Category Archives: Summaries

Weekly Summary- 2/28

This week I used Canva a lot to create media to represent how I would format a movie scene into a news article, and to create my own propaganda that connects to Eric Little. Although these were 2 separate assignments, I thought it would be a cool idea to combine them into one, having both the new article and propaganda on the front page of this website’s newspaper, The Digital Canvas Times. For the movie scene, I used the nightclub scene from The Terminator, and used a sense of ambiguity behind the event to frame the shooting as a real event that was trying to be published as soon as possible even without having all of the information. Furthermore, the propaganda I put together had a prominent theme of structure that resonates well with Eric Little and his backstory as someone that’s only done what he is told. I also wanted to add different teasers such as identifying the conspiracy Eric is caught up in being an underground anarchy against the societal elites known as The Arrow, and adding a wanted poster of him in the bottom of the newspaper cover.

I also did the 3 daily creates this week which I will show below, as has become tradition.

Weekly Summary 2/21

This week was also focused on video media and video editing. I carefully chose and completed 3 Video Assignments from the assignment bank, those being: Advice to 16 Year Old Me, Signing Words, and Cold Winter Night. It was interesting and fun to create media using video because I also do it outside of the classroom for work related purposes. Shifting focus, however, was a good change of pace and creating different types through these assignments expanded my horizons. I also revisited my goals from the first week that I said I wanted to accomplish this semester, noting I’ve done so much more than I thought I would’ve without even being halfway through the semester. Lastly, I did 2 daily creates this week, which will be attached below.

Daily Creates:

Weekly Summary 2/14

Happy Valentine’s Day! My week was a very busy one, and I’m definitely glad it’s over with. This week was mainly spent watching the videos and learning about video editing and how crucial it is to a show or movie’s success, although most people don’t notice the specifics of it. It was really interesting to put that together towards the end of the week in my video essay and analyze a scene about potential downsides of a surveillance bee. I also did 2 Daily Creates which I enjoy doing just as a break from everything else.

Daily Creates:

In 5, 4, 3, 2…

This week was interesting, and I think the experience of delving into audio and the program Audacity has been helpful to my skillset overall. For the 2 audio assignments, I chose to create my own sound effect and whistle a song that was stuck in my head for over 3 weeks and now it’s back (that’s not an exaggeration sadly). I did a “gum bleeding” story using strictly sound effects (thanks Jim Groom for the great descriptive comment), and also made my radio bumper which I hope wasn’t too terrible. Using audacity took a bit of getting used to but I had slightly used it during my senior year of high school for my AP Spanish classes, although we were only recording conversations and responses rather than making media. Other than spending much of my screen time using audacity, brainstorming ideas for a radio show was a nice refresher to use my brain in a different way then messing around with 15 different audios, and so was taking the time to listen to Moon Graffiti and the infamous ds106 radio. I really liked the idea of Moon Graffiti and how it conveyed a completely alternative timeline to the Moon Landing using different sounds, layering of voices, and that big loud crash.

Overall, the weeks are definitely getting smoother as my skillset with media improves, and doing the Daily Creates (the 3 this week) are also a great way to look at things you wouldn’t normally notice or perceive a certain way.

My Daily Creates:

Weekly Summary-1/31

This week felt super long me. It dragged on for a while and felt never-ending, but that also helped me keep up with all of my work as I really get back into the swing of school after the long break. The 3 daily creates this week were fun, and I also enjoyed doing the 3 visual/design assignments for the week. This week I ended up choosing the Favorite Movie Quote, Destress & Color, and Shadow of A Doubt assignments. The Photoblitz was another really good way to look at my surrounding in a way I wouldn’t normally, and to also think quickly to fit in the 20 minute window (I got back to my computer after 23 minutes but those extra 3 minutes were traveling time). Furthermore, reviewing, commenting on, and voting for pieces I found well put together and cohesive was a great way to reflect on others’ work while also gaining some inspiration for the weeks ahead. Overall, the week felt a bit sluggish, but completing everything and taking time to reflect was very rewarding.

Daily Creates:

Weekly Summary- 1/24

This week was a bit crazy for me. Had a lot going on it was definitely harder to keep up with everything but I know I’ll improve in the coming weeks. I liked the idea of doing the Daily Creates, just a short and fun way to express some creativity and getting to look at other people’s responses was fun as well. I also had fun designing my character, Eric Little, as an innocent victim and even using his last name to represent his knowledge of the dangerous outside world was cool to experiment with. Some issues I had this week was that I really wanted to fix my website URL to change the main page to have a cleaner and more organized subdomain structure. It may seem simple on the surface, but I ended up having to go down an entire rabbit hole into my File Directory to move a bunch of files around once I got the WordPress URL and Site URL changed. This was because after that initial change I wasn’t able to access my website and edit it because of the URL and wp admin shift. Nonetheless, I got it all figured out minus pulling out a few strands of hair stressing about it.

For the Assignment Bank, I chose to do an Audio Assignment, a Video Assignment, and a Visual Assignment, heard from Dr. Oblivion about my Film Review and updated it appropriately, and lastly read the Technopoly reading and consulted Dr. Oblivion about that as well.