My scene takes places when Krissy gets to the future and is exploring all the new tech products that the future has. She assumes Dr. Oblivion is similar to an Alexa, but she is mistaken and Dr. O is not afraid to tell her why. I used Sims 4 to help animate my idea and my friend was the voice actor for Krissy. The scene is listed below.
The process to make this video was long. To get Dr. Oblivion’s responses, I tried different lines from Krissy and used trial and error to find the best responses. I wanted to showcase Dr. O’s sarcastic personality but ran into the problem that his responses were just a tad limited. I eventually figured out that if I downloaded multiple audio clips, I could edit them together to get the lines I wanted. Once I had my conversation, I used Sims 4 to animate my scene. I thought this was the best medium because it allowed me to have complete control over the character design, lighting set, camera angle, and anything else. I then used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit everything together. A conflict I kept having was the screen recording of the Sims 4 was formatted as .avi, and Adobe doesn’t support .avi, however, I couldn’t go back and find a different method to record because I invested too much time into filming the Sims scenes (it may not look like it, but it took a lot of precise movements to get the camera where I wanted.) After I tried some different methods that didn’t work, I was able to use clipchamp to export the .avi into .mp4. This left me with a little bit of a blurry video, but it was the best option. My friend helped me out by voicing Krissy so she sent me an audio clip and I plugged it into the video. For Dr. Oblivion’s voice, I tried to generate the lip synced video but it was taking 30 minutes per download, and with editing together everything it would have added hours to a project that had already taken the better part of the day. Once everything else was finished, I uploaded the video to YouTube and the rest is history.