Category Archives: spring25bond

Last Week!!!

It seems so crazy to be writing my last blog post! I had such a fun time with this class. I felt like I was struggling a lot in the beginning with trying to understand all of the assignments and what to do but I quickly got the hang of it! I think my favorite part about this course was daily creates and audio assignments. I didn’t know much about audio and mixing sounds and learning new tools and how to use it better with videos. I can’t think of one assignment I thought I did the best in but I know all my daily creates were SUPER thought out. I loved having a prompt and doing things what I think it means and A LOT of daily creates were so much fun to make or do. I loved learning new tool and websites to use and play with. I did think in the beginning was hard for me to do so many blog posts and I tried to separate them but I was working 25+ hours a week on top of four other classes. So I think what I would have done different would to look at the assignments and each blog assignment a week before and set personal due dates for each blog post throughout the week. Overall, I had a fun time in this class! I have been wanting to take this class since my freshman year and I am glad I was able to take it before I graduated!

HAGS!! lol!

-Reese Kubricki

They need us

I gave a lot of thought on how I wanted to do the short video for my last DS 106 assignment. We were asked to pretend we were giving a short speech at a conference. There were some points we were asked to hit. Could not be longer then 2 mins or we would fail! Just kidding about failing. I realized Aggressive Technologies needs us, the consumer and the worker.

I put some of my favorite things I have made for a slide show to watch while you listen to me drone on and on and on. If you paid close attention, I threw a picture of myself in there. I mentioned the creation of characters for the class and the radio show. Those were some of my favorite things we/ I did. I am also very proud of my fake 911 call about a skunk in a house. Ravioli Radio was a joy to create. The whole team was amazingly creative. I thoroughly enjoy listening to our show. Ravioli team don’t let anyone steal your joy from your creative work. Art is subjective not everyone is going to like it. Remember Jesus was perfect, and they murdered him. Not everyone is going to like what you like or even like you. In DS 106 it truly is the weird and the wonderful. Aggressive Technologies is just jealous of us.

That’s a wrap

It’s my final week….. I mean, its finals week so here is my final video for the Aggressive technologies conference. I did this as myself. I hope you enjoy it, I filmed this on my phone during a short study break so I apologize for the stuttering! I tried to cover all of the topics in the most efficient way.


For the AT conference I used Canva and a app called LALAMU to create digital avatars and voice overs. I thought it would be fitting if the avatars were animated because I wanted them to look like something that Layla the manga artist would draw. The below video answers the second prompt about what I feel like the best thing I created was and goes over why I think Aggressive Technologies should support DS106 students. Check out the video below and I hope you enjoy it!

Writing this blog this semester has truly been fun and I really enjoyed being able to expand upon Layla the manga artist story as well as learn all about AI. I hope you all had a great semester and have an awesome summer.

Final Week

I would say with complete certainty that Dr. Ravioli is the best thing I have created in this course. Not only is he famous and very well-loved, but it has been so much fun creating him and expanding his lore and love for mopeds. One of the best things about crafting characters like Dr. Ravioli is the opportunity to exercise creativity and imagination. Through the process of creating Dr. Ravioli, I gained skills in character development, storytelling, and even digital art and design when visualizing him and making art and projects based on him. Creating characters often involves a degree of empathy and understanding, as you have to consider their motivations, personalities, and backgrounds. This can help cultivate empathy and perspective-taking skills, which are valuable both in digital studies and in life in general. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and I do plan on expanding the Dr. Ravioli market. Now I will give the Mic to Dr. Ravioli as he wants to talk about how Aggressive technologies should support this course.

Ds106 Finale

In the video below, I respond to the two prompts given by Professor Bond for this week’s weekly assignment. I also provided a case for why Aggressive Technologies should embrace DS106. I simply videotaped myself and put it to YouTube; check out my video below! This class taught me a variety of topics about technology and the digital world. I accomplished and did things I never thought possible, especially as someone who isn’t particularly knowledgeable in technology or AI. Thank you, ds106, for providing so much useful material that I will utilize in future classes and beyond! See you later → Peter out!!