturally, they are blurry. Gotta expose the underground secrets~ the reporter definitely vanished after putting this story out though. Lots of clipping to make sure they fit.
For this project I chose to do an episode from Black Mirror “Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too”. I remember using this episode form another assignment for this class but I cannot seem to find it. Oh well.
I used a newspaper template from Canva and found a scene I wanted to write about on youtube. I chose one of the final scenes where the REAL Ashley is trying to get her life back and they crash a car into the stadium where the hologram Ashley is performing. I didnt was to catastrophize the hologram person because in the scene everyone is excited to see specifially Ashley Eternal, so society already knows this person is a hologram. So the big event that happens that disrupts everything in society’s eye is that the car crashed into the stadium and almost ran people over, so this is what I focused my story on. I then thought about the rest of the episode and there is a lot that happens with the character Ashley where she gets poisoned by her aunt and then is replaced by a character called Ashley O. In the timeline Ashley gets poisoned and then there is a time skip fo 6 months. Therefor, the first “read more” story I chose to do a “Where is Ashley” story. I figured I would want to know what is happening if suddenly my favorite singer/songwriter disappeared for six months without announcing anything. The second “read more” story I was on the sudden takeover of Ashley O after the first Ashley disappeared. I tried to make the timeline of events semi-clear by adding dates to the story of when it was published.
Overall, I had fun with this project. I enjoyed reading into an episode and making sure I covered the story in a way that is effective and entertaining for the audience.
Hitting 2 birds with 1 stone here. Once I saw the tech noir news and propaganda assignments, I thought it would be a really cool idea to incorporate them into 1 big newspaper cover. I chose The Terminator nightclub scene because I originally watched The Terminator earlier this semester and it was nice to revisit it and focus on one scene in particular. The propaganda I made (seen on the top right side) using Canva was something I thought of to connect my character, Eric Little, using a more dystopian style PSA, highlighting that reason of Eric’s innocence is because his family follows “The Arrow” a mysterious group that creates and enforces structure into all of society, much like in George Orwell’s 1984. I also made and used a wanted poster for Eric as he had been caught up in a previously unstated criminal conspiracy, which has now been revealed to be an underground anarchy against The Arrow. I really like being able to slowly tell the story of my character and progress as the semester goes forward.