It seems so crazy to be writing my last blog post! I had such a fun time with this class. I felt like I was struggling a lot in the beginning with trying to understand all of the assignments and what to do but I quickly got the hang of it! I think my favorite part about this course was daily creates and audio assignments. I didn’t know much about audio and mixing sounds and learning new tools and how to use it better with videos. I can’t think of one assignment I thought I did the best in but I know all my daily creates were SUPER thought out. I loved having a prompt and doing things what I think it means and A LOT of daily creates were so much fun to make or do. I loved learning new tool and websites to use and play with. I did think in the beginning was hard for me to do so many blog posts and I tried to separate them but I was working 25+ hours a week on top of four other classes. So I think what I would have done different would to look at the assignments and each blog assignment a week before and set personal due dates for each blog post throughout the week. Overall, I had a fun time in this class! I have been wanting to take this class since my freshman year and I am glad I was able to take it before I graduated!
HAGS!! lol!
-Reese Kubricki